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Everything posted by VillaHatesMe

  1. 50 is league average. As for everything else, here's a glossary. https://smarterscout.com/faq
  2. I think our mistake might be in assuming Origi would be here to play centrally. Liverpool has used him out wide quite a bit, and he might be asked to fill a role as a winger here. In other words, it wouldn't be Wes or possibly Watkins Origi would be competing with, but Trez and El Ghazi. Either way, positional versatility is a good thing, and it's one thing we don't have enough of alongside pace.
  3. I've long been an admirer of Xherdan Shaqiri, and if we could bring him in to play 60 minutes, or come on as a sub, I'd be all for it.
  4. To anybody who is still holding on to the Andrea Belotti pipe dream, word out of Italy is Torino isn't planning to sell him this window. And even if he does move, odds are he's way out of our price range.
  5. Jonas Wind, whom I mentioned as a possible target after we hired Johan Lange, just scored a goal for Copenhagen in their Europa League match. He's scored on 100% of the shot attempts I've seen him take so he's a must have!
  6. I added Tammy on my own just to see, but the similarities are a bit more obvious when Ollie and Wes are side by side. Neither are great with the ball at their feet, but they are good at aerial duels in open play and can move the ball. Decent receiving in the box. Basically, target men to distribute out to wings who then poach around the box when opportunities are there. To further drive the point, look at the goals Ollie scored in open play this season compared to the goals Wes scored in open play in Belgium last year.
  7. It's called Smarter Scout. You get five free searches per day. Any more than that and you have to start paying. So I'm just about tapped out today.
  8. We certainly seem to have a type, don't we? This is a chart comparing Watkins this season, Tammy with us in the Championship, and Wesley's final season in Belgium
  9. Do you think Trump has even considered the impact removing troops from Germany will have on the USMNT?
  10. I wish women who weren't interested in talking to me talked to me as often as Villa Talk posters who don't want to talk to each other do.
  11. He still has work to do defensively considering he's currently tabbed as a DM. I personally wonder if he's better suited for more of an attacking No. 10 type role, but my beloved Azzurri being the Azzurri, want him to be "the next Pirlo" instead. I do believe that he has an incredible sense of vision and anticipation for somebody who is so young (won't be 21 until May). He needs to get to a better team to grow, and I expect he'll be at one of the top Italian clubs soon enough.
  12. (Prices are estimations) CB - Nikola Milenkovic - £25M MF - Weston McKennie - £20M RW - Bruno Tabata - £5M LW - Said Benrahma - £25M CF - Odsonne Edouard £20M
  13. More the latter. They have different strengths, but Benrahma had the better overall season this year than Buendia did in 2018-19. Benrahma just seems to be the bigger threat to score, while Buendia is trying to make it happen for others.
  14. A comparison of Buendia in the Championship two seasons ago and Benrahma there this year.
  15. He'll bring some physicality that's for sure https://wittyfutty.com/2019/11/video-robin-olsen-and-lapadula-red-cards-for-punching-each-other/
  16. If we're looking for a CB, we could do a lot worse than Marash Kumbulla from Verona. Young, promising, and ready.
  17. If you'll allow me to be pedantic, as I see the term "Moneyball" being used in 100 different ways as I read through this thread... I'm an obsessive American baseball fan who read Moneyball when it came out. "Moneyball" has since become a catch-all term for anybody in sports trying to denote that they're going to be doing things "smarter" than their competition. The truth is everybody uses this approach. Even in baseball, the original "Moneyball" tactics used by the Oakland Athletics are obsolete. Or at least there's no advantage to them because everybody uses them. Now it's all about player development (baseball's version of an academy). "Moneyball" has never been about one specific thing. It isn't about finding cheap players and flipping them for more later. It's not about finding cheap players who do one thing well. It's not about anything. "Moneyball" is simply finding the market inefficiency and exploiting it before your competition does. Then, when they catch on, it's finding the new market inefficiency. It could be anything. It could be Danish players. Thank you for allowing me to vent a bit about this. And if you skipped past it, that's all right too.
  18. Hudderfield turned down a £15 million bid for Grant in January so I couldn't see them parting with him for £10 now.
  19. If it's as depth in case of injury, sure. If the plan is to have him playing significant minutes, no thanks.
  20. If we didn't have bigger needs it'd be a no-brainer. I'd still go for it for around £20 million if it doesn't interfere with a striker, winger(s) and a mid.
  21. The story the tweet cites says that Bologna is in the lead because Bologna has told him they plan to insert him into the starting 11 right away. Having seen a lot of Bologna's defense this year, I can certainly see why they're willing to try an 18-year old.
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