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Everything posted by Raymond

  1. So three moments in the game makes up the entire game for you? He played well, but he did lose the ball, on a wet pitch, a couple times. Guess we should sell him and buy a player that never loses the ball.
  2. This is the change people wanted. Lets see you all call Lambert an idiot for it if it does not work out.
  3. You can read this thread and find out why our home form is always poor. Even under MON.
  4. Dominating possession. No chances for the other team. God we are shit.....
  5. The winger we signed that only ever played for Leyton Orient and the San Jose Bastard Earthquakes? If you think he's going to be any better you'll be sorely disappointed. He's another example of Lambert pissing in the wind. Yep. No good players have ever played outside the English top division.
  6. We were much more successful down the left. Need to get the ball back on that side.
  7. Do we have enough Ambulances at the park? This is a rough match.
  8. This is reminding me of those early season games where we would dominate without scoring. Have to get a goal.
  9. I hate these early morning games, especially on Sunday. 7:15 AM too early to start drinking?
  10. Yoga is fun, but shouldn't we be practicing corners?
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