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Everything posted by foreveryoung

  1. He has definitely been treated unfairly, just read some of the bile on here. Or ask the people who turned up at VP before his appointment. But he has failed, badly, and should be removed for that reason alone. Were he to stay, I can't see next season being as bad as this, and if he were to convert 8 of our draws to victories, then we are suddenly respectable. A big 'if' though! I want him to go, but if he is our manager next season, then he will get my support. I haven't been a 'McLeish clapper' this past few months, but I am willing to learn Awwww! Lerner is a lucky boy he has fans like you.
  2. Hardly any protest in the lower Trinity, I was in C7 and they were clapping McLeish going into the tunnel and he clapped back no one said anything against him. Ive said before, we get carried away on here, but there are many people who are happy just to go to games and support the crap he serves! We know season tickets are down but there are still plenty being bought even fans on here, might be 50% who have renewed already.
  3. I rate Guzan better than Given to be honest, we should give him more games.
  4. If McLeish plays defensive football in this one, im gonna believe that is seriously all he knows. We should go out full on attack. Although I do realise we have no real strikers left, Carruthers could shine.
  5. McLeish has been terrible but how can you defend teh players? Bar given even has under performed - I don't blame the kids as they are new to it; Petrov did Ok when he played and Given hasn't let us down; but Gabby, Hutton, NZog, Dunne, Collins, Warnock, Delph and even Ireland wouldn't warrant above a 5/10 performance for this season. Bannan (after the drink driving incident) & Albrighton have looked off the pace as well. Summary: McLeish needs to go. However he is more than right to have a go at the players they have been crap this season. Don't give me this about McLeish never taking responsibility and blaming the players, Did DOL? Did MON? No in fact they did quite the opposite. I have not heard McLeish once blame his tactical set up, he thinks he is doing right every game, so he has got little respect for the players they are obviously not performing. Wenger, Ferguson, Mancini. I have all heard them say they got it wrong. Even if the players have an off game its ""WE" not only the players, the fans etc. This is where McLeish is going wrong, he is alienating the players by blaming them. But the players know tactically they are not a wining side its all wrong. No wonder they cannot be bothered.
  6. We need to boycott its the only way. But I believe there are to many die hards who support Villa what ever the results. There is alot of hate for McLeish, but as was proof yesterday at the game, there's not much bottle about. Like alot of fans had the McLeish out flyers, but thought they were just to take home, hardly anyone showed them. I was in the Trinity and when McLeish walked past at the end of the game, he clapped the fans and most clapped back others just went very quiet??????????
  7. I really dont understand the media input on Villa and sticking up for McLeish. Here are some pointers for any media who come on to this site for facts. !, To many Injuries: We had a full squad for more than half of the season, he could'nt get results even then. 2, No money to spend: As quoted, we spent 20 million in the summer, signed Nzog who he has alienated due to trying to make him too defensive. Jenas, need I say more and Hutton, who to be fair is a tipical McLeish player, shit. 3, He came from Blues we will never accept him: We dont give a flying **** he came from Blues give us Houghton anytime soon. He has broke negative records here only winning 7 games the whole season and relegated Blues twice this is the problem you c**ts. 4, He dont have the players: Funny last time I looked, we had Steven Ireland International, Darren Bent International, Nzog International, Petrov international, Dunne, Collins (ok not the best) internationals, Gabby and Warnock have also been internationals. Its about Motivation something McLeish cant do!!!! 5, The fans have never accepted him: We have gave him enough time only really giving him shit from the Bolton game and that was because he felt he needed to be defensive against a "quality Bolton side" This is just a snippet of facts from his quality season, to help you useless media. They (the media) are obviously to close to McLeish that they cant report any negativity, I bet charlie nicks must be drinking with him. Merson "wake up" he is shite has been all season!
  8. Noticed he did'nt get many cheers when his name was read out at the begining of the game???
  9. NZog dont get on with McLeish, fact! Ireland was my man of the match (did you watch the game??) though he may be playing for a move. The younger lads have got quality, but when McLeish keeps playing them a different way they are trained, its very hard to show there styles. Its also very hard for anyone to show there quality when Mcleish keeps playing a defensive game.
  10. Like you said Lerner has the final say, Faulkner wasn't in charge of finding a new manager. From what I remember Lerner had used a headhunting business to draw up a list of candidates which McLeish was on. Lerner had final say on McLeish not Faulkner. And financially? No he hasn't **** up. In the season he has arrived at the club turnover has improved by £15m from the previous season. So what bad decision has Faulkner actually made without Lerner around? Im really slating his zero football knowledge. His biggest **** up as we know is agreeing with Lerner McLeish was the right appointment. Im sure Faulkner must have agreed 100% in favour McLeish was the right chioce. If he had any football knowledge he would have strongley advised against his appointment. Its very hard, even if you own the company to undermine any advise from your number 1, i.e Faulkner!
  11. Sounds like he is pleeding to be honest. But to be fair he has done what has been asked of Lerner. Reduce the wage bill and use limited funds. If he is going it will be because of the worry of season ticket sales and dropping of revenues not the dire football which we have been seeing. McLeish will be claiming he could not play better football with the limited squad and injuries. Its all down to Lerner to make the decision!!!
  12. OK.............! Im not sure weather you know business, but, Lerner owns the club, ok he makes final decisions. It is Faulkners job to advise Lerner what should happen at the club and to make decsions with the help of the team he has employed. He obviously has zero football knowledge and has employed people who may have very limited knowlege too! If it is his job to look after finances, he has **** up there too by allowing Mcleish to come to our club, this was obviously gonna have a big affect on revenues. Who do you think runs the club when Lerner is not here, who makes the decisions. Ive no doubt Faulker has great business accumen, but not on running a multi million pound football club!!!!!
  13. **** off Faulker he has no idea of football, probably never even played. We need a football name in the directorhsip, someone with advanced knowledge of football. Its plane obvious no one knows enough about the game on the board. Lerner is still the man to own us, but need to change advisors and Faulker they are absolutlely clueless fcuking idiots.
  14. Just got back from game, alot of McLeish out flyers being given out. Saw 1 guy hold it up after the game, miserable protest, starting to get worried this guys gonna be here nest season. Quote by McLeish "we are gonna have to get the goals when 'we' play here next season" Scary!!!!
  15. No chance, its obvious we would all hate him and not accept him cause he came from bloose:)?
  16. If McLeish is here next season I will be ignoring the Villa. Sorry, before all you die hards get on my back. I will not be able to watch a bunch of highly paid players not even try. Its not just results, we all know its gonna take a quality manager to control our players, its obvious its all getting out of hand. But I can't blame the players, anyone even myself would take advantage and **** about if not managed correctly.
  17. What a load of bollocks! If they had any respect for the manager they would'nt have been out. They have apologised because they've had too and they don't wanna lose there 50k a seek salaries! its got nothing to do with respecting Mc donut????
  18. As I noted earlier in the thread. It seems strange McLeish gave no speech at the player awards and its been reported he also stayed away from the directors and Lerner. He's a gonna I reckon!
  19. You must be dead if ya to old for Apres, there's some right old wrinkelys in there:) were anyway McLeish out.
  20. I hate Chelsea with a passion but don't want Liverpool to win it, hate them even more. King Kenny makes me laugh what a complete and utter knobber! Guarantee he must be out soon, his post match interviews make me wanna shake him till he dies from it
  21. Martinez of Rafa for me. Martinez if Lerner wants to play it safe and cheap, or Rafa if he wants to show real intent and get the fans back on his side. I will have no trouble acquiring a season ticket if Lerner was to choose the latter.
  22. I have it on good knowledge that McLeish was sitting with the players at the awards night , did not socialise with the board/Lerner and did'nt even give a speech after the awards were given out. If this is not a sign he is finshed I dont know what is!! Quote in the paper today from McLeish "now is the time to start winning at home". Its a little late dont ya think t w a t!!!!!
  23. McLeish will be watching the Tottenham game thinking "9 behind the ball should be ok for Sunday"????
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