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Everything posted by foreveryoung

  1. I'm not sure what he is doing here, but official now and he does not want any loans paid back or money from the sale of the club. That's gotta be bordering 4 billion quid. These guys are just insanely rich.
  2. A pal reckons it's all boll****s. The reason the energy prices are going up is due to the government forcing them to invest in green energies and our race to be carbon neutral.
  3. Can't see he's mate putin being very happy with that if true. I'd say it's bs. He will need the money soon. 2 of his properties for sale in Lindon too. Unless it's not worth keeping anything in the UK anymore.
  4. Fuel costs are just getting insane, an apparently will get worse. Average £1.60 a litre now for diesel. Some thing needs to be done, we know the petroleum companies profits have to exceed the Billions, but this is ridiculous for the regular consumer.
  5. If the Queen can survive a dose of Covid in her delicate state, I'm sure mask wearing down to 10% will be just fine.
  6. I do worry about Biden. The end of his speech he said "Go get emm'? All he did was praise Ukraine, while looking a bit clueless lucky he's just a puppet. I never thought he would manage being president, kinda reminds of your grandad, looks up, goes back to sleep. So glad they have all ruled put the no fly zone over Ukraine.
  7. Be interesting to see if the Cyber crew anonymous drain the Russian banks tomorrow as promised.
  8. To be fair the longer it goes on, the weaker Russia will get. So let's see.
  9. He'll be in the mountains now, in his bunker which is like a second city apparently
  10. Not sure if they have any with range, but even if they did, I doubt they would, it wouldn't be a good move.
  11. Hope its a munitions depot and not just the Missile
  12. It'll be coming for many anyway mate. No vehicle imports to Russia will cripple alot of companies financially. They have already said we will suffer, but not as much as the Ukrainians.
  13. Imagine being interrogated by Uysk, I think he could break anyone.
  14. I'd say Bulgaria are with us too, seeing that the RAF including a Eurofighter Typhoon is flying over there airspace.
  15. No one is sure why they are just letting that convoy just sit there, when they are basically coming to level Kiev. It's as strange a situation like when Villa let Glenn Whelan take that penalty.
  16. Whoa! Biden's out of bed, gonna be a speech at 9pm, not sure if that's our time as it's reported on CNN.
  17. Boris might have not handled the Covid crisis the best, but I have to admit he is certainly in his prime at the moment on this war with his speeches and diplomacy. Although he has always wanted to be the next Churchill, of the 21st century. I totally agree with his comeback to the Ukranian women in the video. We cannot enforce a no fly zone and start shooting down Russians, that;s just not a option, or where we want to be going.
  18. Be interesting to know what the USAF Stratotankers are fueling, there's about 4 circling Romania on Flight radar, been there everyday.
  19. An I thought all the Worzels were on the WM phone in. Just listening to Talk radio in the car to hear the latest news, there are some right ones on there. Apparently one chap and he wasn't the worst, said Ukraine should have just give into Putin as he has all the nukes, an at least the West can't have it??
  20. It wouldnt take too long too see what exact weaponry that convoy has, there's Surveillance up there now that can tell what the tank a commander has got on his sandwich.
  21. Not sure if its been spoke about yet as just catching up. But what's the reason a TB2 can't go and light up that convoy. Surey they have the Intel where it is. The USAF would have "brought the rain', by now!
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