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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Shut the door on your way out. You won't be missed.
  2. General, TBH I've never felt motivated to post on here before - I've never felt the need. All I have to say, is that I trust you, Paul Faulkner and Randy to act in the clubs best interest. As far as I'm concerned you have NEVER let us down before - and on that basis I have no reason to believe you will do so now. All that I ask is that careful consideration be given as to the appointment of the new manager, and that whoever he is, is truely the best possible candidate. You will have MY support whoever you decide that person is. Up The Villa.
  3. Double 'e' in succeed! *runs and hides behind nearest rock* :winkold: Already edited smart arse. Now, whats the :: code for the "kick in the crotch" smiley..?
  4. Here is a novel idea, IF you don't want McLeish (who hasn't even been appointed yet IIRC) - If you really feel that unhappy, do some good with it in stead of ruining your mums linens. Use the money you would have spent supporting Villa over the season and make a donation to Acorns. Please post proof on here as a recognition of your feelings. If even 5k angry Villa fans donate the price of a season ticket a fantastic good can be made of all this - £2m to a wonderful charity if my maths holds up. The simple fact of the matter is that not one person will do this, because IF AM gets the job and IF AM wins say 4 or 5 out of his first 6, every single "fan" on here moaning and comlaining and generally acting like massive clearings in the woods, will be back, acting like they never complained at all - singing his name and looking forward to the Proud History:Bright Future we were promised. We ALL want Villa to succeed (apparently) - lets at least given them the opportunity to try eh?
  5. You're right.. What right does the owner of a business have to appoint senior executives that he feels are right fit for the strategy he has in mind for his business? After spending £65 million buying the business and then investing upwards of £150m on the infrastructure of that business, all from his family's wealth, he should now step back from making any decisions on how he feels is the best way to protect and grow that investment. Loaned the business £150m. And your point is? The fact it is a directors loan not a gift means he DOESN'T get to play with HIS train-set?
  6. Eames, Get with the program. Sound reasoning, logic and patience are out the window this week. Just fall in line, call everyone a word removed and save your intelligent posts for the "Off Topic" forum FWIW, I agree entirely with what you posted. Or, I should I say... ^^THIS^^ Sorry Gaz. I meant.... *pig-ignorant outraged comment* **** OFF, clearing in the wood, rocket polisher, rocket polisher,** Send back ST, burn down Villa Park, RL has betrayed us. There.....
  7. You're right.. What right does the owner of a business have to appoint senior executives that he feels are right fit for the strategy he has in mind for his business? After spending £65 million buying the business and then investing upwards of £150m on the infrastructure of that business, all from his family's wealth, he should now step back from making any decisions on how he feels is the best way to protect and grow that investment.
  8. To get a record much lower than that when your managing Rangers in the Scotish league would be some achievement in itself. Has anyone watched Scotish football and understand whats goes on up there? No stats convert from Scottish football to the Prem, they arnt even valid. I spoke to a Rangers season ticket holder who gave me the low down and he was a bit meh, raised a few bad points and said he would not take us any further. His stats in the Prem are awful, thems what count. (That was his international win percentage. FTR.) His PL stats are awful because he has managed SHA, who by definition are awful. RM's at Wigan, are awful because he has managed Wigan. Grant at Chelsea did exceptionally well, he had better players and decent investment - at Pompey and WH terrible, because he had shit to work with. Blackpool played wonderful attacking football and got relegated. Style of football means **** all if you haven't got the players. Villa have and the money to sustain that. I'm not saying I'm happy. Just feel that some of the diva like overeactions on here are laughable.
  9. They could have appointed me manager and you'd still have come up with some positives, lets just wait and what he does to Albrighton when he brings in Larsson. And? I'm positive, and happy with that. My only concern is how the fans will react. I'd rather not have another season like the last one. GET BEHIND WHOEVER IS APPOINTED! Finally - after 100 pages of searching, someone else with a brain. :shock: Posted this last night. I support the club, the team, the 11 men on that field in claret and blue. Doesn't matter who the owner is, who the board are, who the manager is, who the players are, what division we're in. I will still support this club. I don't think AM is the BEST appointment, but I will never, ever turn my back on the club. Succesful clubs are the ones with unity and stability, from the Chairman right down to the fans. So what McLeish managed SHA. He's not a nose. His win record with Scotland was 70%. 70 with SCOTLAND.[\size] Its idiots with bedsheets outside the ground and phoning talkSPORT that are ruining this club. Not Lerner, not the General or anyone else.
  10. I support the club, the team, the 11 men on that field in claret and blue. Doesn't matter who the owner is, who the board are, who the manager is, who the players are, what division we're in. I will still support this club. I don't think AM is the BEST appointment, but I will never, ever turn my back on the club. :support:
  11. There are a few chaps on here that have laid a fortune on McLeish. Whoops. :bonk:
  12. IF we offer it and IF he takes it - I will forever wish my bollocks were even half the size of his. Brave, brave man.
  13. Not on ssn. Surely if this was right everyone would be all over it?
  14. We will have a sponsor for the start of the season so.... We have a CEO so.... Clutching at straws, blinded by hatred. If they are your only reason why we are apparently poorly run, then you dont have a clue. You're proper clueless. We had no ceo until Faulkner. We had no sponsor until fx pro. Years of no management. A shambles of fired people from the boardroom, resignations. So we are or were poorly run? Because your banging on about things years old, not effect anything now. Your proper not making any sense. It's not my fault you're stupid. In the 09/10 season we had no sponsor, during the end of that season we get a ceo to drive to get revenue in the following summer. Randy says sell to buy, wage bill too high in relation to revenue. Why on earth did we spend two seasons without a sponsor if we needed money? Why only in the summer of 2010 did we get a ceo and go try get a huge income stream like a shirt sponsor? What was happening up until then, years of no ceo, years of no sponsor. But we DID have a sponsor didn't we? Randy never said sell to buy - that is your (incorrect) assumption. Randy wanted the wage bill reduced (a perfectly reasonable request) Spurs spent and spend less on wages than us and get CL football - we pay Sidwell and Beye 50k a week to sit on their arses. ... and I wouldn't say MG is stupid on the basis he doesn't agree with you. In fact, I'm inclined to believe that it is confirmation of his intelligence.... unless that is measured in "number of posts" now.....
  15. We will have a sponsor for the start of the season so.... We have a CEO so.... Clutching at straws, blinded by hatred. If they are your only reason why we are apparently poorly run, then you dont have a clue. You're proper clueless. We had no ceo until Faulkner. We had no sponsor until fx pro. Years of no management. A shambles of fired people from the boardroom, resignations. So when randy did his buy to sell talk last year he'd only then decided to run the club as a business. So we were making losses and yet people blame the football manager and not the fact the club was mismanaged. Revenue streams like sponsors were not there, they should have been there for two years before the wages crisis. If we had an extra 12 nil in revenue would we have had that crisis last sumner? The club has not been run well. The recession was the catalyst for Randy to start to erin the club as a business Again lots of facts but no evidence to support them. Where did the 12m from FX Pro come from? Yes making losses is partly the managers fault, when we are paying reserves 50k a week. We gave our sponsor to a charity - wonderful gesture. I can't see what the problem is other than the fact that you are clearly a MON fan....?
  16. Ooooh there is a shout now......
  17. Yes bastards.... giving over sponsorship to a charity...... also - how do you know FX pro gave us 12m? How long for? The year? The full term of the original agreement? We don't have to sell to increase income, have reduced the wagebill, (which is in excess of Spurs for example) and stop paying muppets like Sidwell and Beye signed by MON to sit on their arses for a season. Well run club.... financially sound, ethically minded.
  18. Isn't he working for Chechen gansters or something? Fudge me, if they "sack" him, he'll be in no state to manage anyone.
  19. Why don't you take yourself elsewhere then? Surely you would find suitable gratification on another forum..... oh I don't know, at random? Techradar Electricpig Whatmobile Phones 4U Website.....?
  20. 1. They bought MON's silence. Constructive dismissal or whatever. MON clearly got what he wanted out of this tribunal and no one has heard a thing about it. 2. Houllier was cleared to return by some of the doctors, he could have been advised by the club that they'd prefer to follow another route, so he got his compo too. All IMO of course. The club paid MON off to drop the constructive dissmissal claim rather than face publication of the full facts. The High Court has a nasty habbit of printing copies of judgements in such cases and i fear that would have been a greater embarassement. MON obviously values his bank balance higher than his "principles" Bullshit. The club did wrong by him and he got his due compensation. If he simply resigned for no reason then he wouldn't be entitled to a penny. The fact he keeps his mouth shut is because he's a respectable man. Hello again :wink: He's kepy his mouth shut because he knew he wouldn't get a penny if he didn't and now part of the pay off means he HAS to keep it shut. There was no "honour" in stitching us up like he did and I'd love to know how he was "wronged?" Then again, I'm only a newbie..... what could I know.
  21. 1. They bought MON's silence. Constructive dismissal or whatever. MON clearly got what he wanted out of this tribunal and no one has heard a thing about it. 2. Houllier was cleared to return by some of the doctors, he could have been advised by the club that they'd prefer to follow another route, so he got his compo too. All IMO of course. The club paid MON off to drop the constructive dissmissal claim rather than face publication of the full facts. The High Court has a nasty habbit of printing copies of judgements in such cases and i fear that would have been a greater embarassement. MON obviously values his bank balance higher than his "principles"
  22. Yes **** off Randy Learner what a rocket polishing clearing in the woods you are. How dare you spit on the proud history of this club by providing us with, £200m, world class training facilities, free coaches, a renovated Holte Suite, mosaics and vastly improved stadium and club structure. We would be far better off without you. :bonk:
  23. Empolyer respects applicants confidentiality..... how is this a circus? Its amazing how many people can't just go with the flow, and trust that the board (who have NEVER let the club down IMHO) will get the right person for the job. 8)
  24. Any idea what he is doing in London? Finalising Carlo Ancelotti's contract "thanking him for being so professional during the negotiations... " "looking forward to a long and productive relationship" "only real candidate......" blah blah you know the score. :bonk:
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