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Everything posted by Mr_Dogg

  1. I thought of adding The Sopranos, but thought it might count as comedy-drama? haven't seen it, so just guessing. :? Haven't heard of the others on your list, nor has anyone i know! :oops: as for not a great list, maybe its an age thing? Everyone i know between 16-30 watch all the ones on my list, but i doubt they would have even heard of the ones you mentioned. I'm 26. Dear god man, go out and watch something decent. I like Lost, Prison Break and the sarah connor chronicles but they don't compare in terms of writing and acting compared to the ones I mentioned. Look at the Wires and the sopranos rating on imdb.
  2. Not a great list is it, doesn't have The Wire, the Sopranos, Six Feet Under, Deadwood etc.
  3. I don't get the Ashton love in. I'd prefer Darren Bent.
  4. I don't trust Ashton's fitness and I don't understand the hype. Can someone explain it?
  5. They've lost Hleb & Flamini. Two pivotal players last season. They will have a fit van Persie and an older Walcott but those 2 will be hard to replace. I can't see them keeping up with the other 2 over a whole season but I'd say they'll be up with them til 3/4ers of the way. Ya maybe but Arsenal are very unpredictable. Diaby could replace Flamini and Nasri could replace Hleb.
  6. Arsenal are dismissed again but they were excellent last year and unlucky with injuries.
  7. Given the nature of the work carried out by acorns it was decided not to put it on the shirts of young kids. this was mentioned earlier.
  8. Yes. Finnan would be very good and we can put this all behind us and move on by signing some top players. Soon hopefully.
  9. Mr_Dogg


    Let us know what you think. I'm always looking for converts.
  10. Mr_Dogg


    I would say it's the best tv programme ever, just a bit better then the Sopranos. Takes a bit of getting used to and maybe 6 or 7 episodes to get hooked. Definitely recommended to everyone.
  11. Mr_Dogg


    Ever watch The Wire?
  12. Mr_Dogg


    Can I ask people who have discovered Dexter, do they like any other US shows? Because it's almost as if people are surprised it's good.
  13. Just read that, I would guess at a foreign club by the way he says it.
  14. The boredom is driving people to this?
  15. Hi General, Is there any official link between Villa and any travel companies or hotels to offer deals or packages? i.e. ticket and hotel covered in the one price? Is there any work in progress to offer any deals like this? For example, Thomas Cook have some links with clubs which seem to offer some saving. And even if the saving was minimal it would offer some convenience.
  16. That's what's pissing me off. The same thing happened last time. How unlucky can we be.
  17. Mr_Dogg

    Flag Vote

    I'm surprised 3 is so popular. We can be proud of our history but considering 8 of our trophy's were won before 1900 it could be considered a little sad IMO.
  18. Mr_Dogg

    Flag Vote

    2, 1, 3, 4 in that order. 3 is a bit tacky imo and as was said 4 looks like a narnia promo.
  19. Player power. What if a caucus of "influential" players - let's say Terry, Gerrard, Rooney and the Coles - ALL had a bit of a player revolt? Do you think he'd drop the lot? And if he did, and then lost a critical game, the English press would lynch him. This one could get interesting. He could do such a thing and if the press lynch him and he gets sacked then he won't give a **** because he will believe he was doing the right thing for the team. But anyway international management is a lot different from club level as you can't control your players in the usual way. If any player appears in the papers for acting an idiot around town or anything like that he won't pick them.
  20. John Terry could because Capello might take the captaincy from him. That would be funny.
  21. Will we ever develop like Star Trek? Warp speed and that? It seems pretty impossible right now but you never know. I'd like to be around to see it if it happens. Contact with aliens with change the entire political landscape of the earth.
  22. I am using the assumption that some people have used by saying given there are billions of stars/solar systems by probability there are a fair few similar to our own with a planet similar to our own, at the right distance from their 'sun' composed of the right materials to sustain life, and also be of a gravitational pull able to sustain an atmopshere and hence life. If there are indeed thousands of these - which you now use the laws of probablity to base this assumption on, you would also think that these life sustaining environments are at different stages of development. Given the age of the universe, some might have been extinct, some less advanced than us, and some more advanced. The other assumption is they believe like us, that there is life out there, and have attempted to make contact - yet there is no sig of this contact. In fact, correct me if I am wrong, I don't think atronomers have found a planet like earth in the universe yet - at the right position to be able to sustain life. What is unique about Earth is not only it's position from the sun, but it's size (and hence its gravitational pull) and its composition. While it is not unfeasible that similar planets could exist, I think it is highly improbable You think the chances of an earth like planet surrounding seventy sextillion stars is improbable? Isn't it the very opposite?
  23. Not true - they have a probe that is in the process of leaving our solar system and travlled in close proximity to Uranus and Pluto (which is no longer a planet incidentally). Ok, on the basis of the assumption that there are billions of stars/solar systems like ours capable of sustaining life - presumably at different stages of 'civilastion', why has no contact been made by them? Not a single radio signal. No visits in stellar space craft. Only anecdotal rumours about crashes in 'Area 51' kept under close tabs by the US government. Our solar system is a blip in the universe. Uranus and pluto are very inhospitable. Life would 'probably' only survive on an earth life planet. And you ask why there is no stellar space craft? Maybe they're like us and don't have such things. You need to travel at phenomenal (impossible?) speed to get anywhere even beyond our solar system.
  24. Yes but we have 'only' got as far Mars. Thats like dismissing it because 1 try in a trillion didn't find anything.
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