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Everything posted by Mr_Dogg

  1. Well if mass becomes infinite than the energy required becomes infinite too. Which would be impossible I would think. This isn't an argument I am capable of having though as I'd just embarrass myself.
  2. And will we ever develop to the star trek level of space exploration? Physics says that we can not travel faster than the speed of light so it may never happen. We're stuck here forever. :-(
  3. Well intelligent life like us I mean. Maybe not our form like star trek might say i.e. humanoid. They could look like anything really.
  4. On a pretty wide tangent from the creationist thread I thought I would create this. I would say there just has to be. But unless they're hiding behind the moon or there is some monumental advancement in technology we will never meet them. Although communication is not out of the question. Maybe.
  5. Unfortunately crazy like rocket polishers. Booing the American anthem has shamed us. It's embarrassing and I'm not even English.
  6. Capello would be perfect but knowing they FA they'll try to play it safe with some Yes man tosser like Shearer. Capello generates controversy wherever he goes and doesn't care about upsetting people. But he still gets results no matter what. If he was appointed I guarantee there would be some big names not playing or left out altogether (at least until they did things the way they're told). I think the FA would be too afraid to appoint him.
  7. It can't send MMS. :? Which is kinda silly.
  8. It's beautiful but I've heard that's it's best feature. And you get raped for the price and tariff.
  9. Robinson :? Lennon,Dawson,Huddlestone. Spurs took a risk on these players and it paid off. They weren't beating off the competition with a stick at the time. Rozenthal. Who? We have exciting youg players too in Young, Gabby and Maloney. The grass isn't always greener.
  10. I dont remember West Am ever being favourites tbh anyway, its so frustrating how Spurs get all the blumin wonderkids and exciting players! Such an awesome player would make their mediocre center midfield awesome whilst at the same time stretching away from us...ffs! Obviously anything could happen your correct LM, but this is not Young, Sneijder has 1 international team mate at Villa and for all we know he might not even like him. Whilst Spurs have London a dutch manager and europe, bugger! Have faith little one. You read one article and you act like he's already joined them. And what wonderkids are you talking about?
  11. I voted Liverpool but I think the Thai coming in at City could go a bit mental. Just a feeling I get.
  12. Finnan was the best RB in the league last year. Why would he leave and why would they let him leave for £2 million?
  13. Not an impressive list! Well I think the Celtic fans will argue over that. Some very successful signings there.
  14. I think he'll be the same as Eto'o. Join a top team and he'll truly shine IMO.
  15. Assuming they both sign - you're on. £10, proceeds to VT Deal! When Torres joins a top team he'll be catapulted into the top 5 strikers in the world. I believe you will lose that bet.
  16. I see Distin has left City. I imagine if he signs for Pompey it's because we didn't want him. Or is that arrogant?
  17. Ajax are one of the biggest clubs in europe. :? But we do have the premier league which is a big attraction. Also haven't Bayern missed out on the Champions League which will dent their chances.?
  18. He'd have to be first choice wherever he goes. If Utd do want him VDS must be on his way out. He is rated very highly so it's not impossible.
  19. You've obviously never seen Juan Federico de Ninho play. He's like a young Maradonna.
  20. I agree but at least for next season we should aim to sign top players but not necessarily from the top clubs. We need to sign players for whom we are a step up or at least on an equal footing with their current club.
  21. Dream on. What's that supposed to mean? World class players i think i heard somewhere... What kind of chance do we have of signing Robben or RVP? It's one thing to be linked with players like Huntelaar and Sneijder, they would be stepping up to a better league with better wages. But Robben and RVP are at 2 of the biggest clubs in the world.
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