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Everything posted by AVTuco

  1. A real manager does his own transfer business.
  2. I know many here are tired of villalad21 and his posts, but his contrarian views are what keeps message boards alive. Let us not try to drive him away.
  3. I agree with this. So many people work all the time. And those who can't, won't. The game itself is played outside, which is good. I would be more worried about the locker room and transport.
  4. Has goal scoring diminished, or what is the problem they're trying to solve?
  5. Well, you're lucky I'm here to give a temporary relief from the circle every now and then with my Finnish news. Our league will start first of July, and likely with max 400 fans. The government has put a 500 people ceiling to sport events. On average we had 2.620 people in the stands in 2019, so 400 is not so bad. After watching yesterday's Bundesliga, and comparing it to the trip to the full mall in Helsinki earlier in the day, I have no doubt those 400-500 people can watch a football game safely, being spread around the stands. That would be better than empty stands. What has this got to do with PL 2019-2020? Not much.
  6. I think I'd watch Villa on TV without fans and enjoy it. It's not the same, but it's worthwhile. And when you take relegation battle into account, I'd definitely be up for it.
  7. Mönchengladbach leading 0-2. YAY!
  8. Maybe one should just check the results and table, then it'll be just like normal Bundesliga.
  9. It's pretty much no-contact. Wonder whether that will be good to us when PL returns?
  10. BBC says Werder Bremen is Aston Villa. I'm still Mönchengladbach... after all, they haven't won anything since 1995..
  11. Everybody wants it to be safe, but with the way this virus is, I don't think we can wait that long. Reality is that risks have to be taken at some point and life has to get back to more normal. This will be done at a point when we're not fully comfortable with it. I don't know when this is for the UK and for football, mind you.
  12. One problem with this thinking is that it's very possible football won't be played in two years or even more then. I think we must start to adapt to the virus being here for a long time with no definite solution for it. Would you then rather not play at all, or play behind closed doors on neutral fields for example? I'd rather we played, in the best way possible. It won't be like before the virus in a long time. 2020-2021 season is gone from this perspective. 2021-2022 likely won't be normal. 2022-2023 will likely be ok, all other things equal.
  13. AVTuco

    Keinan Davis

    Knew it. How could it be any different than reality.
  14. I'm happy if they start. I'll be following whatever football there is. In the early eighties I supported Mönchengladbach for a while, why not again? Matthäus played there then.
  15. I'm sure you're very proud of that Nick , as you should be. But to be precise, the season didn't even start before the lockdown. It's played in the summer.
  16. Not that it matter in the context of PL, but Finnish government just announced that (among other things) sporting events can resume 1st of June. There will be restrictions, which they didn't specify yet.
  17. Well, ok, it would be good for us from the moment it was published until the kick-off.
  18. Everything you say is true of course, but in case it can be done without risking lives, then I'm for playing behind closed doors. People need other things to think about for the sake of their mental health. That's just my view, and I respect all other views as well. I think I'd benefit from watching football.
  19. I'm starting to get around to playing behind closed doors. There are more important things, but people need other things to think about, and that's what playing behind closed doors would give. Just go ahead with it.
  20. I just meant I don't think next season starts in time. Things are looking too bad. If they start behind closed doors then maybe. In Finland all over 500 people events are now banned until end of July. And we have 187 people hospitalised for COVID at the moment...
  21. No football for two seasons will kill many teams off.
  22. There will be teams that go bust, for sure. Why would football be different from other areas of life and economy?
  23. I agree, this is how it should be, and this is what the Dutch have done. Everything, everything, else is wrong. No-one has won anything, and no-one has been relegated yet. The only choices are to play the whole season or void it. And if you play all remaining games the circumstances will be very abnormal. The last nine games will be different from the first 29. It's not a full season, it's two different seasons knitted together loosely.
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