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Everything posted by R.Bear

  1. That's not a pen guys. VAR got it right, as annoying as it is.
  2. Worried about a European hangover? Come to Villa Park, we always have the cure for you.
  3. Spurs at VP have really become our Man Utd. Not only do we always lose to them, we get brushed aside. This is probably the worst Spurs have played here since our last win against them and we're still losing. There cant be too many sides in world football with bigger bogey sides than us.
  4. That was so inevitable. Spurs havent turned up, there for the taking, score with their first attack.
  5. Some of Jack's touches make me pinch myself that someone like him plays for us.
  6. Jack is so far our best player it hurts. Genius stuff there.
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