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Everything posted by R.Bear

  1. The benefit is we've gotten a record transfer fee, something we wouldnt have got without the release fee. He didnt Sol Campbell us, we've been supremely compensated.
  2. Why wouldnt they? He was their colleague and in some cases, friend.
  3. How convenient. His nice words about Villa yesterday was nothing more than PR rubbish but today his words are a deep seated unsubtle dig at his former club. The mental gymnastics in here are incredible
  4. So you’re disappointed that you turned down an opportunity to make a lot of money yet Jack has taken a similar opportunity to make a lot of money as well as other perks. That makes zero sense. He also hasn’t missed anything. We are doing ok but are nothing more than stable as of right now. We’ve achieved nothing yet. Jack won’t regret this decision in a million years and it’s deluded to think he will.
  5. I'm amazed they're still on there at all but the Jack kits are reduced to £35 https://shop.avfc.co.uk/en/aston-villa-jack-grealish/t-31764226+a-3462235635+z-96-3419686849?_s=bm-FI-PSC-AVFC-SITE-PLAYERS-Grealish
  6. Can I ask a genuine question? If Jack lost all form completely over a long period of time to the point where he couldn't even make the bench. Would you stick by him? Still pick him? Give him a new contract? Or would you want him sold as he isnt good enough? So if you would want a player who isn't good enough or isn't playing well enough sold, why is it so blasphemous that one who is more talented than the level of club he plays wants to move up to a level where he belongs? Seems very hypocritical to me.
  7. Classy post from Jack that If you read that and are still angry, think he's disloyal, call him a snake etc then I feel sorry for you, I really do. It was an opportunity impossible to turn down and that's basically what he said.
  8. I don’t know why people keep bringing up the “my club my city” thing. Firstly if you take that stuff seriously then grow up. It’s the football equivalent of kids saying BFF to each other in school. Secondly people say on their wedding day “til death do you part”. Yet 50% are divorced within 10 years. He probably meant it at the time but when you get an offer you can’t refuse, things change.
  9. No disrespect mate but there is no way a 7 year old said that. Come on.
  10. Or maybe he will be like Kevin de Bruyne and become one of the best midfielders in the world? Or Sergio Aguero and become a club and Premier League legend?
  11. Liverpool got 97 points the other year and finished 2nd. That total would have won the league in every single league season except that one and the one before it. So what? Also, in this hypothetical dream world, Jack playing 38 games would have made us finish in the top 6? I guess no other teams had injuries last season, it was just us!
  12. You cant imagine why he would want to join one of the biggest clubs in the world, surrounded by world class players, with an all time great manager, playing in the CL, guaranteed to win trophies and potentially one of the biggest players in Europe? And what "dramatic rise" are we on? We finished 11th last season. I understand people are sad that he's leaving but how can anyone possibly be shocked or even surprised that he wants to take this massive opportunity?
  13. Or maybe if we use a little common sense it went like this. Man City enquire about Grealish months ago. The club ask if he would even agree to the move He says he would but only if its kept quiet until after the Euros I don't think its a coincidence that the offer is tabled and made public as soon as he comes back from holiday. Or maybe that tweet is total bullshit. Regardless, even if it was tapped up, who cares? It goes on, its part of football. I couldnt care less if he was.
  14. No the moral of the story is not be so invested in a football team to the point where something like a player leaving actually upsets you.
  15. I don’t believe you. More money, CL football, world class teammates, more exposure, more endorsements, huge fame. But yeah he should sacrifice all that to have some fans chant his name at Villa Park in 10-15 years. He’d be a total idiot to stay.
  16. Obviously I’ll be sad if he leaves but I would certainly understand if he chooses too. He’s nearly 26, about to have his prime years and they will be wasted pottering around mid table with us. I realise some Villa fans will take this very hard but it is just football. I hope we don’t see the cringey “I never loved you anyway stuff” if he goes.
  17. Great result for Emiliano and everything but I didnt find Argentina entertaining so this trophy doesnt count
  18. When it's written down like that, it emphasizes just how insane certain posters are
  19. Probably. A few Villa fans dont care about the England national team which is fine except when god forbid Jack is subbed, then they foam at the mouth. They seem to care a great deal about something they don't care about then.
  20. You definitely sound about 20 years old which isnt a crime obviously but does explain your posts. I agree. With a competent manager England would be in the European Championship final having conceded just one goal.
  21. Am I misreading this or are you saying you'd rather Villa play good football and not win than win whilst not being entertaining?
  22. Maybe but I think more people put stock in a man who's been in the job 5 years, knows them left to right, is getting the best out of them and is one game away from winning a European Championship over a fan watching on TV.
  23. Not at all, I just find it almost unbelievable. After the Iceland debacle 5 years ago, England fans would have bitten any amount of arms off to each even a semi-final of a competition in the near future. This happened just two years later. Lots of fans would have probably doubted they would ever see the team reach a major final in their lifetimes. Yet England have done that with relative ease in the very next tournament. Fans complaining about the manor in which they have done it, which has been done with actual wins, not penalties etc reeks of baffling entitlement.
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