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Everything posted by R.Bear

  1. Losing at home to all but relegated WBA who we always beat. The players arent just on the beach, they have cocktails in their hands and a rubber ring around their waists.
  2. What an absolute non entity of a second half that was. It's scary how effortlessly Man City can keep a team at arms length. We havent got the quality to do anything against that.
  3. That's that. Any chance we had of getting a result has now gone.
  4. The Palace chairman made a good point about this earlier. Saying the Dutch and Austrian champions for example have to play qualifiers in July when the 4th placed Premier League side goes straight into the group stage. He's right, its a disgrace.
  5. Simon Jordan has been brilliant on TalkSport this morning. "They didnt even have a fight. At least be a man who put your fists up! They didnt even get off the stool. Someone farted in their direction and they gave up!"
  6. I have to say that the famous ex-players have come out of this with a lot of credit. Gary Neville, Shearer, Carragher etc. All of them set their stall out without hesitation.
  7. If there was one shred of truth to that then it wouldnt have been kept secret from the fans, players and manager.
  8. Typical spineless Arsenal words removed.
  9. John Henry's grovelling apology is amazing. He says "I apologise for the mistake I have made" like it was distasteful tweet or something and not a coup of the entire football structure. No doubt their fans will lap it up though.
  10. The amount of back patting going on is cringeworthy. Its the equivalent of a burglar stealing jewellery from your house, bringing it back 2 days later and then opening a bottle of champagne to celebrate. There is nothing to celebrate here. Football is still a complete mess run by idiots and scumbags, just as it was 3 days ago.
  11. As much as I’d love them get punished and they deserve to be punished, it’s kind of pointless. No fine will so much as dent their bank balance so it would have to be a points deduction. If that happens they will appeal and whatever and it will drag on for months. Everyone sees them for the scum they are and no one will ever forget what they did. That’s punishment enough. I’d love to see them banned from Europe for a couple of years though.
  12. A broken clock is right twice a day. A streaming service that allows you to watch any game for a monthly fee has been needed for years. A Netflix for football coverage. Having Sky, BT, Amazon etc fight it out for the rights with multiple expensive subscriptions is a ridiculous outdated concept. People will happily pay for a good system as has been proven by lots of other industries.
  13. This isnt Facebook mate. Keep that crap on there.
  14. Football fans really aren't the sharpest tools in the shed are they? I keep seeing them negatively compare Football to how other sports are run in other countries. Hilarious. This is a sport where for the most part the richest clubs win, the small teams have no chance, every club is in debt up to their eyeballs, unsustainable financial models, outrageous ticket prices, clubs run by shady foreign investors who know nothing about the game, clubs getting liquidated and people are criticising OTHER sports? Football is the worst run and most corrupt sport in the world. If there was any doubt about that then the last 24 hours should have rubber stamped it for you.
  15. What terrible examples. Ipswich finished 5th once then were relegated the next season and havent been back. Charlton had a couple of good seasons then disappeared without trace. I didnt say things dont change, I meant that a couple of exceptions aside, if you want to achieve anything then you need huge financial backing and its been that way for a long time.
  16. Leicester was an anomaly. Man City and Chelsea were bankrolled by foreign investors. What's your point?
  17. As opposed to the last 20 years
  18. The amazing thing about the whole "spots for elite clubs that failed to qualify" nonsense is that this was obviously put in to stop a Super League happening and it has anyway but also that the "Super" clubs have set the new CL changes "weren't enough". It begs the question, what the hell WOULD have been enough?
  19. TalkSport has been great today.
  20. I would say the exact opposite. THe beauty of the Olympics is that for 2 weeks every 4 years, people care deeply about sports they dont care about. The reason countries dont bid for the Olympics is because it costs a fortune to prepare a country to host it and can bankrupt countries like it did to Greece and to a lesser extent, Brazil. A country has to be exceptionally well organised to build infrastructure that will have a legacy, like it did with London 2012. The Olympics is more popular then ever.
  21. I'm not saying it would make any difference to anything but I would love to see Klopp resign. Liverpool are on a downward spiral and he would walk into any job in Germany where this Super League wont be corrupted by.
  22. When the World Cup was given to Russia and Qatar, everyone stamped their feet and both had strong opposition. Yet here we having seen the Russia WC and having the Qatar one next year.
  23. Who knows what will happen in regards to this mess but no chance in hell will the clubs come "crawling back". The clubs will disassociate themselves with all FA and UEFA comps and form their own FA before that happens.
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