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Everything posted by limpid

  1. I'm going to try to remember to do this each month. Please remind me if I forget. This poll will be open for the first week of the month.
  2. Stoke v Villa Saturday August 16 15:00 Britannia Stadium Please do not mention streams in this thread. Please note that there is no distinction between legal or illegal, video or audio. If you aren't sure, it doesn't go in this thread. You will receive warning points if you ignore this.
  3. Your ratings and reactions please. Keep it respectful even if you know everyone else is wrong. Weimann 50
  4. This is the ticket thread, please start new threads to discuss things unrelated to tickets. Thanks.
  5. o2 own giffgaff in some loose manner. They won't attempt to match it.
  6. From EN 50332: So it's a legal thing on devices sold into EU markets. You'll need to root to get around this and possibly even change ROM. This isn't Android specific, it applies to all battery powered personal music players.
  7. yes i should have specified whoops. just for listening to my music on my tablet and laptop really I suspect the audio quality from those devices is so low that it won't matter much which headphones you go for. If this is for commuting build quality and noise cancelling are probably your most important considerations. If this is for listening to stuff at home then go for the shiniest ones within your budget Of course, if I'm wrong and you've gone for a tablet or PC with more than a rudimentary headphone driver then you probably know what you need and that's probably Sennheiser HD. I've also heard good things about the Shure cans mentioned by Davkaus above but not tried them myself.
  8. limpid


    Which are you asking for help with? I'm not sure us techies can help with your masculinity. Or your wife. (Sorry but I've no experience relevant to your problem.)
  9. If you think Beats are good headphones then you'll have to explain what you actually want from your headphones.
  10. What does "getting a problem" mean? At the risk of sounding like a robot, does it happen after you've cleared cookies and cache and does whatever it is happen with a different browser?
  11. I can only repeat my last comment. Sorry.
  12. Are you sure your mobile was connecting via wifi? It doesn't make it worse or better. The site wasn't down so there's nothing I can or could have done. The problem was somewhere between those affected and the site, but not the site itself.
  13. It must have been a peer closer to the hosting company that had an issue. Thanks for your reports, but there's nothing I can do to fix the internet. If you get similar in future all I can suggest is to try another type of internet connection. Sorry to those affected, but this one was out of my control.
  14. tesco and giffgaff resell o2's network. It's exactly the same signal.
  15. Did it work for any of you when you changed network, eg using your mobile? VT is hosted in the US so this could have been a problem on an interconnect which is used by both BT and Virgin. I wasn't affected at work (although I only looked at lunch time) (virgin business) and I could access during both commutes (three). The monitoring service I use didn't report any issues. If it affected both BT and Virgin, that would affect a lot of posters. No reports (yet) from Sky BB users..
  16. Someone else did some experimenting and found this was only happening over BT connections.
  17. The monitoring service says there was no outage today. It sounds like an odd one though. When you say it worked on your phone, do you mean over 3g or using wifi?
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