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VT Poker Game


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Haven't played live for a couple of weeks, live casino poker around here is pretty poor IMO.


You dont need good cards to beat players that are fish. Just value bet them thinner and if you are going to bluff them in general I try to do it on the river when they either have a weak pair/missed draw etc. Trying to bluff them off pots when they want to see more cards isn't the best idea.


Pretty boring game to play vs total fish though, not much to it.

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Bluffing wasn't possible in any way shape or form in the last game I played.

I talked about it in this thread.


A couple of players were calling absolutely everything, One guy called an all in with Jack High, after the river. And there was all sorts out there.


If you had something it was fine because you could win a pretty decent pot, even if you didn't have a whole lot you probably had the best hand. All my something's came early and then I got whittled away.


(not saying it was impossible to win, by the way. I'm not very good and I'm sure a very good player would have cleaned up. But it made it difficult)

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I could do Thursday but I'll probably struggle to make it for a 9 start (playing football in Warwick until 8)

If we delayed it until half 9 or 10 then I could do it, but might be a bit late for people then?

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Ah if your under pressure for time Stevo then change it to another night. I've played a live game after playing football a few times and I find my body is drained and the adrenalin is still flowing, which kind of messes up my poker game.  

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PLayed a live game on Friday.


I did ok, came 3rd out of 7. But second game in a row where I've hit absolutely nothing all night.

It was really really scarce for me :(


I hit quad 4s on the flop once (obviously the best hand I hit all night). Slow played the **** out of it, everyone checked. Put a tiny bet on the river to try and entice someone to either give me a tiny bit or come over the top thinking I was stealing the pot. Everyone folded!


Apart from that, the best hand I hit all night was a pair of tens (which was top pair). Every single pot I won I had to bluff.


Anyway, I'm posting because of how I got eliminated.


I went all in on a pair of 4s. Fair enough, nto a very good move, but I was ridiculously short stacked so I had to make a move at some point.


The guy who called me was chip leader and he had Q6 unsuited

Great! I thought. I've actually got a chance here.


So broadly speaking, there were 6 cards in the deck he could hit to beat me. Obviously there's an outside chance at flushes and straights but seeign as they weren't connectors and were unsuited, that was slim, so broadly speaking 6 cards.


The 5 cards that hit the board were, no joke, in this order


Q 6 Q, Q, 6


So of the 6 cards in the deck he could have hit, he hit FIVE of them. I don't know what the odds are of that!

I wasn't annoyed because with a pair of 4s I was expecting to go out anyway. But if I'd pushed in with, say AA, and lost to that I'd have been fuming!

Edited by Stevo985
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Where you playing live Stevo.


I had a pretty similar knock out during my one and only time I played at a Casino.


Travelled to Aberdeen on business and was left with nothing to do until I saw an advert for live Poker at the Casino just up the road from the hotel I was staying in.


Turned out to be a £25 tournament ended up with about 40/50 people.


I played pretty tight and had got myself into a reasonable position, I was about 10th with about 20 left.


Got dealt KK in the big blind can't quite remember how the hand played out but I ended up all in against a women who had been showing cards all night and was clearly proud of her bluffing skills. All in came after flop  which was rainbow 2 8 J so nothing at all scarey for my KK. She turned over A7 Spades and hit 7 on the turn and unbelievably another 7 on the river. 


Man I was gutted - in the land of the Scotsmen and displayed the true virtues of an English gentleman's stiff upper lip :(

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See ^^^ that's a bad beat!


If that had happened to me then I'd have been furious.


As mine played out it was pretty astonishing, but I wasn't that annoyed as 44 is hardly a sure thing.


I was just playing with a few mates. Theres about 10 of us who play, and we usually get 6 or 7 together at a time to play. Standard varies from a handful of us who are decent, to a couple who don't have a clue (see previous story about the guy who called an all in on about the 3rd hand with jack High, with no more cards to come)


he wasn't playing on Friday, but anothe relative rookie was. He's a bit better, but he's still a calling station as long as he's got something. Even if he hits bottom pair he'll just call anything. I'd have given my right nut for a hand against him.


I wen on a streak before christmas. Won 3 games in a row. But haven't won in the 3 games since. But I genuinely have had 3 of the worst games I've ever had in terms of getting hands since then. I'm not good enough to win games where I don't hit anything.


Every pot I won on Friday was a bluff (or semi bluff at least). Not once did I show my hand and win. I remember getting a 4 flush on the flop and betting and I was dying to get called on he off chance I'd end up hittign just to get some action!

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Little sympathy for Villaboy69 being pwned by a lady :P . If I were in that position holding KK, if someone was going all in off that flop then they're suggesting to me they already have 3OAK or 2 pair, I don't know if I'd have been brave enough to call it. Of course Its easy to be wise after the fact. 


Am playing tomorrow night, its been a month or so since I've played live, its a regular game usually around 10-14 players. I have to stay sober (up early for work) and everyone else sinks back the pints. I tend to finish in the money places frequently enough  :detect: .

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Dont get mad or angry at stuff that you cannot control. Will take a while to master that though but it is worth pointing it out now. You are basically angry with the luck of the cards that come.


Oh and Steve with that 44 v Q6 hand, its pretty much 50/50 flip.

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Oh yeah I know the odds are 50/50 pocket pair vs 2 overcards.


But the odds on him hitting all 5 community cards? That's gotta be really slim!


But as I said, I wasn't mad because I knew a 44 all in was far from a sure thing. Just amused at him hitting every card.

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