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Anybody tried out the AV/AB bug? Basically, you can cap the flag from a distance - which means Far Sight or Eagle Eye can be used.

Problem is, you need to be at the perfect height on the flag, or it wont work - and the alliance are on the lookout for people trying the hack.

I haven't succeeded, but a guildie managed to claim an AV bunker by bouncing Far Sight off the inside wall.

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Okay. The whole Warlock situation is nuts. They nerf Affliction Locks main source of PvE damage for what appears to be reasons of Demonology specced Warlocks were doing in PvP with DOTS.

Then they stealth buff Unstable Affliction to the point where its completely unfair?

Before, no matter what happened it was 1134 and a five second silence for a dispel, and 1701 and a five second silence for a critical dispel.

Check this:


If i curse and trinket the UA cast and the dispel crits, i can one shot a Tier3 Priest.

Overly buffed to compensate for the overly nerfed bread and butter of the tree?

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Stop whining then :P

Had a laugh tonight with viskahn's druid, we decided to see how far we could go in LBRS. We 2 manned Omokk, Voone, the spider boss and the Wolf, but wiped on wyrmthalak. Then we 2 manned BRD, EVERY single boss up to the emp where we wiped (the emperor has about 80 mobs in his room that need clearing, so no stealthing there). Came out of it with about 20 gold from vendoring shit, and 30-40 golds worth of shards each, plus, I finally got that **** Bijous Belongings q done for another 8G, and I got a travellers backpack!

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The point of the spell isn't really to use on its own (although you do get idiots who hit dispel upon receiving a single debuff without bothering to see what it is). It's more to do with having it on an enemy with your other dots so that dispelling becomes a gamble for that player. They either don't gamble and receive lots of dot dmg, dealing with it in other ways, or they hit dispel. They might get lucky and remove Corruption and Siphon life from two dispels in a row.

Then again, they might be unlucky and receive the kind of dmg Nayson just posted.

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I dont get the problems with UA at all. Why dispell something that doesnt hurt?

Its really Paladins that dispel everything though Tarj. There was always a little joke in the Warlock community that Alliance Locks couldnt use Seduce > Nuke tactics because 50% of the Horde have Will of the Forsaken and Horde Locks couldnt go Affliction because Cleanse costs about 100 mana. Paladins really do have it in their mindset to hammer that button because its insanely powerful (remember, the Rushers killed Chromaggus on their second attempt because they could have three Paladins dispel an entire raid for a fraction of the cost or manpower it cost us, and this extends to PvP)

Paladins who play as a support class in PvP are nuts. Their team cant be slowed (Blessing of Freedom) the cant be dotted or poisoned (Cleanse) they cant be focus fired by Melee or Hunters (Divine Protection) and the Paladin can also chip in with nasty stuns and the most mana efficient heal on the game.

Unstable Affliction is one of the few anti Paladin abilities on the game. But it was fine with the static damage. The five second silence is painful and if two other magical dots are ticking at the same time its too tempting for them not to use their cheap cleanse.

3k hits, 4.5k crits is too much. Id give back the one shot ability of UA for some PvE viability on my bread and butter dot and curse.

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Any chance we can do something fun this evening or tomorrow? Can only play weekends now, but would like something special to happen. We all got gear now to do things that aint ment to be done. Maybe we could try to 10man Molten Core, or something like that? Id gladly respec if something PvE fun happend. Ony maybe?

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Im half tempted to grind the 1000 rep i need for the AQ20 cloak. I dont really need the intellect that the Onyxia cloak has if im not going heavy destruction. And im not.

How long to grind 1000 rep down in Silithus?

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Could be done in a day if you time the elite, and sell off drops, to buy extra texts. They have buffed the rep for handing in with over the double.

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What i dont get, is people's desire to do PvE which they have already done 100 times before and is totally outgeared for. I can see why alts want to go ZG, but mains with BWL/AQ40 gear, that just isnt my thing. Unless they make it interesting, like 10manning Onyxia.

To me PvE has to be hard and a real struggle for it to be fun, which is why i stopped doing MC/ZG/AQ20 ages ago. Ossirian is still fun, but thats due to the fight.

Guess we cant all be alike.

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Its amasing and im sure you will disagree, but people raiding at lvl 70 now are seriously quoted, they would rather bring a proper geared Shadowpriest into a raid then a well geared priest. The priests are actually nerfed to the point that paladins and druids offer more, and does the job unless its spesific areas which need AoE heals.

The shadowpriest on the other hand offers weaving ( 15% increased shadow dmg), VT (mana regen), VE (hp regen), Misery (5% increased spelldmg), and rock steady DPS. The tier sets they have given the priests for nuking and dps'ing, even makes sure the priest can hold fights much longer in terms of going oom.

Personally i think its good with proper shadow tree, but isnt the nerfing of holy, along with buffing of pallys and druids a weird way to continue the PvE situation of the game? Im sure this will change, either by a rewamp or nerfing by other classes. Will be fun to actually get lvl 70 to see how bad/good it actually is.

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The entire game seems to be in a strange state of flux at the moment. Blizzard have made some seriously bizzaire decisions in recent times which has knocked the game's purity of play off balance. Now, many classes seem to be stepping on the toes of others and other classes being able to do things they shouldn't be able to according to their initial design.

I actually think that TBC has forced Blizzards hand into over designing the game and class development has simply ran out of space.

I sincerly hope the sort it out because I've never enjoyed the game less than what I do now.

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Going to what TRL said about Shadowpriests in PvE, its always going to depend on the instance you do.

From 25 spots what do you need?

How many tanking classes?

How many healing classes (and i mean people on healing duty here ;))

How much DPS? And of that how do you want to break it down? Single Target? Multi Target? Physical? Magical? Melee? Ranged?

You have to answer all of these questions before you get to your "luxury" classes like Shadowpriests. I certainly think there is a spot for one in the maintanks group. You generally have a Lock in there for Blood Pact and with his lifetapping, and the extra healing a Maintank always needs then our offspec healer can find a spot.

I dont think you are ever going to find three, four, five shadowpriests in a raid though. The guy who is the guild Shadowpriest really needs to be focussed in being that role to its maximum capacity. You should never get some frustrated Warlock who refuses to come out of Shadowform no matter what. If your class has the ability to heal others you will never, ever, ever be seen as a pure DPS class. Shadowpriests do appear to be moving from being seen as PvP face melters into a genuine support class a lá the idea of a Shaman (whether the idea of a Shaman is true or not in reality is besides the point here) and yes, i think that Blizz are addressing the concerns of the Priest community by offering that.

But if people think that they can all go Shadow and neglect the role that the other eight classes see them as filling then im afraid they will continue to remain frustrated.

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