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Meh, locks will surely be the least sought after class in the 5 man runs from now on:

Groups will be:

Priests + Tank + Rogue

plus one of

Mage - AOE, water

Shammy - healing, totems, ankhs

Druids - cowbuffs, healing, combat ressing

Hunters - pet for tanking

Warlock - some clever arse banging on about this, that and the other, constantly dying as he desperately tries to remember what button does what!

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The thing is, thats probably true.

Id say a Warlock offers more to a party than a Hunter, but the golden 5 of:

Priest, Warrior, Rogue, Mage + 1 other (shaman) seems to me kinda set in stone.

Its a kick in the teeth for Locks, Druids and Hunters who havent gone into Scholo/Stratholme for their classgear yet. Now the limit on those places is 5 people, getting your class blues will be a right bastard. I can see why Blizz has to react to how easy Classruns have become, but **** over a third of the classes in order to do it seems a bit unfair.

I suppose we will see what happens here, but i just cant see why people would want a class that is less "focussed" than others.

Locks seem to be more important on the Alliance side, because the Alliance Locks dont have Shamen completely and utterly stamping on their toes with self resurrection following a wipe. Paladins can res others, but not themselves.

Luckily i wont have to suffer that, but for the Locks/Hunters/Druids in their 40's and 50's level wise who probably never get to see classruns, it is a problem. No wonder Locks and Druids remain the least played classes in the game. Ok, they have a lot more abilities than most other classes, but how is this offputting? Sure, it might take a little while longer to figure out whats what, when and how to use something, and you might be a late bloomer compared to other classes. While this might put the 14 year old kids off who want to be 1337 from the time they go into Ragefire Chasm, it certainly shouldnt be a factor for the rest of us. The learning curve may be a little longer, but in no means is it harder. People who dont see this, and now realise that they might struggle to get into a 5 man if they roll Hunter, Lock or Druid could abandon the Warlock and Druid classes further, and go play (what im sure you know to be) a clearly overpopulated class like a Shaman or a Rogue. It could be a problem for the future.

What will Blizzard do about it? Make us good at PvP so Mages can scream "NERF!!" at us between their countless 5 man instance runs?


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It might be a problem for some Nays, but it's just a case of people making friends and getting to be known as a good player. Some of the best groups I've been in have been well away from the norm. The best LBRS I ever did was me, another shammy, a lock, a druid and a mage. Then there was that UBRS run we did (ie my night of ML shame!) without a single priest. So you're right, it will be harder, but not impossible.

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The thing is, thats probably true.

Id say a Warlock offers more to a party than a Hunter, but the golden 5 of:

Priest, Warrior, Rogue, Mage + 1 other (shaman) seems to me kinda set in stone.

Its a kick in the teeth for Locks, Druids and Hunters who havent gone into Scholo/Stratholme for their classgear yet. Now the limit on those places is 5 people, getting your class blues will be a right bastard. I can see why Blizz has to react to how easy Classruns have become, but **** over a third of the classes in order to do it seems a bit unfair.

I suppose we will see what happens here, but i just cant see why people would want a class that is less "focussed" than others.

Locks seem to be more important on the Alliance side, because the Alliance Locks dont have Shamen completely and utterly stamping on their toes with self resurrection following a wipe. Paladins can res others, but not themselves.

Luckily i wont have to suffer that, but for the Locks/Hunters/Druids in their 40's and 50's level wise who probably never get to see classruns, it is a problem.

What will Blizzard do about it? Make us good at PvP so Mages can screm "NERF!!" at us between their instance runs?


Surely a well played Lock will offer more options than say an average Mage? or is it all about dmg dealing for the fifth spot?

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Probably, yes.

But its all about perception, isnt it? People see that 5 man team of Priest, Warrior, Rogue, Mage and Shaman because thats what the common perception of the best team says it is.

Whether its true or not is a different matter entirely, but that wont alter the problem that it could throw up for future generations of players. For example, i like playing alongside resto druids. Their Heal over Times suit my lifetapping playstyle better than a Priest does in certain situations. While a Resto Druid may not be as good a healer as a Holy/Disc priest, they can outheal Shadowpriests and can main heal any 5 man instance quite happily. Its amazing how many people on the game refuse to see that because of this common perception of what someone can or cannot do.

Mages complain a lot about being reduced to waterboys and portal makers (youd be surprised how many people are too tight to blow their hearthstone. Well, actually, perhaps you wouldnt) but its these things that cement them in the group.

Stuff i can do? Well, how much of it even gets noticed? The Curses usually dont despite upping group DPS or lowering the enemys abiluty to hurt us back because there is no "meter" to display it. Warlocks are very much team players, but we dont do anything a group can live without. To compensate, perhaps we are slightly better at one on one encounters than a lot of people, but that doesnt really offer anything other than being able to kick the shit out of peole in duels and be called overpowered because of it. Perhaps when Mages get their invisibility powers back in 1.11 (well, thats what the mages in my guild are saying) the the Lock will actually have a buff that is useful for situations other than one room in Dire Maul, and stopping Priests/Shamen/Warlocks dispelling your good buffs.

Like i said, it wont effect me, it may not effect anybody, but it is something ive been thinking about for a while.

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Thats a point, after 1.10 will there be an uprise in PUGs? I miss 5 man runs, even if I don't need anything, after a run in MC theres nothing better then going face to face with a 58 elite and taking his puny 6k hp down in seconds.

Can't wait to try 10 man UBRS, that will be challenging.

As Riss said theres been a severe drop in PUGS and I hope they return.

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Hopefully there should be a few more Dan, as obviously once you get to 5 people in a group now, that'll be it. Plus I think there will be new bosses and quests in the existing dungeons.

People wanting the tier 0.5 set of armor will have to get whatver bits they didn't have before.

But Blizz do need to do something, as the server gets older and more and more people are L60, and obviously everybody is moving on. Look at Stonetalon the other evening Dan, absolutely deserted, whereas when we were there in the 20's it was pretty busy. I suppose what I mean is that the server's getting top heavy, so Blizz will have to either bring in new instances like AQ, or tart up old places like Scholo and UBRS, and find new reasons for people to go back.

Is there a reason why you never see PUGs for ZG for instance? Surely getting 20 people together is not much harder than 15 for UBRS?

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Because ZG is reset weekly, therefore you would need to get the same group together the next day, and so on. I think. Its a guild instance basically, we don't even sign up for ZG, we do a kind of in-guild PUG. Somehow the instance is tied into the Guild, as when we return a few days later its in the same state we left it. Same with MC etc

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There are +/- for every class in the game. You can do instances with different kinds of group combos, its just about playing smart and using the tactical options you got. Sap, sheep, traps, shackle, seduce, fear...plenty of options.

Druids can tank without problems. Ive had several druids, who has been excellent tanks, even better then most warriors.

Mages pretty much out dps everything, but they are weak words removed who cant take 1 blow without screaming.

Rogues are useful, but not a must.

Hunters @ another handy dps fella, and traps could be some tactical savers.

Resto druid, shammy or priest... doesnt really matter.

The way i see it, its only in MC, ZG, BWL etc. you need certain classes. Try do Lucifron without mages..it wont work. But DM, ubrs, Scholo or whatever is different

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Because ZG is reset weekly, therefore you would need to get the same group together the next day, and so on. I think. Its a guild instance basically, we don't even sign up for ZG, we do a kind of in-guild PUG. Somehow the instance is tied into the Guild, as when we return a few days later its in the same state we left it. Same with MC etc

Yeah that's what I thought, but surely there's nothing stopping me getting a group up and going in and just seeing how far we get it? Is it tied to the group leader, or what, I don't fully understand it.

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Depends if their raids start at 5pm (uk time) or not like they do in Precious. Which really pisses me off sometimes.

Im top DKP Warlock in my guild, yet i struggle to get in raids Nemesis Skullcap dropped yesterday. Had i been in the raid, id have won it. But no, they always start when everyone in the UK is at work or having dinner.

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God bless Malice and their 6pm starts! Speaking of which, you should apply, you get on with Serena, he'd have you in a shot. Theres also a female Warlock called Charna, from Estonia who speaks with an accent and sounds really sexy on Ventrilo!

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God bless Malice and their 6pm starts! Speaking of which, you should apply, you get on with Serena, he'd have you in a shot. Theres also a female Warlock called Charna, from Estonia who speaks with an accent and sounds really sexy on Ventrilo!


On a more serious note...we wiped at two bosses in AQ today. one at 4 % and one at 19 %. When we wiped at 4 % i actually started laughing! It was just to **** stupid

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You should definitely apply to Dashers Nays, raid times are 7pm usually week nights. Downed Onyxia tonight and funnily enough (or not!) the Nemesis Skullcap dropped. I just think it's a dead easy going, friendly guild. Like Tarj says we wiped a few times in AQ20 tonight, but it was just a laugh trying out new tactics. Skaargfyll from Mist whispered me to say that they were just about to kill the last boss in there, but when everybody's all decked out in tier 2 epics, it's easy mode really.

Anyway I reckon you should either join me and Tarj in Dashers, or Dan in Malice. We seem to be short of locks in every raid, so it seems. One of the officers Gulthrak is a Doghead fan from Dudley too!

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