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Nope, but tbh. i got accepted infront of atleast 2-3 other priests, so i must have done something right :) I knew some officers though

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It's all just luck really. Don't know why I rolled a shammy in the first place, I think it was because I believed Nayson's lies that they were overpowered!

Still not to worry Dan, if you think about it, it's not really been that long without a guild. PuGs have seen us through all the Scholo/BRS/Strat runs, and it's only really the last few days that I feel that not being in a guild has held me back.

I think there's an important issue we need to resolve though.

Bank beam running: Clockwise or anti clockwise? I always seem to go anti clockwise, but might be rebellious tonight and run the other way.

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^^^Are you still melting faces in PvP Tarj? Seem to remember you were always a bit nifty in AB/AV.

He is one of those poofy healing bitches now Si.

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Yes he's gone holy, but he can still kill people. He pussy bubbles up and they die of boredom.

Im anti-clockwise too Riss, it just doesn't seem right to go the other way.

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No I've tried clockwise, and it just seems weird somehow. I've got a new variant now by the way Dan, jumping across the gaps at the top of the zep stop. It's basically the same thing, with the added frisson of excitement that comes from knowing you might do a 100 damage if you mistime it and fall. I have a rule too that if I drop, I have to kill three pigs before going back up again. It's quite exciting when you see a zep coming into the stop, I can tell you.

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I know the one you mean Dan, and I think it's impossible, even with speed enchant on boots. I dream of making that jump.

"Nerf the STV side Zep stop gap!"

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^^^Are you still melting faces in PvP Tarj? Seem to remember you were always a bit nifty in AB/AV

Oh it was to easy :mrgreen: Gone disi/holy now, but have saved my shadow gear though and added a few nice shadow items. So when i get my epic staff i sill return and gank some more :winkold:

Yes he's gone holy, but he can still kill people. He pussy bubbles up and they die of boredom.

And its true :lol: Dan duelled me and i only used wand, and absorbed 25 k of dmg from him :clap: took some time, but god it was funny :crylaugh:

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God imagine Tarj fighting a pally!

It would be like watching Terry Griffiths play Cliff Thorburn. :lol:

Only without the excitement!

How long had you been L60 before you left Si? Were you on long enough to get any decent gear together?

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How long had you been L60 before you left Si? Were you on long enough to get any decent gear together?

I was all lvl60 blues with an epic weapon (Destiny).

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I got a 2 week trial in Malice where I've gotta prove I'm not just a pretty face. Within 10 mins of me signing up they invited me to kill Onyxia, so we did just that. Then we killed a boss in Silithus and wiped loads at that dragon in Hinterlands. Great fun, God I hope they keep me on.

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wiped loads at that dragon in Hinterlands.

Emeriss? Second hardest world spawn boss in the game. How far did you get him?

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Whats hardest then?

Ive heard Kazzak can be insane at times. I did a bit of questing down by his spawn for my Doomguard spell, and the regular mobs down there are 61 and 62 elite demons.

If Kazzak kills any of your party (and this includes Shamans Totems, and Warlock/Hunters pets) then he gets healed for 70,000. How to stop that happening? Well, the obvious answer would be to fill the raid with healers and make sure no one dies. Only problem with that is the DPS tradeoff you are making, and you need as much DPS as you can carry, because if you dont kill Kazzak within 3 minutes of the pull then Kazzak turns into an unstoppable killing machine (and no, im not talking a warrior with full PvP Epixx) but im talking something with the ability to wipe an entire alliance city and cause Blizzard to perform an emergency server reset!

But then i read Kazzak is farmed quite regularly on the game. Now, is this just because he is the most famous of the outdoor bosses, and people kill him as a nod to that fame, and therefore tactics are down? Or is one of the other "four dragons" that came with Emeriss even harder?

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It's **** ace we're all in excellent guilds now, (well apart from Nayson in Precious! ;oP ) this is what being L60 is all about!

One minute I'm farming Incendius with Dan, the next I'm helping down Raggy! Insane!

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