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Gratz mate, I can't wait to kill him myself. What did he drop?



http://www.thottbot.com/?i=37836 (x2!)

Just a shame my DKP sucked (before tonight. Now im #2 warlock, Nemisis skillcap is mine if it drops tomorrow!)

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So very bored with WoW at the moment, really need a guild soon, otherwise I'm going the way of Si, Sie and Bicks.

I never want to go to LBRS/UBRS/Scholo/Strat ever again. DM north is slightly more interesting, but I don't need any drops there, and west and east are really boring instances.

Anybody got anything fun to do?

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I'm still farming DM West for a dagger and Strat for my Leggings and another dagger. That should tide me over until I get a guild.

Riss you want to thott some gear then see where you can find it. Can't beat the buzz of when something you've farmed for days drops off one of the bosses!

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Risso, you could try the Old Grudge, they seem to know what they're doing. Or alternatively you can do all my q's for me & I'll have fun watching you do them :lol:

Actually if any of the "kids" do want a hand with anything just give me a shout, be only too glad to help out.

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In a bit of a quandary. Dashers are still considering my application, but it's been nearly a week since I applied. Do I wait for their decision, which could be god knows when, or do I start applying elsewhere? I don't want things to get messy with having too many applications at once, but I do want a new guild asap.


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Do what I did, take one guild at a time, or it can get messy. I have Malice and Precious in mind to apply at next, although they don't seem as laid back as DG, who seem like an ideal guild for me, should I get refused I'll go to them next.

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Another Shammy has applied for Wowrush, one with MC, Ony and BWL experience. He deserves to get in purely for this stand out line:

I would be honored if you invited me to wowrush, because all i do now with my shaman is walking around in a circle around bank roof

LMAO! Thats all I do, I thought I invented that! Or better still, run and jump over the beams, can't beat it.

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And I thought it was just me! And I was THAT bored the other day I even had a run through RFC. Not even to help a lowbie, but just to one shot everything!

If it wasn't for the AH I'd have gone mad a long time ago.

And I have MC and BWL experience too. I went in and died in both places!

And looking round all the guild sites, you see a lot of the same faces.

Just seen Zabusak apply to the Old Grudge, he must have applied to everyguild on the server now, and been in most of them!

Oh and another Shammy called Kraz who ninja'd Frank's Skinner has had a few pronbems getting in.

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Riss, about our guild, I've written up a l'il manifesto:

New pawnzorz Guild "Waiting For MC" LFM

Will do daily runs around the bank roof, jumping beams is a must.

Ramdomly scouring the AH through boredom also plays a key roll.

Also enjoy tidying up our bag slots, and heading over to the vendor just incase we have something that need repairing.

Feel free to /dance in Orgrimmar, or make humerous remarks under the general chat channel, maybe laugh at prices in the trade channel too.

Specialise in inspecting members of Mist, PE and BotS, then linking the epic gear through party channel and exclaiming how much you want that particular item.

Killing Gamon and listening to his groans as you crit him for 2000 is also recommended, who needs Ragnaros? May we also suggest ticking the "at war" box next to Cenarian and Booty Bay so that you can slaughter the NPCs stood outside the Windrider Tower and at the top of the Zep tower respectively.

Weekly runs through SFK, and ganking lowbies in Wetlands form the main body of our activities.

Have Tabard

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Best post on this thread EVER! I was thinking of something similar but that's brilliant!

I'm looking forward to posting on the Deathwing forum:

"The Terminally Guildless down Rend at 5th attempt!"


"Billy No Guild get Gandling down to 15%"


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I am officially the world's worst dueller! I'm shit scared in case a L40 ever asks me, knowing that in all probability, they'd kick my ass!

My brain knows what to do, it's just that I lack the reactions to do it quick enough!

It's like, right, duelling a Lock, must drop Grounding and Tremor totem, and then frost shock them, purge a couple of times, and try to get into melee distance and WTFPWN them.

Instead my Joey Deacon like coordiantion make me attempt to mount, drop Stoneskin totem and target some random bystander!

Are you up for a race around the bank roof tonight Dan?! I'm now nearly revered with the cow next to the AH, and hope to receive my loyalty card very soon!

Still, at least all my new found fire res is useful for when I accidentally land on a fire when jumping off the Skytower bridge!

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I panic in duels too, but I make sure that I only duel 60s, so that no level 55 can brag about WTFPWNing a 60. I suppose the only way to get better is to practice. I accept your Bank roof challenge, and raise you a whimsical "Valley of Trials" run, to see what the good old days were like, maybe WTFPWN in echo isle?

Actually yesterday, I rolled ally alts of all 4 races, and noted down where they start off. Next phase of the plan is to head there, and hope that the n00b level 1s naively aggro me, so that I can slaughter them.

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Risso, you could try the Old Grudge, they seem to know what they're doing. Or alternatively you can do all my q's for me & I'll have fun watching you do them :lol:

Actually if any of the "kids" do want a hand with anything just give me a shout, be only too glad to help out.

Nice one I'll hold you to that. Infact fancy helping me with RFD this week? Any help from the others would be appreciated. I seem to have been stuck in the Lvl 30's for ages. This damn wedding planning is playing havoc with my WOW time.

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BTW, I really would advise doing DM instances, if you don't get the gear you're looking for, you might pick up a book worth a quite bit. Yesterday I won a roll on Libram of Focus, apparently it fetches upwards of 200G!

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