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You cant mean chromatic carapaces as they are BOP?

No not the carapace (thankfully I've already got that) but Brilliant Chromatic Scales. 1-2 drop in the Rend room, and I need 10 for my epic armor. They're BoE, so squishies roll on them, and then sell them on AH for 30-40 gold. Why doesn't Blizz just make them BoP?

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:lol: Im workin on it. Got around 35 g methinks. Il do some farming the next days!

Btw. I did a raid on Emeriss the dragon in Hinterlands, and i promise you i never thought a dragon could be so hard. We had 40 people workin their arse off and we wiped at 73 %.

And an alliance raid arrived during our try :shock: 40 alliance facing 40 horde!

Anyway, that dragon is just insane.

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Could anyone tip me off some nice new interface bar thingy. Im forced to work more on instances and healing, as thats the only way i will get my staff. And with less buttons to push i would like some new screen style. Any mods to minimize CTRA or healing mods generally would do.

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Ok, for Tarj:

I use a thing called Discord Action Bars for my interface.


Its nice how you can have the screen how you want it. And its nice that the cooldowns of spells pop up on the buttons associated with them. You can also configure it so that any button for a spell changes colour for whatever reason. They turn red when i have something targeted that is out of range for the spell. This works for both hostile targets with attacking spells, and for friendly targets when giving buffs. Its nice for me when i give the soulstone buff to people. For a Priest it would be even more handy, no doubt. Also, as in the 4th screenshot, you can see when you dont have enough mana for a spell, the colour of the spell on the bar will change. All of these things are options that you can configure in Discord Action Bars. Just allow yourself a while to play with it.

I used version 2.36

Version 3 is a complete rebuild, and i found it to be as buggy as ****. Download 2.36, it works.

You have to start from scratch, so allow yourself a couple of hours to get it sorted. There are probably easier ways to get it sorted than i did, cos i was just using trial and error.

Basically, i chose to hide everything that the standard game interface had.

Then i decided which of the four "extra" bars i needed.

I dont need a shapeshift bar. Im not sure what is considered a shapeshift. Druids and Shamen, obviously, and Rogues stealth is considered a shapeshift too. Im guessing that Warriors stances are shapeshifts. Is shadowform? Again, id guess it is.

Anyway, you can get different bars to pop up while in different forms. If this extends to shadowform, i guess you can take all your holy spells off the screen automatically and have them come back when you go back to normal.

Other "extra bars" are Pet Bar for Warlocks and Hunters. I just have mine so you can only see it when you mouse over it as i control my pets with hotkeys anyway. There is the menu bar, which is the one where you can click on your profile, or your spellbook or your talents or whatever. Again, i just have that as show on mouseover. I have my bag bar on display at all times. You can drag these bars to wherever you want on the screen.

From there, you have the normal buttons.

You get 10 bars of 12 buttons, numbered as you would expect, from bar one to bar 10.

Each bar starts off as a horizontal straight line. You can change the shape of it by adjusting the size of each button, and the number of rows in each bar. One row would be the normal horizontal bar. four rows would be 4x3 like the one in my screenshot. 12 rows would be a vertical bar (and so on)

If you dont want to have 12 buttons in the bar, (say if you are a rogue and only ever press stealth, vanish and backstab ;) ) then you can chose to hide or collapse empty buttons so they dont show up on the screen.

You can save things as you go along. Either save to a profile, or quicksave. I think its all in "misc options"

When you have all the bars as you want them, then you can bind the keys. Do this with ESC > Keybindings. Discord Action Bars have their own place in here. Scroll down, you will see it. Its easier to turn on the numbers of each button so you can make sure you are keybinding to the right place. You can then turn the numbers back off if you want to make it look prettier.

It will take you a while to sort it, but i much prefer my layout now to how it ever was. And i like how i can add or remove boxes as i see fit. I even have a bag bar on the right hand side of the screen so i can just drink water or apply bandages just by clicking on them. The time taken to set it up was totally worth it.

To move the minimap to the middle of the bottom, i got a mod called Move Anything!

I have an old version, and found it a little bit buggy. Perhaps new versions will be less so.

If you decide to do it, allow a bit of time. If you need any help setting it up, just ask, and if i can answer your questions, i will.

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For armour, or weapons?

For armour, i just do it manually. You cant change in combat anyway, so you never really need to be relying on a mod for that quick change.

For weapon switching, so i can switch between the wand that gives me 19 shadowpower to the wand with good DPS and fire resistance, i use : this

Oh, and for Dan: Auto Shout Out

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Looking for those Addons, i found this and its fantastic. Means i can ditch that ugly as hell Discord Unit Frames ive been using, and have the pretty default interface back.


Its a nice target of target mod. Above your target, and you can click on it to target the targets target if you want. (try saying that three times fast) you can see it in the screenshot above TRLs name here.

Basically, it has two benifits. In an instance or a group you can target the puller before a pull and click his target from there (similar to using the assist key) but its even nicer if you are grinding near alliance. You can check if they are targeting you or one of your mates. Its a tiny file, and it works automatically. Worth getting i think.


And just because i like dead alliance, this one is about to meet his maker. DoTs = not being able to stealth, and taking damage while you blow your vanish cooldown (and get brought straight back out of it by the dots) and your sprint cooldown.

Stay out of our city!

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One of the best whine threads ive ever seen, and a link to a video of textbook rogue play.

Hi guys.

I just wanted to post this video i made a few days ago while dueling a buddy of mine.

Again, people complain about Death Coil and warlocks, and can't see what's even more imbalanced.

You talk about "skill"; a "skilled" warlock can do this or that, and kill everyone 1 on 1.

This is aimed to all those warlocks saying they were never defeated in a duel, that they can fight ppl 2 on 1, and also to all the other players thinking warlocks are invulnerable.

I would like you to check this video, and tell me WHO is balanced and who is not.

It's only a 6 meg video, and there are two mirrors.


http://esnips.com/web/madeiner-video (click on the video to download it)

Why do people insist that the game is broken if they get a good kicking?

More so in a duel where the other guy is prepared for the fight.

Ive been done over by rogues more times than i care to remember. Even if ive beaten one (and ive beaten epicced up guys from Mist in duels) then its usually by the skin of my teeth. All i can do is try not to die before the dots kill the rogue. He is designed to kill me. Shit, if he gets the perfect stunlock off, all i can do is die. Does that mean the game is broken? No.

I can do it to a mage, a mage can do it to a warrior, a warrior can do it to a rogue a rogue can do it to me. A Hunter can do it to everybody. Its to encourage grouping, and to give the Hunter something to do when he cant get into a group ;) The more i read the WoW forums, the more i see people who just cant accept this. Screaming "nerf" and whinging and whining because they just got whupped. Its an online game, isnt it? and in online games, the world doesnt revolve around you. Its there for you to make your mark on. Crying like this bloke did isnt going to do that is it?

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I must have killed Drakki and the Baron 8 times each in the last week, and still no sign of Shadowcraft. Oh well, its the only thing keeping me playing until I get a guild.

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