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Yeah, might give it a miss then. Find it's never worth going into an instance at the very bottom of the level range, as all my spells get resisted. Fire resistance totem would probably be useful though, but I don't just like being a totem dropper, and I like to be able to defend myself if I get aggroed!

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Ragefire is the first instance you get to do, think it's about L15, so probably a bit low level, although still good practise. My advice would be to start doing them asap, as instances get more and more imporrtant as the game goes on. Find a group, but let them know you're quite new to the game, as other players you don't know can get quite impatient if you make mistakes. Just ignore them, we all made mistakes, you will too. In fact, I still make them now!

Shadowfang keep is a good instance that you'll be able to do soon I think, I'm sure one of us would be only too pleased to revisit there to help, it's great fun.

An important thing is to learn the rules of etiquette of "need v greed" and rolling on chests. Dan managed to learn this (just!) by level 51. Plus I'll send you the link for a program that guarantees a 98 roll on chests!

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Nice one Risso. What happens if everyone in the group have the same program, who will get the loot? Also seeing as it is the season of good will is there anyone here with herbalism that would like to pick me 5 earth root :winkold:

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What happens if everyone in the group have the same program, who will get the loot?

Hehe, sorry mate, that was an injoke. Dan reckons I win all the rolls, and must have a program to make sure I do! Nonsense or course, Tarj uses his divine powers to win everything! I think I've got some earthroot in my bag from that bloody herbalism q, so I'll send it you if I have.

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What happens if everyone in the group have the same program, who will get the loot?

Hehe, sorry mate, that was an injoke. Dan reckons I win all the rolls, and must have a program to make sure I do! Nonsense or course, Tarj uses his divine powers to win everything! I think I've got some earthroot in my bag from that bloody herbalism q, so I'll send it you if I have.

LoL, how guilable am I? :oops: your gonna tell me in a minute that Space Cadets isn't real :lol:

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If you want to do WC I'll go through it with you tonight if you're on. You won't get much XP because of my level, but at least you'll know what to look out for when you're in a normal group.

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No worries. The first time I did an instance was WC, without anybody on here, and I made every mistake in the book. I rolled "need" on everything, I dropped the wrong totems, pulled multiple mobs, and generally had a crap time!

30 levels later and not much has changed!

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My advice would be to start doing them asap, as instances get more and more imporrtant as the game goes on.

My advice is to let the rogue lead in stealth and listen to his tips, if he says "large group right" don't turn the corner right! and if you see a patrol, don't pull the group that its walking past!

My interpretation on the need greed thing, which I did get to grips with late, but not as late as Risso says, is if you see something, and you want to equip it, because its better then what you have and it has stats on it that suit you, then you need it. But if you think "that'll get me shit loads in the AH", then you greed it. Since I got to grips with this I think I've only ever "needed" once, very rarely do I find a drop in an instance that suits a rouge perfectly, and is better than what I have. I have a reputation, but thats only because I got the 2 the wrong way around in the early days, I don't even need lockboxes, even if I'm the only one that can open them, I can open them for someone else (for free) I never seem to get free enchants or summons though! (except off nays)

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Thing is, shamans are indeed overpowered at the moment. It's something the developers themselves have admitted and there are plans to sort it out in the future.

Not being able to escape certain situations easily doesn't make the Shaman class balanced. Every class in the game has this problem. Class mechanics are based on rock, paper, scissors so being disgruntled because a certain effect can **** you over is futile because all classes have that.

The imbalance comes from the fact a well played shaman can completely disable his opponent's ability to move effectively and/or escape, whilst the shaman both attacks and heals himself. Every other class has to make choices in a fight, weighing up if it's better to heal or stay and attack (druid would be a good example here).

The reason is hasn't been fixed yet? Simply put, the class itself is balanced in terms of play mechanics. Everything fits nicely and it all works and as a result, other classes that need their mechanics sorted are being addressed first.

The imbalance comes when you bring the rest of WoW's classes into the equation.

Don't forget however that this imbalance is most obvious at Lvl 60. Class strengths against others is something that rapidly fluxuates while leveling.

Just ask Nayson what his warlock was like 20 levels ago...

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Just ask Nayson what his warlock was like 20 levels ago...

**** Shite. I nearly retired my Lock and re-rolled at level 30.

Im not sure why.

Getting ganked so many times compared to everybody else really pissed me off (cloth wearers usually get targeted first though) and not being able to fight back cos i had so much to worry about, certainly compared to my partner in crime (Sie) who could out damage me, defend himself better than me, had no downtime or mana pool to worry about and no pet to run around after.

Its could be that certain classes develop later than others, (as Sion is kinda finding out now while his warrior is suddenly turning into Mike Tyson) and the Lock is a late bloomer, certainly compared to the class i have played 90% of my game alongside, the Rogue. I spent ages wondering why i had such a crappy attack, and crappy defense, and no real "role" in the game. During the mid 40's, i got some decent spells, had a talent point rebuild, and patch 1.8 came out, where Blizzard finally gave us a spell that would stop Rogues from basically having us as free kills (see the Roguecraft Video) and the combination of the three really affected me.

At the same point, i think i was finally came to the top of what has to be a hideously steep learning curve on how to play my class. Now i think ive got there, im having a blast. The High levels are great fun, and the Lock seems to be a million miles away from the one trick ponies that a lot of other classes seem to be (through my blinkered eyes, at least)

It is all about "learning to play" as everyone has heard from someone at some point in time, no doubt. Its just that some people take longer to learn than others. I know i did, but i can be snobbish now, and point to Blizzards own website.

Warlocks were mages that delved too deeply into the roots of demonic power. Consumed by a lust for dark knowledge, they've tapped into chaotic magic from beyond the world. The Burning Legion now feeds them its powers, allowing them to channel destructive energies and call upon the powerful emissaries of their demon masters.

The Warlock is a more involved class to play. Warlocks have pets, many different spell combos, and a reagent component requirement for some of their spells. This means that it will take a bit more learning than some of the more straightforward classes. The Warlock has a lot of very cool and fun abilities including Eye of Kilrogg, Fear, Pets, and more. The Warlock is a very fun class to play once you figure things out.

Still, im sure we all agree, WoW is a **** fantastic game.

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Well Dan finally got his carrot last night! Had a decent group with me, Dan, a L45 priest, a 51 warrior and someone else who I've forgotten.

Earlier, me and Tarj had a run through RFK with Juju and Limpid. No XP or drops obviously, but as I'd never finished it while at the right level, it was kind of fun all the same. On the way down from the Barrens I ran into those 4 L25 elites that used to be such a set of clearings in the woods when we were young. Anyway I took great delight in wiping them out, even though it's really not much of an achievement!

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Well Dan finally got his carrot last night! Had a decent group with me, Dan, a L45 priest, a 51 warrior and someone else who I've forgotten.

I'm sure Bicks will be thrilled to see he made such an impact!

I don't think I've ever been killed by a Lock, except Nayson in duels, I took great pleasure yesterday in setting my yeti on one yesterday, he killed the Lock (with a bit of my assistance) and then helped me take out a Pussy Bubble Bitch, that thing is just too cool for words.

Our group yesterday was perfect, yes everyone (except me, Vanish!) died that one time but we couldn't do anything about that as every time we killed a mob, a **** patrol would turn up, then we got a runner straight into a mob of five and it was game over. Still I think we did every boss in there including Godzilla, and now I have that carrot that has eluded me so greatly, alas, I never thought it would come...

It helped me hit 55 yesterday only to be accused of being a power leveller!

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And you thought you were finally done with the Halloween stuff? Well Christmas has entered Orgrimmar.

Christmas trees, Santa costumes and even deers as mounts

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