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Maaaaaaaan, what a finish to tonight's match.

Philly's looked comfortable throughout most of the match scoring home runs from here, there and everywhere... but out of nowhere in the 7th inning, Yankees make this surging comeback, but sadly didn't pull off the miraculous comeback, but still got very close to.

Gonna' be a great game tomorrow, and if Yankees can be more consistent pitching-wise, I just can't see Philly winning.

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Gonna' be a great game tomorrow, and if Yankees can be more consistent pitching-wise, I just can't see Philly winning.

I don't know what Pettitte's record is like on short rest, but given his age it's actually worrying.

If it does go to Game 7, I'm curious as to who will pitch for Philly. Lee certainly won't, Hammels comments made after Game 3 suggest he wants out of Philly and I don't think you can put him in such a huge game with that mindset, Pedro can't pitch as he will be tomorrow.. who the hell do they go with? Unless they do go with Hammels.. :shock:

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PHILADELPHIA – Phillies pitchers Brett Myers(notes) and Cole Hamels(notes) had a short but tense confrontation in the team’s clubhouse following Game 5 of the World Series, according to one witness, words that stemmed from Hamels’ recent statement that he was eager for his season to end.

As Myers walked past Hamels near Hamels’ locker he said, mocking, “What are you doing here? I thought you quit.”

Hamels, the witness said, responded with an expletive.

Before the situation escalated, Myers was guided away by a team official.


Couldn't happen to a better team at a better time.

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It will certainly be interesting to see how Andy fares tonight. I'm hopeful Andy would've been honest enough to let Girardi know if he wasn't feeling alright. If Andy is okay, I feel pretty good about tonight.

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If it does go to Game 7, I'm curious as to who will pitch for Philly. Lee certainly won't, Hammels comments made after Game 3 suggest he wants out of Philly and I don't think you can put him in such a huge game with that mindset, Pedro can't pitch as he will be tomorrow.. who the hell do they go with? Unless they do go with Hammels.. :shock:

It will be Happ for the Phillies. But let's hope that is to be merely of academic interest.

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Although he got through the first inning without letting a man reach, Pedro does not look right. it certainly looks as if the flu problems that troubled him in game 2 have gone from bad to worse.

Scoreless first for both teams. Howard to lead off for the Phillies.

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Yeah, that's harsh on Damon. He's been terrific over the last few games, and his bat will be missed. Certainly won't harm our defense, though.

It won't be Happ in game seven for the Phils after all, btw. He's been up throwing in the pen already. Will it be Hamels then, if it gets to seven?

Pettitte, despite walking a couple in the 4th, looks okay. Pedro is finished already - he won't be out for the bottom of the 5th.

Edit: I forgot to say, I adore Hideki Matsui. He's been fantastic in this World Series.

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Yeah, that's harsh on Damon. He's been terrific over the last few games, and his bat will be missed. Certainly won't harm our defense, though.

It won't be Happ in game seven for the Phils after all, btw. He's been up throwing in the pen already. Will it be Hamels then, if it gets to seven?

Pettitte, despite walking a couple in the 4th, looks okay. Pedro is finished already - he won't be out for the bottom of the 5th.

Edit: I forgot to say, I adore Hideki Matsui. He's been fantastic in this World Series.

Not sure who'll pitch. I'd assume it'd be Hamels, but his comments and the bust up with Myers.. I'm not sure he'd be in the right mindset to pitch a World Series deciding game, particularly when he's up against a guy like Sabathia.

Matsui has been beast, gotta be up there for an MVP contender. Who do you think will get it (if it ends tonight)? I'd say Mo if he picks up another save.

I didn't know A-Rod set a Yankee post-season record for most RBIs.. what's happened to him! :shock:

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They're projecting Hamels anyway, but I agree it seems like madness to give the ball to him after what's happened.

I'd maybe go for Matsui myself, actually, but that may be unlikely when he "only" pinch hit for three games in the NL ballpark. I'm not really familiar enough with the traditional MVP standards. Damon was fantastic for three and a half games, and is worth a mention. Pettitte looks set to get his second win, and he did contribute with an RBI and a run in game three. Mo should never be forgotten about either. Rick Suthcliffe just said he'd vote for Jeter for defense.

Forget about it, though. Godzilla drives in two more. He gets my vote.

As for A-Rod: He's been impressive. No doubt about it.

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He's out. Good job, all things considered. I think Andy gave up four in game three.

Joba in to get the final out of the 6th. If he gets that without giving up a run, and if we can add a couple in the bottom 6th, I think we'll be out of reach.

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