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Everything posted by Ginko

  1. Maybe, but people can't have forgotten what it was like when KMac was in charge that quickly can they? Everyone was calling for his head, saying he didn't have the experience. The fact is, it's well documented the love the players have for KMac, but they still turned in a dreadful performance against Newcastle and didn't do particularly well under him. I'll admit that he wasn't in charge for very long but if the team plays like that under someone they want to play for, and play like that under Houllier who we all assume they don't want to play for, doesn't that suggest something else is wrong?
  2. Nail. On. Head. Yep, spot on that. I think Mr Moxley may have been reading this site a lot recently concerning that story. Very one-sided, I like the way he didn't make a single suggestion of who could come in and do a better job. It feels like to me that he is obviously aware of the way the majority of villa fans are feeling and has written that article accordingly. A biased piece of journalism, though not necessarily incorrect on a lot of points.
  3. Ha no sorry, I was laughing at your comment on dudley_villa's post. I meant his comparison was ridiculous, not yours, I was in full agreement I can see where the confusion came about though, apologies.
  4. What a ridiculous comparison. Football is a business at the end of the day.
  5. Jesus, this site has ground to a stand-still. I haven't submitted my vote because honestly I don't know anymore and I couldn't follow the game, sounds like we didn't play too well though. Worrying times though.
  6. Hah, jeez it's only been 5 days! Don't you remember transfer windows under MON?
  7. :shock: Hush your mouth! ...and Fran, since when weren't you a Houllier fan? I have never liked the old fool, he was the wrong appointment from day one. He should have stayed with the French fa, he's to old to be coming back into prem management. Yeah... nevermind
  8. :shock: Hush your mouth! ...and Fran, since when weren't you a Houllier fan?
  9. That was just posted on Twitter....Randy in a sacking mood huh Difference being, the Brown's season is now over after not making the playoffs, and Mangini had 2 seasons in charge, both of which were 5-11, not impressive and showing no real progress. Not to mention that they were humiliated by the Steelers this week. Completely different situation, not that I think you're being particularly serious though Cracker
  10. Agree PieFacE, but 3 points wouldn't go amiss either
  11. I agree Sellyoak. I guess the main difference I can determine from the good performance against Man U, and the good performance against Chelsea is that at Man U we played a lot of youngsters, particularly in the middle of the park, whereas against Chelsea we had a lot more experienced heads in there. So now we have more players fit and a better squad to choose from we can get a better mix of youth and experience which might just help to get a bit more stability in the coming games. Our youngsters have been great but it comes as no surprise that young players are much less consistent on the whole.
  12. Not that this was aimed at me, but I certainly feel a lot more confident in the lads than I have recently, and I think we could get something from Sunderland on wednesday. But as much as I hate to admit it since they're managed by that gigantic expletive, Sunderland have impressed me this season and I think they will be very hard to beat. Let's not forget they beat Chelsea earlier this season, and quite convincingly too. They're a very good team at the moment.
  13. I don't think anyone is under the illusion that we're out of the woods yet Big_John_10, but there's no harm in enjoying a good result and having a bit of hope.
  14. Even though the equaliser was a combination of two youth players in Albrighton and Clark? I know what you mean though. I think Stan was a lot better today, we had a leader again in midfield, and credit to Dunne who played well, so probably another leader in defence too.
  15. Hah well, I can see how it might be annoying for opposition fans hearing a commentator being biased towards the team they support, but get over it. The guy is a true fan clearly and couldn't contain himself, I think any true football supporter would understand this eventually. Nice one Stan
  16. I think I read somewhere that Warnock was suspended for today (thankfully). I did hope that it was Houllier's decision, but after Clark's performance today maybe Houllier will think a bit longer on who to play at LB. This also might spur Warnock on to do a little better, assuming the rumours about him hating the Villa aren't true.
  17. Yeah I thought the same too, he said it in German for a bit of variety I think. Cuellar spoke in spanish too if I recall. Either way, two seconds of talking isn't enough to judge how good his english is. He's been in the UK for a fair while now and he seemed to communicate well enough with the rest of the reserve team considering how good he has been for them, I don't think we have much to worry about on that front.
  18. Exactly what I was going to say. I like the 'less ginger' comment too, if by less you mean, not ginger at all I don't see many comparisons with Sidwell at all though frankly, I've never rated him and Delph is something special from what I've seen of him.
  19. I think I must be the only person who doesn't like the away kit this season. I don't like the home one much either though to be fair. The FX pro sponsor looks naff on it too, it's got this horrible outline around it, makes it look really cheap, and on the away one the horrible reddy pink colour of the sponsor looks wrong on a black shirt. I think all of the kits (including the horrible tiger stripe goalie kit too) look really cheap and naff this year. I wonder who it is at football clubs that make the decision on kits, I hope they do better next year.
  20. He looked in good spirits on the Christmas Wishes video on the OS, hopefully because he's getting close to full fitness.
  21. He would be a less attractive proposition for the clubs wanting to buy him though, he would be more expensive since he has longer to run on his contract. Therefore, they might not offer what we value him as, meaning that this 'right contract offer' may never come and he would then be here for another year instead. This would no doubt be good for us, but by the time another year comes around, the bigger clubs who have been sniffing around him may lose interest and get someone else in. So from Ash's point of view, if he does want to leave and go to a bigger club, this might not make much sense, so I doubt it will happen.
  22. Sorry to ask MM, and I know MON has gone now, but I seem to remember him mentioning that Delph needs to learn to tackle properly to avoid injuring himself. Are the coaches aware of this and have they said anything to him about his tackling or general play that you know of?
  23. Oh christ the first thing I thought of when you mentioned Man City was a swap deal with SWP... noooooooo!
  24. We should be able to make a profit really, what did he cost £9.5 million? If we can get a decent amount, sell him. I like him and he's done a lot for us but if he wants to leave you can't do much and losing him wouldn't be the end of the world. We have two quality wingers and perhaps we could use the money on another striker or a player who is really effective in the hole, because Ash hasn't been that good in that position in my opinion. Whoever he ends up going to, I bet he plays back on the wing.
  25. I'd say that was an incredibly accurate prediction of 2014 They forgot to mention why Bannan would want to leave Villa who were crowned the Premier League and Champion's League Champions two years running though. They forgot to quote Bannan's other teammate Kaka too.
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