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Everything posted by mykeyb

  1. Some think tanks has said we will need a 6p increase in the basic rate of income tax to pay for all this. No wonder Tony **** off after he had beat Maggies stay in power. Gordon Brown was obviously so hungry for power he couldnt see what a state the country was in, or maybe he felt responsible and did the decent thing.
  2. Only one winner tonight from what I saw....... Fulham
  3. - Tory voter - Tory voter - Tory voter As acurate as always with your summarises Ian. Actually at the moment I would vote Libdem. Wrong again I am afraid. Gordy has now said said the woman is not a bigot so I guess thats twice in one day you goy it wrong. Tomorrows a new day. Chin Up.
  4. Firstly you know **** all about my opinions about immigration apart from what you have tried to piece together from comments on this forum, you assume anyone who expresses an opinion or concern about immigration is a bigot, which is utter bullshit. BNP want to "send people back" which is a bit different to having some kind of control on who comes here to live. I said any views because you have assumed that the women has expressed an unknown opinion on immigration and you have her down as a bigot. Thats a pretty big leap.
  5. So having an opinion, any opinion on immigration from eastern europe now makes you a bigot? Unless you know exactly what the woman said to Brown how can you possibly jump to the conclusion that she is a bigot. Its a good job he didnt call her fat....................
  6. I'm sorry - didn't I answer that just? ................... mumbles something about being a thicko .......... Note: Said for :-) effect The lady in question comes out with comments apparently about Eastern Europeans and immigration - a very emotive subject and one that is often associated with bigots of this world - see UKIP / BNP policy etc. Brown states in what he thought was a private moment the B word and the media throw that out asap. Brown quickly apologies and now its apparently a major issue. If Cameron had said the same then so be it and I suspect that certain media outlets would not have shown the same "outrage". So Mike - are you appalled by Browns actions here? I know we can all shake hands with a baby and kiss a pensioners head or something like that ...... So the woman is a bigot Ian, have you read the transcript of the discussion? I can guess what your actual response would have been had it been Cameron and not Brown. I am not appalled by Gordons comments, but he had on a Sky Microphone for a reason. Its a bit like Kerry Katona or Jordan going to the press every 5 minutes and then when things go wrong start asking for privacy.
  7. Ian if that had been Cameron, you would have torn him a new one for saying what Brown did. Your no different to the Sky news you keep saying is biased. All tories polices rubbish and all Labours good? :bonk: What I find really interesting is that Ian immediately took Browns side without knowing exactly what the woman had said to Gordon Brown. Asking the PM about immigration apparently now makes you a bigot. How judgemental!!
  8. And if that had been David Cameron......................... Sky would never have been so quick to release this to the world :-) His "mistake" if you want to call it that seems to be getting caught saying what he felt. Good on you Mr Brown I say, now tell us what you really think of that snivelling little shit Osborne And what if it had been David Cameron........
  9. And if that had been David Cameron.........................
  10. Has there ever been a government who have got absolutely nothing right Labour have done some good things, peace in Northern Ireland being one but they have done some things badly too. By the way how is the price of Bullion these days. What will cost Labour is Gordon Brown and the desire for change.
  11. Drove through Colley Gate near Lye, this morning and was quite suprised that the BNP had a little stall set up to canvas for vote. The stall was on the car park of an Indian Restaurant (now theres irony)
  12. and that sums it up perfectly. A perfect Tory response I may say. The stereo Type is there for all to see At least Tony will debate - sometimes with a rabid right wing hat. :wink: (The loony left > rabid right) The trouble with forums is its hard to tell if posts are meant to be ironic or just come out that way
  13. is this real world or VT world we are talking ? VT has a 50% + Lib Dem support rate so I'd hardly call it unbiased I gave me honest assessment on page 2 .. I had Brown down as the winner for a long period so it's a tad unfair to just bracket people as biased or unbiased ... On immigration I just don't happen to agree with Clegg he to coin a phrase needs to "Get Real" .. i don't think he was strong on defence either .... Hence why he didn't win last night in my "biased" opinion It certainly aint VT World. I dont even need to come on and read this thread to find how some people saw the debate last night.
  14. So Labours Supporters think Brown won Tory supporters think Cameron won Unbiased opinion seems to be Clegg won.... Interesting that Brown went on a bit of a Clegg offensive,
  15. Interesting to have a play with the Election Seat Calculator. Libdems on the Yougov Poll results have 33% of the vote compared to Labours 26% and yet would have only 134 seats compared to Labours 241. PR will make one hell of a difference to the political landscape and if it is the No1 issue that either of the 2 main parties must agree to to form a coaltion government it will make the Libdems the King makers at pretty much every election from hereon. Is that a good thing?
  16. Throw Ins: Do you remember when we used to look for an unmarked player infield who would then look to build an attack rather than our usual lets have 3 players down the line who might get a flick on which might go to one of our players but might not. Remember when our strikers used to make a run towards the near post to try and get in front of the defender rather than just run towards the penalty spot whether there is a space there or not. Remember when we used to make tactical substitutions before the 70 minute mark? Statistics are a wonderful thing. We may well end up with more points than last season, more away wins than any other premiership team, we may end up with the best defence. Why then after watching the match tonight do I feel in such a bad mood. I will back MON for another season if we finish with a points tally higher than previous years total. I will live in hope that he will try different formations, different tactics, rest players occasionally, give some players a fair chance and buy a decent striker and a little bit of creativity for the midfield. However I will be surprised if he does.
  17. A very hard earned 3 points against a team who has been relegated, through to the FA Cup final and struggled to put out a team with a full compliment of players on the bench. The crossing from both wings is at best erratic and no real plan b it seems. Yet again Martin waits until 70 minutes for the customary Heskey for Carew when he could have tried something a bit different 10 mins earlier as we seemed to be going nowhere. If we can win the next 2 games then I think MON will be backed by the majority of fans me amongst them but after watching that I really wouldnt be too upset if he decided he had had enough.
  18. Since LibDems are bound to want Proportional Representation brought in as a condition of joining either party for a coalition government who do you think will be the first to crumble Labour or Conservatives
  19. Men Who Stare at Goats. Looked iffy but thought I would give it a go. Has some really funny bits in it. Much better film than I expected really.
  20. The Tory party Mike. The Lib Dems have more to gain in seats that are typical Tory targets As you will see on here there are some for who the Tory party message however its glossed up and marketed will show that they have not changed from the days of Thatcher. If they have become disillusioned by Lab often they have moved to a Lib Dem vote. The lib Dems will attack the Tory party typically in "affluent" constituencies and could well win more of the vote. Tactical voting under this shit system that we have in the UK will be a factor again - basically keep out the Tory party and the return of the witches policy If you are right where are the disaffected Labour voters going to turn? Radio WM did something when LDV shut and it was amazing how many of the ones interviewed were considering voting BNP. What would that tell people if they finished 4th at the election.
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