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Everything posted by Juju

  1. I just can't understand how Blizzard can't do anything about the goldfarmers. Surely anyone who's bank accounts increase by say 100g per day oought to be on a watch list at Blizzard. Examine the activity on the account. See where they are connecting from. Do you report goldfarmers? I open a ticket now on every whisper I get, and every mail in my box. I also came across a bot farming in Alterac. It went up 3 levels in the time I was playing, clearly some complicated macro, spamming spells, sitting, eating drinking then attacking next target. Didnt respond to whispers. Reported that as well. I know its not much, but if every player on the server reports activity, then it at least gives Blizzard the option to do somehting.
  2. Juju


    I dunno, that last one of Ellis isn't too bad......
  3. While on holiday in Kenya and walking through the bush a man comes across an elephant standing with one leg raised in the air. The elephant seems distressed so the man approaches very carefully. He gets down on one knee and inspects the bottom of the elephant's foot only to find a large thorn deeply imbedded. As carefully and as gently as he can he removes the thorn and the elephant gingerly puts its foot down. The elephant turns to face the man and stares at him intently. For a good ten minutes the man and elephant stand transfixed. Eventually the elephant turns and walks away. For years after the man often remembers and ponders the events of that day... One day the man is walking through the zoo with his son. As they approach the elephant enclosure, one of the elephants turns and walks over to where they are standing at the rail. It stares at him and the man can't help wondering if this is the same elephant. The man climbs tentatively over the railing and makes his way into the enclosure. He walks right up to the elephant and stares back in wonder. Suddenly the elephant wraps its trunk around one of the man's legs and swings him wildly back and forth along the railing, instantly killing him. Probably not the same elephant then.
  4. Juju


    I was about to buy either a 350d or Sony Alpha100 last week. I was about to go into the local shop who offe a price promise off the net, and did a quick wizz through some sights, and blow me down if Jesspos were already taking advance orders for the 400d. Ok, the price looks a bit steep at £719 as of their site, but I cant believe with the Sony retailling at £599 that upon release, it will be more expensive than this. Both got 10.2 mp sensors. Indeed, sony make the sensors so I understand for the Nikon range, and the new Nikon is considerably pricier than then Sony to start with. I'll sit back for a few weeks longer methinks.
  5. Please do. I see what happens when people dont. Firstly any compensation for injuries gets reduced by at least 25% generally, and more if your injuries were made worse by not wearing one, and secondly, going through a windscreen or even straight into an airbag going off isnt a hugely joyous feeling. its silly not to. Its also the law. If you dont agree with the law, dont drive. And its not just you. smear your pretty g/f across the windscreen and she'll hate you, her friends and family will hate you, the police, ambulance and fire service who have to pick up the pieces will hate you, and you will hate you for the rest of your life.
  6. It's dead, with no clues as to when its coming up again. Bah!
  7. If any of you guys have alts in the l24 ish range and fancy doing a spot of low level instances for old times, feel free to let me know......
  8. Like I say. The consumers will ultimately have a reasonable bearing on the winners and losers. And AV06 have lost the media war. They have lsot the hearts and minds of the market. I am confident that Lerner's bid will go through.
  9. Again, this unfounded slur about ground sharing. It has no basis as far as I can see, in so much that the Lerner families actions at Cleveland Browns, of rebuilding and relocating, actually run directly contrary to the assertations of AV06. It's this slurring, and promises of money, rather than keeping quiet and getting on with things, that has largely turned fans agaisnt AV06 and the lifelong Michael Neville fan. If they think we can be bought with vague promises of huge funds and mystery billionaires,they clearly think we are far more stupid than we actually are. I think we all respect the relatively organic growth views of Lerner. Every utterance of AV06, of Neville, tend to put me off them more and more. Hell, I'd almost prefer Ellis right now. At least his lies are little ones.
  10. Again, I reiterate, the club has to be run and managed by any new board. And there is at the end of the day, only 1 real source of revenue, us the fans. If we don't come through the turnstiles, if we don't press the red button on our sky interactives, then no one can make money out of a football club. And I would suggest given the way AV06, as well as Michael Neville have conducted themselves, that they have lost the media war. With the present acceptable bid, we the fans, have certainties. We have in our own minds, the view that MON is to a point, LErners man. That LErner has, whilst remaining silent, been seen to be good for the funds, and that he has an interest in sports andthe management thereof. He also, despite poor results on field, enjoys the respect of the fans of the Cleveland Browns. AV06 donot enjoy any popular support, and the "hints" of a list of billionaires, strikes me as rather inmature, and a poor way to put their bid out to the fans. Its all rather a case of "my dads bigger than yours", without seeing any photo's of "dad". So far, all AV06 and Neville have done, is irritate the fans, never a bright thing to do, when they are the market for the product being sold. This is why I believe they will remain unsuccessful. You can't pay big money to players and redevelop stadiums and training grounds if your flow of income has dropped away. I believe until AV06 have the ability to do rather better, and put names into the public domain, that we the fans, the consumers, will remain rightly sceptical, and that under those terms, they are now so far behind, having aleniated the punters, that its no longer just about money. Lerner won the battle of hearts and minds. And that is the battle. Anyone with a viable business plan could find £70m from venture capitalists (think the guys who wanted to buy Rover), providing you can show cash generation and profit. Think Glazer at Manu. Even I could, if I had acredible trackrecord and a bullet proof plan. Make no mistake, Still an Ashole and the Lifelong Michael Neville fan have lost the battle for consumers, and they lost it yesterday. They've all had 2 years to make a deal with Ellis. They didn't, and in business, he who is late with a plan, or idea, is usually the loser.
  11. Hey, Gramme, have you seen Mankirks wife ? I think she's in the Barrens somewhere......
  12. Bicks, you not thinking about rejoining for a reunion on the new server? I've just re enabled my account after a bit of a break.
  13. If you got your old hard drive, fit it to the new pc. Then just run wow off that drive. no key needed. The original was I think on the back of the instruction book.
  14. They said that about the war in 1914.
  15. I was in Virgin the yesterday, mulling over "Guild Wars", and a little lad 13-14 stood next to me and started to finger a WOW box. His mother appeared. Seemed they were toying with the ide of buying the game. And I launched into a diatribe about how he would lose his life to the game. Best game ever, ect ect. I fear I resembed one of those crazy evangalists you see trying to convert on the street. I reassured his mother that her son wont get mixed up with drink, drugs or girls. He'll be glued ot his monitor too much for that. Even told them my sisters a l 37 Warlock, planning to meet up with a Dutch player she met in game soon! They looked concerned and backed away from me, putting the box down. Realised I do miss the game.
  16. In anticipation of the days weeks months and years ahead, I've been reminding everyone I know this afternoon, where I was when we were shit. What about you?
  17. You guys do know that there have been some significant developments in the other part of the forum right?
  18. If you moved 18 months ago, you've missed lots of new content, new faster servers, and the joy of playing with Villa fans! I'm presently taking a break for a couple of months, but I am probably comming back within a fortnight. Theres much more running round the bank roof to be done!
  19. You haven't played wow have you? It spanks football.
  20. Why can't learner just talk to Rothschilds?
  21. Having watched more live charlton football over the last few years than I deserve, can I say if you thought we were dull, with a propensity to go on long runs without a win, then Curbishley is your man!
  22. Juju


    I know its a cliché, but that lake photo, a nice picture, but wouldnt it have been interesting, in an obvious way, the put the camara down, pick up a small stone, and lob it as far as you could, as centrally as you could to the picture, and have one of the mirror image reflection, being broken up by lots of perfect concentric circles in the foreground?
  23. Juju


    Lets face it, as someone only looking to get back into the hobby after 20years away, and who wasn't much good in the first place, it might do as a cheap lens that gives some flexibility. cheers.
  24. Juju


    The price of body only to that with the cheapo bundled lens is about £30, so theres not much point not having it. It's still a better lens than my slr 35-80 fitted to my eos 1000. But what does appeal is, in the basis of spending big bucks (for me), to get a telephoto/zoom of some description, and jesspos have a couple of deals, including half price on a tamron 70-300 at £100. But most of the cheap zooms get pretty poor reviews from what little I can find on the net. The canon cheapo 75-300 also gets pretty poor reviews. I think I need more research rather than rushing out with the credit card this weekend.....
  25. Juju


    Can someone point me in direction of some good enthusiasts sites? I almost bought a 350d today, but the closest shop to me had sold 4 that day and were now out of stock, and the alternative was jesspos, and I'd rather buy from someone who might have more of an idea about cameras than I do. Is the 350d still a very good and safe buy?
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