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Posts posted by WhatAboutTheFinish

  1. I enjoy the championship, the reason, it’s competitive. Which, for me, is what makes football exciting. Whilst I see the attraction of the premier league it is little more than a West End musical with a few teams playing the lead roles and everyone else nothing more than a chorus girl. 

    I don’t really believe all the talk (hype?) about how the quality of the PL is so much better than the championship is either. If you were to cut the top 6 of the pl loose and replace them with the top 6 of the championship who wins that league next season? Over half, if not all, would think they’ve at least got a chance.

    • Like 2
  2. On 19/05/2018 at 01:38, Risso said:

      "Team Pheasant" is what my mate called them.

    Team Pheasant vs Team Peasant sounds like it has the hallmarks of an epic playground rumble! 

    • Like 1
  3. All this talk of youth and smelly things can only mean one thing...99D4973F-AB74-4E14-9DD0-63B8DD5B3566.jpeg.4374c4ec11ba20cfffba7aecb964fbb5.jpeg

    A staple of every Christmas from my grandmother, preferably in a box set with accompanying talcum powder.

    Come to think of it, does anyone over 6 months old still use talc? 

  4. 1 hour ago, briny_ear said:

    Confess I was quite cautious about Dr T at the start but that really is what you want from your owner. Genuine excitement and enthusiasm at our semifinal win. Just hope he had his chequebook about his person.

    IIRC Doesn’t he have to pay Randy £30 mil if we go up? That’s gotta sting! 

  5. 5 hours ago, sidcow said:

    The Fast show is when you think about it extremely weird and quite unique. 

    They basically repeat the same joke several times an episode week after week series after series.  The same jokes over and over again. 

    Yet it never felt boring or repetitive. Each episode felt fresh and new and never ever boring. 

    The first sitcom really to tap in to the ‘anything is funny if you just repeat it often enough’ train of thought was Allo Allo. Every character just had a catchphrase they said every week. The typical episode; You are probably wondering, Good moaning, Listen very carefully, Rrrreeene, You stupid woman, It is I LeClerc, Bring zem in here, You may kiss me, My little tank, Ze flashing knobs etc

    There were so many but somehow it worked.I loved it but even if you didn’t it had a way of ingraining itself into the psyche.

    Fast show then took the same principles and elevated it to new levels. I mean in’t the fast show brilliant, it was like a comedy show that had jokes and stuff but then like had catchphrases and stuff too. Brilliant! 

    (Oh, and if anyone asks...you ain’t seen me...right?!)

    • Like 1
  6. Got a feeling that anyone using the market fall as a stick to try and beat Trump with are barking up the completely wrong tree. The Dow is still 20% higher than when he took over just over a year ago and fell on news that unemployment was unexpectedly down! I'm sure that's the type of bad news that any politician would want to be talking about... :detect:

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, maqroll said:


    Can you believe this shit?


    In his defence, hasn't he just tweeted what has effectively been the official US foreign policy for the last 60 years?

    • Like 3
  8. 5 hours ago, peterms said:


    Am I missing something or doesn’t that slide have a big green tick under the arrangements with Canada? This surely suggests that they are prepared to offer an equivalent to CETA, which as I understand it offers Canada around 98% tariff free access to the single market. If the government walk away with this (and probably even better as our current agricultural standards align with those of the EU) without having to concede any of the red lines mentioned I think they could consider it a rip roaring success! 

  9. I'm pretty sure that if Lewis Hamilton paid an extra £3.3 million in tax to the government...none of it would have ended up at a children's charity!

    I've often wondered if people could personally choose which areas of government spending their tax was spent on directly (e.g. I pay £X per year, I want 30% spent on healthcare, 30% on education etc..) what would the overall make-up of government spending look like? I'm also fairly sure that the overall tax take would go up. I'm not defending Lewis Hamilton but I can imagine the if you were in a position where you are 'supposed' to be paying £50k+ a day in tax it must be hard to see it just vanish into a governmental black hole.


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