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Posts posted by Ulver

  1. what a great legacy Randy will leave if/when he leaves


    a refurbished hotel which only a few folks can actually get into

    a nice training ground, us plebs can't even visit anymore

    a terrible team

    a terrible badge

    a laughing stock of a club


    Cheers RL


    If the team McLeish had was so shit why wasn't he praised for keeping us up? I'm sure that year most of the comments were about McLeish performing badly rather than the team being awful.


    The memories on here are shocking. The team was full of premier league players and should have comfortably finished away from relegation. The fact they didn't tells you all you need to know about Mcleish. He also had relegated a team not once but twice from the premier league (something lambert hasn't done) and they happened to be the noses.




    Right, so the team was full of premier league players that should've COMFORTABLY stayed up. Yet on the other hand it was supposedly full of CRAP players that weren't good enough for us in the premier league


    Which was it ?


    It can't be both. If they were that good why did we get rid of them ? and if they weren't that good why should McLeish have kept them up with ease ?


    Makes no sense whatsoever clearly

    If PL had taken over with us being in the top 6/8 and we had regressed from that position, then I would be far more sympathetic to those who want him sacked. The truth is Lambert accepted a tough job and inherited a huge mess that stems from MON's resignation, it would be a great lie to suggest otherwise.


    The mis-management and bad decision making has caused us to regress long before Lambert's appointment. Sacking Lambert would be just another bad decision with no logic involved as per usual.



  3. Do we not still play embarrassing shit now ?, do we not still turn up and look like we have no intention of winning a game (Everton, West Ham away two shining examples) on occasion ?


    The fact that McLeish had the nous to understand a team needs a solid defence at least showed he had some knowledge to my mind. What area of the team has Lambert improved ?


    Defence? Midfield? Attack?


    I can't really tick any of those boxes


    If he had concentrated on our weaknesses particularly in midfield while keeping more of the players that were here then 20m was a decent first window budget. 


    Seriously? You are talking about the team Lambert inherited from McLeish? That squad of players needed to be overhauled for various reasons, I think the majority of supporters would agree.


    Twenty million is far from enough to completely rebuild a squad, and two years is not enough time to build a consistent team that we all crave.




    1. If the team under McLeish was so poor, how did he manage to keep them up and do just as well as Lambert (WITHOUT THE UNWANTED RECORDS) without spending the 45m Lambert's been allowed to?. If anything doesn't that mark McLeish down as some sort of managerial genius ?


    2. It hasn't taken him 20m, it's taken him 45m already and we're no better off than when he came


    3. But Lambert has built a consistent team, a consistently shit one granted. But consistent nonetheless

  5. I seem to remember Lambert saying that Culverhouse is invaluable to him, because he spots and evaluates the potential signings …. suggests tactical changes from the touchline during matches …. coaches the first team squad. Maybe Culverhouse ain't good enough, and poor old Lambert's taking the blame. Shame on you Ian!


    **** me, if Culverhouse does all that what the **** does Lambert do ? Ha

  6. Following on from this, you stated that Lambert shouldn't be praised - he's not being praised!  This isn't a black or white situation between fans of "he's shit sack him" or "he's the messiah, keep him forever"; the fact is that Lambert has done an average job.  A job that was to be expected but he has neither failed at nor exceeded.  You could certainly argue it's been worse than hoped for - I'm sure most people (the manager included) would agree - but it hasn't been a mitigating disaster.


    Change takes time and stability is incredibly important in football - just look at the bottom of the league to be reminded of this.



    1. No it's not a FACT, it's your opinion.


    2. Alternatively you could look at the top of the league and see that you DON'T have to keep a manager that's been failing for years because of this 'much needed stability', 4 out of the top 5 show that quite clearly.


    Stability means nothing unless the person in the job is doing a good one. Now that is a FACT


    To be fair to Lambert. Having had just 45m to improve a side that were allegedly diabolical (yet still stayed up under a supposed even more diabolical manager in McLeish) must've been tough


    How he's managed to improve us so greatly, with so little is a testament to the blokes amazing managerial powers.


    Maybe a statue of him looking vacant with hands clapped together on the touchline, would be a fitting reminder once he's gone. With maybe a smaller one of Culverhouse just behind him, sitting down looking at his shoes to set it off perfectly.


    Lets start a fundraiser now.


    Now you are just being ridiculous! The statue of Culverhouse wouldn't be him "sitting down looking at his shoes" .....


    ... it would him standing up slagging off the supporters behind the bench. ;)




    Ha, or Cowans

  8. To be fair to Lambert. Having had just 45m to improve a side that were allegedly diabolical (yet still stayed up under a supposed even more diabolical manager in McLeish) must've been tough


    How he's managed to improve us so greatly, with so little is a testament to the blokes amazing managerial powers.


    Maybe a statue of him looking vacant with hands clapped together on the touchline, would be a fitting reminder once he's gone. With maybe a smaller one of Culverhouse just behind him, sitting down looking at his shoes to set it off perfectly.


    Lets start a fundraiser now.




    I think it's far easier to defend him if you don't physically attend and sit through the dross dished up each week at VP.






    Isn't that blatantly obvious ?


    No. It isn't. Please explain.




    If you PAY to go and watch this heap of shit, you are clearly going to suffer more than those that don't.


    Did that really need pointing out ?


    If you sit at home and listen to the match on radio/TV you aren't going to feel the full force anguish and shitstorm as you are at the ground obviously.

    • Like 1
  10. Two years on, and still none of us have a clue about our footballing philosophy and the side still has no identity / style of play (well, unless you call hoof and run a style of play)


    That must be a first for any manager.

  11. A new manager means starting, yet again, from square one. 


    Good. that's exactly what we'll need to do.


    For a start finding a home for all the dross Lambert has signed will be priority #1. I guess plenty lower league sides might take a gamble on a few of em, seeing as thats their level. Then the new manager will have to set out to build a whole new side capable of playing in this league competitively. Basically we've wasted two years, a 45m transfer kitty and isolated a bunch of experienced players (and thus their sell on value) that could've helped steady the ship


    It's going to take quite a manager to sort this **** Lambert mess out make no mistake.


    But the sooner we get on with it the better.

  12. For what its worth , i think if Lambert doesn't get a decent financial backing in the summer  he'll walk.




    How sweet would that be ?, save us a few quid in compo too. 


    Sadly it's not likely, Lambert knows after the way he's ballsed this chance up he'll never work in the top flight again. It's either Scotland or back to the lower leagues for him once we get rid.

    • Like 1


    If you told me he was being sacked today but that meant McLeish was taking charge of the last 6 matches i'd bite your hand off.


    Longer term Laudrup, and i'll throw in a leftfield Uwe Rosler


    I want a manager with vision, a style of play and one that's tactically aware


    What i don't want is anymore Lambert and his dinosaur hoofball

  14. He's a useless word removed. As simple as that.


    I hate him more than i've ever hated a Villa manager.


    Not on a personal level, i've never met him and have absolutely no desire to either. As a football manager, or as someone masquerading as one at least. There's NOTHING i like or admire or buy into with regards his reign.


    Just **** off.

    • Like 1
  15. at 22, he's going to continue being somewhat erratic as long as he's in an erratic team


    put him in a side with ambition set higher than simply treading water and i've no doubt his finishing level would increase accordingly. a bit of pressure on your form can work wonders

  16. Bertrand has had two dodgy performances (although it has to be said, so had the defence as a whole) but he's still a better option than Bennett or Luna. He should certainly play against Fulham because it's quite important we win.


    i'm not convinced. his debut aside i've had him pegged as average. Bennett should've have been dropped after his Chelsea performance thats for sure. if you start dropping players when they've done well i'm not sure what kind of message that sends out


    I would class saying somebody has "lost their marbles" just because they don't agree with you as an insult.


    bloody hell, you must be quite a precious flower if you consider that an insult.

    I just don't know how you can compare today's performance with some of the shit over Christmas.



    we've just lost 4-1 to the worst Man Utd side I can recall. and they didn't even have to break sweat to do it. 

    • Like 1


    Typical VT black and white thinking - if you don't think we're doing shit then you must think we're doing fine. There's no middle ground.


    If you don't think we're doing shit you've lost your marbles 


    Yeah because insulting someone because they don't agree with you is an excellent defence of your point.



    Insulting ?

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