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Everything posted by theunderstudy

  1. Big fan of the Drums actually... They are a bit Beach Boys-esque though.
  2. Nothing wrong with a nap! More people should have naps, obviously not in the middle of something though.
  3. Its webbed feet, come on! Of course being from Solihull I have no genetic connection to the Tewkesbury folk. My mum is Gloucestrian, as is my elder sister...
  4. I used to post a lot on 606 but I've not been on there as much of late, so I have been able to redirect my frenzied commenting to VT The strange thing is, the more I post on here, the more work I can get through at work.
  5. Actually Brumerican, I believe the pictures thread is on page 656, if we post a fiar bit, we could get that on to page 666 so you could have 555, 666 and 777!
  6. Of course not although I believe a week ago I still had 2000-something posts.... Put it this way, I barely commented for the first 3 months of my VT membership, about 300 posts I think?
  7. I had my 3333rd post earlier.... And it contained the number three... Coincidence!? I think not!
  8. Do you watch Peep Show, Rob? The most recent series is fairly good, obviously the early series were excellent, but its still a good program.
  9. Dunno, haven't been to the library for years. Interestingly enough our house and all its contents were only saved from wrecking in the floods by a huge slice of luck, unlike one of my friends in the area who's house and a lot of the stuff they owned was wrecked by the floodwaters, he had to live in a caravan for almost a year.
  10. Yes it does actually. (And it does have wheelchair access)
  11. Misfits was suitably random the other day... A lad killing people with milk and cheese and yoghurt
  12. I thought you stalked me from aged 11-present day? :?
  13. I'll get my revenge Ajax! In all seriousness, I did used to have big round glasses, they were a **** nightmare and I hate photos being taken of me anyway (except when I'm hammered and then I'm too drunk to care) so there aren't too many photos of me aged 3-9.
  14. Nah I've had my nap now. And this time I'm not joking, I did just have a nap, I need to be awake to morosely cheer England on for all 30 minutes they'll play today...
  15. Was that humour that subtle!? Maybe I should pay Rob to write my quips for me.
  16. Yes I was making a joke.... Mistyping the word "mistyping".
  17. No mistyoing! I found it quite funny.
  18. I'm here all week. Well I certainly will be if there's any more snow.
  19. Less treacherous ice, more treacherous ISAs...... (Sorry)
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