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Everything posted by Woodytom

  1. While I agree with most of what you say Trent. Forest didnt dominant English football for long periods. And there are still some cases of miracle successes imo - Fulham last season and Blackpool.
  2. I dont think so. At no point in my life would i refuse an extra quid. It depends how money orientated you are I suppose.
  3. Never in my life have I ever seen any of the current Villa wingers perform as poorly as SWP did at the world cup. And people were surprised. Shaun 'Im going to dribble down a blind alley' Wright-Phillips. The guy is totally clueless So you're basing your opinion of SWP from a handful of appearances (mainly sub) at the World Cup? No, thats the worst Ive seen him play though.But hes usually pretty appauling though. Both him and Lennon, embarrasingly out of their depth.
  4. I havent missed any point, I just disagree with you Milner has got flair and the cocky attribute. The throw against Chelsea in the semi when he threw it off the defender. Stephen Irelands more brainless than cocky.
  5. Never in my life have I ever seen any of the current Villa wingers perform as poorly as SWP did at the world cup. And people were surprised. Shaun 'Im going to dribble down a blind alley' Wright-Phillips. The guy is totally clueless
  6. In other words, you have absolutely no evidence to support your arguement? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: Or.. I work in a bank and can't get onto Youtube. I remember one specific goal where Ireland was stood a metre and a half away from the opposition keeper. He could have passed to one of the other City players that had ran into the box, but he quickly shifted his body and slotted the ball into the bottom corner (In a gap less than a foot wide; between the keeper and the post). I couldn't image Milner doing something like that. Come on then, if you remember everything and obviously think it's wrong not to be able to back up all of your statements. Give me a list of these things that Milner can do that Ireland can't. With examples, obviously. What you described is hardly hitting the ball from 30 yards when you almost facing the other direction and a pass is clearly the better option. I remember that Ireland goal and I think they were about 2 or 3 up with abourt a minute left. So theres your 1st example. Succesful Long range shooting
  7. and if we sign stephen ireland, youll see all the crap passes he does. There is nothing that ireland can do that milner cant. but there is plenty milner can do that ireland cant I think we'll have to agree to disagree. I've seen Ireland score goals that I can't image Milner scoring. Ireland get's into positions that Milner doesn't because he's too busy helping the wingers or the defenders. And I've seen Milner score goals Ireland can only dream of: away V Sunderland home V Everton 2008/90 (free kick) away v Blackburn (CC Semi final) So what's your point? Ireland is a decent player with a troubled past and an almost certain troubled future, to sign him would be footballing suicide. The last sentence is nonsense. My point wasn't that Ireland is better than Milner and that Milner can't score spectacular goals - it's the type of goals that Ireland scores, and I believe Ireland would score for Villa. As mentioned by a few others. Ireland has an unpredictability and flair that Milner doesn't. What Milner lacks in pace and flair he makes up for by running his socks off every game. I'll rephrase my post so that you get what I'm saying. I've seen Ireland score goals that I don't think Milner would dare to attempt. Ireland is a cocky player which is, at times, what we're missing. What goals tho??? Surely if Milner attempts the shot against Sunderland and the lob against Hull - hel pretty much attempt anything?
  8. Thats a really good point. People on here say Steven Gerrard can still be called world class because he was playing out of position for england. I say those that are world class step up to the mark, wherever they are playing
  9. Milner is excellent at doing the basics. He is an extremely hard-working and intelligent player with no real weaknesses. He has great technique but he lacks an unpredictability and an imagination that can unlock a stubborn defence. Ireland has more natural flair to his game and is an equally gifted footballer. He is a little more attack minded too and would link better with the strikers. Remember that before last season's interrupted campaign, Ireland was running the show in a midfield surrounded by 'stars' and he was the best of them all. What Ireland lacks is Milner's commitment and professionalism, but frankly every player in the Premier League probably lacks in that area compared to Milner. There will always be plusses and minuses to bringing in a player over Milner and we're years from replacing him with a Schweinsteiger, if we ever will. Ireland was in and out of last season's team as they changed managers and Mancini tried to find 'his' team. The season before was more representative of what he can do and he did everthing in that midfield that Milner was doing in ours last season plus more. My concerns over Ireland were never about his ability on the pitch. They were always about his head and what's in it. But I'm prepared to hope that I'm proven wrong if we were to get him. And if we did get him then I'd like to think he had a thing or 2 to prove to the team that let him go. Spot on. People are forgetting that 1 year ago, Ireland would have been considered the best young central midfielfer in the league and we wouldn't have dreamed of signing him for anything less than £20m. If this swap were to happen I can honestly see Ireland's value doubling next season as JM's has this year. There's alot to be said for playing in a settled team, somethink JM has benefitted from here and that he probably won't at City. Ireland's temprament and personality are the only things i worry about in this If he was that good the other year, why didnt he win YPOTY? Oh that went to Ash - who I suppose isnt as good as Ireland either? Or is Ash as good as Ireland cos Ash isnt rumoured to be leaving like Milner?
  10. The individual passes were used as examples to prove that James Milner can make a great pass or shot. And to suggest that he cant is just ridiculous. You might say he doesnt do it every game, but who on this planet does? Certainly not Stephen ireland - I promise.
  11. and if we sign stephen ireland, youll see all the crap passes he does. There is nothing that ireland can do that milner cant. but there is plenty milner can do that ireland cant
  12. Milner is excellent at doing the basics. He is an extremely hard-working and intelligent player with no real weaknesses. He has great technique but he lacks an unpredictability and an imagination that can unlock a stubborn defence. Ireland has more natural flair to his game and is an equally gifted footballer. He is a little more attack minded too and would link better with the strikers. Remember that before last season's interrupted campaign, Ireland was running the show in a midfield surrounded by 'stars' and he was the best of them all. What Ireland lacks is Milner's commitment and professionalism, but frankly every player in the Premier League probably lacks in that area compared to Milner. There will always be plusses and minuses to bringing in a player over Milner and we're years from replacing him with a Schweinsteiger, if we ever will. Ireland was in and out of last season's team as they changed managers and Mancini tried to find 'his' team. The season before was more representative of what he can do and he did everthing in that midfield that Milner was doing in ours last season plus more. My concerns over Ireland were never about his ability on the pitch. They were always about his head and what's in it. But I'm prepared to hope that I'm proven wrong if we were to get him. And if we did get him then I'd like to think he had a thing or 2 to prove to the team that let him go. I totally agree with you BOF. Venables once said about James Milner, from his Leeds days, that he was good at everything but not great at anything. Ireland is different. Ireland is great at picking a creative pass and at controlling the game from the centre of the field. We'd miss Milner's workrate, graft, constant good play but occasionally lacking the top-quality pass or shot. But we'd gain Ireland's creativity, top drawer passes & a discipline in the centre of midfield. But I think that if Milner goes we have to get Ireland as part of the deal. Where else will we find a midfielder who has prem experience, has shown the quality that he has (2 seasons ago), is rumoured to want to leave and will be a cut price as he's unwanted by his club? What about his pass to Richard Dunne? His free-Kick against Everton? His passes for Heskey goals against Sunderland and Blackburn. His goal up at Sunderland. James Milner definately has the ability to play a top class pass or do the unexpected.
  13. I dont see how that would replace Milner immediately?? You don't see how replacing an attacking midfielder with an attacking midfielder would replace Milner? Granted, in some ways Milner would be better but in others Ireland is better. If you're looking for a clone you'll be looking a while. For me, it is a satisfactory replacement from an ability POV. I would say that James Milner is far better than Stephen Ireland in far more areas of the game. I really dont see what Stephen Ireland would offer that James Milner wouldn't? 28 million worth of transfer fee? Not sure I follow???
  14. I dont see how that would replace Milner immediately?? i dont see how it wouldnt replace him,Irelnd on his day is as good as milner. Yes but how often does he have his day?? Not very often. You could say that he doesnt get much opportunity but ask yourself why? Hes not sat on the bench out of bad luck. and people are quoting around 10million for this joker. And then quote 2 million for the players that warm our benches? Just doesnt add up. He hasnt done ought ever really, and certainly not recently
  15. I dont see how that would replace Milner immediately?? You don't see how replacing an attacking midfielder with an attacking midfielder would replace Milner? Granted, in some ways Milner would be better but in others Ireland is better. If you're looking for a clone you'll be looking a while. For me, it is a satisfactory replacement from an ability POV. I would say that James Milner is far better than Stephen Ireland in far more areas of the game. I really dont see what Stephen Ireland would offer that James Milner wouldn't?
  16. I dont see how that would replace Milner immediately??
  17. I find this hard to believe. That your support is fragile enough to be undone by 2 signings. Barton I could possibly understand the outrage, though I'd still support the club while losing a lot of respect for the manager. It was meant a bit tongue in cheek. Of course Id still support them. I said it because I have every faith that Martin O'Neill wont be so stupid
  18. I will definately not be supporting Villa next year if SWP and Belhadj sign. Are the last few pages of this thread a winde up?
  19. I think everyone wants villa to win everything dont they? If we had a sugar daddy it would be good for us - but for how long? This thread is about whats wrong with the game - money is the biggest problem. There is so much to lose now. Money makes players dive, makes players pillorise the refs, makes manager go mental when decisions go against them.. Why? because there is too much to lose. If Man Utd dont win the title it doesnt just cost them the 1 place in the league, it means the best, most expensive players in the world go to chelsea instead, in which turn gives them less chance to win the champs league etc etc etc...it all boils down to money. Do you think Adebyor, robinho, tevez, yaya, kolo, bridge etc would have gone to Man city if the money wasnt there? No of course I dont, but like one of the above posts says. To most teams in the world, were doing exactly the same
  20. Difference being is that we dont rip apart our structure to do it though do we? Man City were a YOYO club until 3/4 years ago when Paul Dickov was their saviour... Its taken Villa 18/19 years of constantly being in the top league to afford a 10m player - who we all knew would be first choice when he recovered for the forseeable - plus we saved ourselves money when we bought him injured.. Your comparing a player who, over 5 years is worth over 56 million pounds (without transfer fees - if there were any) who will tackle people and score 3 - 5 goals a season to a player who has played for england (whatever thats worth), score, set up goals etc etc. yaya toure should be a 8 -10m player on 40-60k a week.. roy keane and viera were twice the players yaya toure is. But whats the problem if they have got the money??
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