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Everything posted by Woodytom

  1. Think we need to get used to games like this under this guy. I highlighted my concern last week. If we play a game where we don't impose ourselves enough and allow them to have possession then we will struggle to win games. Bar The header which was brilliant we have done nothing in what has been an utterly appalling game or football.
  2. It really depends on your interpretation of Westwood. But I can honestly say he's never been anywhere near absolute class. And yes, people were saying that he could attract United. Again, outrageous.
  3. So ppl didn't say he was absolutely class and that we'd lose him to man utd?
  4. But I don't believe that is truly consistent and why I think the over-support (again, as want of a better phrase), has continued with regards Westwood now that the outrageous claims of his talent, are clearly wrong. Nobody stuck up for emile Heskey for example who was a far far far better player than Westwood is. And there is no doubt, emile Heskey received OTT criticism.
  5. By that logic nobody should ever turn on someone associated with Aston villa. WE both know that is simply not the case. football promotes opinion and it really is OK for people to not be a fan of elements of a football club. It's OK to criticise the football club you support.
  6. I've just done the complete opposite.
  7. It without a shadow of a doubt happened. I wouldn't just make it up and it's very strange that other posters are now agreeing. It wasn't said by many. Maybe once even, but it was definitely said.
  8. It was about the time Delph **** off to city and ppl were saying they could see Westwood going to the world cup instead of him
  9. Oh, I'm pretty sure they have. The first half of this thread is literally amazing.
  10. I can't believe that the people who like him (as want of a better word) have gone from claims like 'future England captain, absolute class and carrick's replacement' to highlighting that he runs more than 10km
  11. Fair enough. misread it. About time this lad moved on for the sake of everyone involved, including us. The fact he can not cement a place in this team, at this level, tells you everything you need to know. I've no idea how he us even up for debate.
  12. 2 things here. 1 - midfielders will always run further. 2 - running isn't the only way to measure trying hard. I can't say I've ever thought wow, Westwood works his socks off and tbh, it's a big pull for me. That's why I liked weimann so much. His energy and passion was second to none. Always struck me as somebody determined to develop. I never see that with Westwood. Shame that weimann also turned out to be useless.
  13. My guess is he's still utter rubbish.
  14. Think this is a good point BOF. Tbh, if we have players or managers that can't hack the fans getting on their backs (I'm not saying Westwood can/can't), then they are the kind of mentally weak people we perhaps should look to improve upon as we look to establish ourselves back in the top flight. I'd take the abuse Westwood received anyday of the week compared to what's on offer to me.... He can even keep his wage and il keep mine.
  15. Makes you wonder why this team looks so much different under a new manager then. Needless to say, I disagree. Managers have a massive effect on the game. Not maybe as direct as a player with the ball but still massive. You say they can tweak tactics or change personnel..... refresh your memory with the praise Bruce received with his substitutions on Saturday. Massive impact. I assume booing might make a manager uneasy.... less likely to focus on the game to make those changes or tweaks. What about the damage it may do to their confidence and motivation and how that may come across to the players and in turn effect their confidence etc. We're going away from Westwood here, but I think it's blindingly obvious that it's one rule for one and one for another..... not necessarily in that managers should be booed and players not...... but in the way fans protect players and hang managers out to dry. RDM was a poor manager for us in the time he had here. He was right to lose his job. However, Ash has been a poor player for about 10 times the amount of games RDM had and has reaped a very handsome wage from AVFC in the process. Neither should be booed, but let's have it straight, they are/were both associates of AVFC and both imo, deserve the same reaction to fans booing/jeering them. Unsurprisingly, that hasn't happened.
  16. Well yes I suppose but I wouldn't have thought it was difficult to identify ways in which booing could have an effect on a managers performance.
  17. Was a strange show altogether. Not that I'm a fan of the general BS that comes out of Brazil and micky quinns' mouths but later on there were speaking to Roger Moore about anything but sport.
  18. On talksport now. Not the greatest of interviews tbf. Banging on about Wayne Rooney for some reason.
  19. One of my favourite moments in football
  20. Pretty much my point when considering future games. But for a moment of brilliance we draw that game 0-0 and regret allowing them to have so much time on the ball and ultimately having less time to create less chances. Like I've said a zillion times, I have no issue with Saturday. No complaints with Steve Bruce at all. We won the game. But going forward, if he sets us up with same tactic then I think it might bite us in the ass on occasions. Hopefully, it was just his gameplan for the Fulham game and is able to adapt to other teams as well.
  21. Again, happy to discuss this over PM, as you seem to know a lot about me as a person..... enough it seems to criticise........ but again, I really don't see what it's got to do with Ashley Westwood?
  22. I'm devested by that. Happy for you to PM for further insight as I don't really see what it has to do with Ashley Westwood?
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