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Everything posted by mjmooney

  1. Are onions salad? Onions are good. As are tomatoes * But eating leaves? No. * (which is correct BTW, as is 'potatoes')
  2. I think this is a classic case of the thread title being appropriate. Obese people do piss me off - but I know there may be mitigating circumstances, and therefore they shouldn't. It's a bit of a guilt trip, TBH. Like the fact that I go beyond hating the City of Bradford for its general shitness, to actually wanting it to get worse, and not better. Shameful of me, but there it is.
  3. First rule of Off-Topic: All threads may must be derailed.
  4. Anyway, isn't all this a Paul Simon song?
  5. No. BTW that was actually my answer to the OP, not BOF. I'd rather not eat a squirrel or a mole.
  6. For me, I know when i feel uncomfortable if I put on a couple of pounds and I work hard to get it off. So I can't imagine how people can get obese. I feel shit about myself even if I'm the tiniest bit overweight. You're anorexic.
  7. You can never be too careful.
  8. What beats me is - how do the morbidly obese manage to breed? Because they clearly do.
  9. Jeep = 1941 Land Rover = 1948
  10. The Land Rover was just too late for WWII.
  11. Damn you for listening in to my conversations.
  12. So, vote time, WWII buffs: Kubelwagen vs. Jeep?
  13. For people who didn't like me, they should appreciate: "Need a lift tonight?"
  14. The only thing that works for me (the Boots generic version is identical and a quid or so cheaper, BTW).
  15. Yeah. There's post of mine about it somewhere. I'm not doing it a third time.
  16. I know less about Alabama 3 than you do about Bruce Springsteen. I've heard OF them, that's it. Not a clue as to what they do (I suspect the dreaded rap). EDIT: We should probably take this over to a music thread before Simon tells us off for being off-topic again.
  17. I pretty much agree, actually. I don't LOVE The River, but I do like much of it (the "3 - 4 good tracks plus filler" rule applies here, as I agree it does on many of his albums). But his core work for me will always be 1974-78: The Wild, the Innocent and the E Street Shuffle (plus outtakes) Live at the Main Point Born to Run (plus outtakes) Hammersmith Odeon Darkness on the Edge of Town (and The Crossing) I do quite like Nebraska and The Ghost of Tom Joad (although to be fair, some of those songs ARE dirges).
  18. I just did that, and was delighted that he boosted my post-purchase rationalisation... The Best Camera for Everything The Nikon D3100 and included 18-55mm VR. What camera do I suggest for my friends and family when they ask? What's the best camera that can handle every kind of photo situation, but still at a reasonable price? The Nikon D3100. The Nikon D3100 is essentially the same as the newer Nikon D3200, and sells for only $477 with lens as shown, or refurbished for only $349 with lens as shown, or $497 brand-new with 18-55mm and 55-200mm (non-VR) lenses. (VR, Vibration Reduction, helps replace a tripod in low light.) You can pay more for fancier cameras, but no camera takes better pictures than a D3100. It sold for $700 when first announced. The reason guys like me pay more for fancier cameras isn't for better pictures; it's for more controls and options that let those few people who actually know how to use all the controls to get to them faster. The D3100 has all the same adjustments, just that you'll more often have to use a menu instead of a knob in the D3100 if you use them. If you shoot all day every day as I do, it's worth it, otherwise, there's no reason to pay more. The D3100 is far superior to any mirrorless, superzoom or compact camera because it's a real DSLR, meaning you view and the camera focuses live directly through the lens optically, not via an electronic screen. The D3100 focuses fast enough to catch people and kids doing anything in any light, while other kinds of cameras get lost hunting. Sure, you can buy fancier DSLRs, but you don't need to unless you want to. The D3100 is the most basic DSLR sold today, and is all I'd ever need. The extra pixels of the newer D3200 or other cameras are meaningless. Sure, feel free to pay more as I'll expand below, but you're only buying more durability or convenience, not better pictures. Better pictures come from knowing how to take better pictures, not from a better camera.
  19. Doesn't focusing become a major issue with wide aperture/fast moving subject?
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