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Posts posted by mjmooney

  1. 10 hours ago, Lichfield Dean said:

    For some reason I've never been a fan of Pearl kits. Probably because almost all beat-up rehearsal studio kits are Pearl Exports of one kind or another and are usually in a terrible state.

    John S has an excuse - he won that kit in a competition! 

    • Like 1
  2. 33 minutes ago, bickster said:

    It was a few years ago and we’d won a couple of hundred quid on a lottery ticket. I just didn’t want to be walking around with the extra cash on me. It was just amusing because had the machine been working, I could have paid it in with the card but no, go to a human and… there’s different rules :D 

    I do think it’s the only time I’ve been into a bank on personal business for a very long time and that branch is now shut!

    You can’t pay cash in on an app :D 

    Oh, cash. Fair enough. 

  3. 42 minutes ago, bickster said:

    Have you ever tried to pay cash into someone else’s bank account :D 

    I tried to pay money into my missus' account, in her branch, knowing all her details and they wanted all kinds of ID from me which I didn’t have on me as I wasn’t expecting the Spanish Inquisition, so had to go back to the office to get my ID. So much easier with her card and doing it at the machine (which was out of order) :D 

    You went into a bank? Don't think I've done that in decades.

    Like @limpid says, do it on the app. 

  4. 2 hours ago, chrisp65 said:

    Is fraudulent payment of other people’s credit card bills a big thing?

    I’d like to book a hotel in London. No problem.

    oh, and a hotel in Exeter. No problem.

    oh and one just outside Hay, plus some festival tickets. No problem.

    And some tickets for a show, a meal, and some late night drinks. No problem.

    OK, time to pay my credit card bill… Well hold on there pilgrim, how do we know you are who you say you are trying to pay a credit card bill? We need some extra id checks.

    Every month.

    Weird. I've never experienced that. 

  5. 2 hours ago, bickster said:

    His history speaks for itself, he is not now nor ever has been unbiased

    Even when he was having a pop at Johnson, that was only because they hated each other when Robinson was Chairman of the Oxford Uni Tories (which also puts him as a contemporary of Osborne and Cameron)

    Chris Mason has been a big improvement on Robinson. 

    • Like 1
  6. Next instalment in the series "John Shepard's drum kits" for @veloman. Deployed last night for a gig with his new band "The Rhythm Section" - a bass/drums/organ trio doing (mostly instrumental) soul/jazz. Damn good they were, too. Screenshot_2024-04-07-10-33-10-03_965bbf4d18d205f782c6b8409c5773a4.thumb.jpg.eb6a346e83d1738eef4ea764fc229264.jpg

    • Like 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

    TBH I don’t know they did that .. I usually get a Frappuccino to go from them but really / never drink in 

    Well, maybe they've stopped it, I never go there anymore. But when I was working, they had a branch over the local Waterstones, which was my go-to lunchtime hideaway (when not in the pub). The free top-up information was in fairly small print at the bottom of their wall menu, so they obviously didn't want it widely known. Saw me through several books though. 

    EDIT: I think it was only on the basic filter coffee, not all those fancy frappamocca things. 


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  8. 52 minutes ago, theboyangel said:

    Really enjoyed 3 Body Problem and liked the way the first season ended.

    Don't know much about the source material but clearly there's plenty left in the tank for a couple more seasons, which I'm sure will get commissioned. 

    Only thing is, I can see it being a long wait. 

    Same with Shogun. 

    • Sad 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, villa89 said:

    Now one caveat is that I'm 20 years in the same job, like most of the people I know. At that point I guess everyone loses their motivation. 

    Is it literally the same job, though? 

    I did 30 years in I.T. (28 of them for the same employer), but the world changed so much in that time, that - even with the same nominal job title - my role kept changing, so it never really got boring. The only real downside was dickhead bosses. 

  10. 18 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

    With exactly that in mind , there was a business proposal that one of the coffee shop chains  were investigating a few years back whereby if you “drink in” the coffee would be free and you paid an hourly charge for the table 

    nothing seems to have come of it so I guess the one coffee for 8 hours plan is still the sound one 

    Do Starbucks (yeah, yeah, I know) still do that 'unlimited top-ups' thing? 

    Always used to beat me why anyone would pay for the big expensive mug, when they could just buy the small cheap one, and keep getting it refilled. 

  11. 48 minutes ago, rjw63 said:

    Yeah I certainly won’t watch this tripe, hated two-tone anyway but I said to the missus that the turd who wrote it will try to shoehorn in as many small queef references as possible. Looks like I was right.

    Well I couldn't get through the first episode of Peaky Blinders, and I ruled this new thing out after seeing the trailers. 

    • Like 1
  12. I used to play Quizup a lot, and got to be #1 in the UK on Bob Dylan. At one point I played an American bloke who was #1 in the world, and beat him. I offered him a replay and he declined. 

    But really I'm a quiz generalist - jack of all trades and master of none. Strong on music (except modern shit), art, literature and history. Weak on maths, science and technology. 

    • Like 2
  13. 30 minutes ago, bickster said:

    Or Roderick

    Most people seem to think Rod Stewart's name is Rodney. I went to see The Faces supported by Long John Baldry in the 70s, and the teenybopper girls annoyingly chanted "Rod-nee! Rod-nee!" all through Baldry's set. 

    His name is Roderick. 

    EDIT: Bicks beat me to it. 

    • Like 1
  14. When we had both a pond and a cat (both sadly now gone), rescuing frogs was a daily job for me. The cat used to bring them into the house. She never killed them, she just liked to watch them hopping around the kitchen, until she got bored and wandered off elsewhere. At which point I would take them back to the pond. 

  15. 4 minutes ago, sidcow said:

    **** me. You lot live in Spain or something? 

    It's been an incredibly mild winter in W. Yorkshire. But bloody wet. 

  16. 1 minute ago, dAVe80 said:

    Some serious issues for social services to sort out here. All of you subjected to having to go to the temple of doom for a quid, remember, it's not your fault. 

    They should at least be entitled to compensation, especially with such blatant overpricing. 

    • Haha 1
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