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Everything posted by jacketspuds

  1. If we lose this game and it transpires that we once again played Gabby on the wing and Young behind Bent then GH should be given his marching orders straight after the match as it would epitomise the arrogant and stubborn management we have put up with all season.
  2. 4-3-3 is 4-5-1 Is it? ------------------------Friedel------------------------------------ Walker-----------Dunne-------Cuellar-------------------Clark --------------------------NRC------------------------------------ -------------Makoun-------------------Delph------------------- Downing-----------------------------------------------------A. Young -------------------------Bent---------------------------------- or ------------------------Friedel--------------------------------- Walker---------------Dunne-------Cuellar----------------Clark Albrighton------Makoun-----------------NRC-----------Downing -------------------------A. Young------------------------------ ----------------------------Bent---------------------------------- I'd much rather we played the 1st option than the 2nd one yet it's the latter that GH seems to persist with. We'd be much more successful playing the first way.
  3. If we can not beat an Everton team without Arteta, Cahill, Fellaini, Coleman, Saha, Yobo & Rodwell then we really are in trouble and GH should go after this game. We need to play 4-3-3 or 4-4-2. Our 4-5-1 is too defensively minded and have 2 attacking wide forward players/wingers from Albrighton, Young, Agbonlahor & Downing with Bent up top would do damage to most teams. None of this playing Young in the hole or Gabby wide left as part of a 5 man midfield. Play him as a wide front man, like when he burst on to the scene and was fantastic, and we should start seeing some results. Plus our defence is starting to return, but let's hope they've learned out to defend set-pieces in the last week or so.
  4. Hi General, Any chance you could Captain the side for the remainder of the season as we don't really have a leader on the pitch who will kick lumps out of his teammates for not giving 110%?
  5. I would hope Jol. I know there's a few that question his CV and the like but a lot of those are the same ones who are pushing for Allardyce, which is odd to say the least.
  6. We need a new manager in ASAP or else we run the serious risk of being shit in FIFA 12 and FM12. Houllier OUT.
  7. If we get relegated what about Brendan Rogers? Again though that's assuming he doesn't get promoted.
  8. Agreed. Wasn't he on "the list" but RL didn't pursue it because he was at Ajax and they wanted £8m in compo for him when Fulham were after him. Get him in now.
  9. One of the biggest issues with GH is that useless **** McAllister who was his 5th choice to be Assistant Manager. Not only is he another one who lives of past glories but he is also cursed when participating in any form of manager. I'm sure if he tried to manage a wank his nob would fall off.
  10. If Jol can get us playing half as well as his Tottenham team I would be delighted. Not everyone agreed with MON's signings or trusted him with a budget but he got results. If it's the choice of appointing a manager who gets results but signs some duffers or someone who signs good players and ends up getting us relegated through negligence I know what I would choose.
  11. Unless Staunton comes in as a defensive coach it would be another massive **** up by the club to appoint him as manager. Unless they wanted to prove that GH is the best man to keep us up by appointing a man who would be worse.
  12. Jol, Benitez or Allardyce for me. Anyone just to try and kick some passion back into the lads. GH has alienated most of our squad as they must already know who he wants to keep in the summer. Why would they want to play for him?
  13. I'm sure his crack is acceptable. He's German an probably uber-efficient so it would be well cropped.
  14. I hope you're joking. Remember what happened this season when we signed Ireland after getting rid of the manager. The last thing we need is another pre-season when we sign players that our recently sacked manager wanted and the new one might not. Get a new man in now, give him 8 games to assess the WHOLE squad and then let him have the pre-season to sort everything out. Houllier has no backing from our current players despite recent reports, which is easy to see from our performances. The best thing is to try and sort out the short-term now. I would love GH's long-term vision to come true however if it means spending a season (or more) in the Championship then I am out. Our club would be decimated if we went down and RL would probably look to sell up and move on. For me the pro's of sacking GH far outweigh the cons and we stand as much, if not more chance, of going down with him "in charge" than sacking him and replacing him with Jol or Benitez.
  15. I don't buy all this crap about GH trimming the wage bill. Yes it's great that we can have someone who will lower our expenditure but surely someone other than the manager should look at this? We don't need an accountant we need a manager. Someone who motivates the players. Changing the manager would still allow us to reduce the wage bill as it's clear for everyone to see how overpaid our useless squad is. Houllier out, Jol in.
  16. Also i like how you try and bring MON into every post you make, Eh i never even mentioned MON, what on earth are you on about? messiah=mon no? No no not at all, i didn't mean it like that. I meant that everyone wants Houllier out fairly, but whoever we get in might not be amazing, its not guaranteed. True, but could it be any worse?
  17. What is most annoying is seeing the reaction that Liverpool have had under a new manager, even WBA have had a lift under Hodgson. Sometimes a manager just isn't right for a club but we are the one's who will do nothing whilst our club is **** up by Houllier.
  18. Hi General, Sorry I'm another who will jump on the GH out bandwagon. I would be very interested to know how many Villa fans still have faith in our manager. It's a sad state when we can go on about long-term vision blah blah blah when it is the present that is killing us as a club. Everything RL has built since taking over from Ellis will be decimated if we go down. Our youth team, our finances, our current squad (although that would probably be a good thing). My point General is that sacking GH now would not be considered a rash decision. He has had time, money and support and has failed and we will be the biggest disaster in Premier League history if we go down. We have a 2 week break now and it is the perfect time to sort this mess out. I'm sure however that GH will use that time to alienate another squad member or arrange another disastrous team "bonding" session.
  19. Martin Jol all day long for me. He was on the shortlist before RL decided not to poach a manager at another club. Now he is out of work we should really look at getting him in ASAP.
  20. Forgot about Benitez. 1) Coyle 2) Benitez 3) Jol
  21. I'd imagine it's because we spent £30m in January and so it would be a bit unrealistic to have £18m to spend and Makoun, Bent, Walker & Bradley in the squad.
  22. First time I ever played a Zelda game was Link to the Past and I loved every minute of it. Have been hooked on the series ever since. Twilight Princess is excellent and have to go back and play Majora's Mask and Wind Waker again but the pinnacle for me is Ocarina of Time. The Shadow Temple and the Well are two of the most atmospheric and eerie gaming experiences. Fantastic.
  23. Would like him to stay but if he were to go I would like us to go for one of Coyle, Moyes or Jol. The usual suspects I know but all have relative success at their clubs/ex-clubs in Jol's case and I think would get us playing well and defending again. However I do strongly believe that the real problem is Gary McAllister. Can we have a poll on him?
  24. Stay - but fail to beat Wolves and we are in the shit. I will find it very hard to support GH should we fail to pick up 3 points. I honestly think if GH cocks up again we should tell Bolton to name their price for Coyle now they are safe.
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