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Everything posted by RMB

  1. Thought he did a great job in keeping Bale quiet. I can only remember Bale going past Lichaj once. The only other times Bale managed to get forward was through the middle and when he won free kicks from Lichaj which were bad decisions.
  2. Some players including Collins weren't playing this badly before this season. I don't know whether its cause of the manager, the type of play or what.
  3. We are looking dodgy in the middle at the back. Apart from that I don't think we have been too bad (apart from the last 10) just feel Hogg or Delph need to be swapped for someone who can link the ball with the front men rather than playing from side to side. Someone who is going to pass it and run forwards and move their defense around. I think swap Reo-Coker for hogg and give Delph licence to run forwards and attack the Spurs defense.
  4. Is it brave or is it stupid... I have a feeling this is going to end in tears. Will miss Reo-Cokers experience today I reckon.
  5. RMB

    Snow Watch!

    Stopped in Pershore. Getting brighter now.
  6. RMB

    Snow Watch!

    The majority is First class I think. I live in WR12.
  7. RMB

    Snow Watch!

    I applied for one of the temp jobs there over Xmas as my contract where I work now was finishing but my application status hasn't changed for ages. You wouldn't happen to know a number I could ring to find out where my post is mate?
  8. RMB

    Snow Watch!

    Cheers mate. Might see if I can find a number in the morning and give someone a bell.
  9. RMB

    Snow Watch!

    Anyone work for Royal Mail? We haven't had our mail since Friday and we should have some parcels coming too. The postman I'm guessing hasn't attempted to get his van up my road but what would happen to my post and parcels? Would the Postmas hold on to them or would it be taken to the local Post Office?
  10. I have Downing to score first every f**king time!! Apart from today!!
  11. We are actually getting the ball in the final 3rd today
  12. Dunne dropped for Cuellar Reo-Coker back on bench Ashley Young captain
  13. When will Houllier see this shit style of football isn't working. The strikers had no chance tonight because the defence and midfoeld were so poor. Whatever happened to switching the play and running at full backs? **** sake Houllier you've continued to play players who are about as useful as an infected foreskin and you continually refuse to change our tactics. Kevin McDonald welcome back son all is foregiven.
  14. Is that a pallet they threw over?
  15. Seriously? They beat us one in the last 5 years and that was in a match where we had a lot of injuries... JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZ
  16. Our players aren't the problem. It's the tactics. I'm still holding out hope and faith Gerard will get it right. He hasn't had long to do what he wants to do. Anyway the reason I came on here was to talk about the stupidity of whoever decided it was best to keep the Villa fans in the stadium after the end of the match... It was clear that their fans would run on the pitch if they won and it was just asking for trouble. How can you not expect anything to happen? I can guarantee that if we were allowed to leave that malarky would not have happened except maybe one or two idiots which you find everywhere. There were thousands of their fans just stood in front of the Villa fans shouting and taunting and throwing flares. It was a nightmare last time they kept us Villa fans in and surprise surprise it hasn't worked again. I can only think that Mr Blobby was in charge of the safety of the fans tonight and no doubt Villa will be fined and punished and our reputation will be in pieces. Will Villa be expressing their disgust at the treatment of our fans once again? Cheers General
  17. Mr Mcinally how did Birmingham have the better chances... please remind me which these were?
  18. It's all very well playing this passy passy game but you have to do something with the ball when you get to the edge of the 18!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. That foul against Bannan earlier was a disgrace. What did Bannan do wrong? This ref is shit.
  20. Didn't hear properly but were they slagging Gabby off in the HT talk just? He has held the ball up put a couple of good crosses in and scored a good goal with a good finish.
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