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Everything posted by ME

  1. No Lovely Ladies? That's just kind of wrong. Are you fellas aloud to start it back up?
  2. ME

    General Chat

    I'm just bored. Too late to go do anything since I have work in the morning. Everyone I know is either already asleep or getting wasted. I can't really do either one of those things. Crappy internet connection won't load funny TV shows properly. I'm in a good mood and all that jazz I'm just really bored.
  3. We just found a new restaurant that delivers to my day job. And it's Italian food. DOUBLE WIN!!!!!!
  4. I didn't really need cheering up as I'm already in a good mood but man, this made ot even better.
  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! I decided to tell Villa to win for you today. You are welcome.
  6. Violent Femmes~Prove My Love http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OENAQhh0Es
  7. Paul Simon~ 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover
  8. ME

    General Chat

    That's really awesome!!!!! When is the due date?
  9. Mitch Hedberg jokes: I'm against picketing, but I don't know how to show it. I'd like to see a forklift lift a crate of forks... it'd be so damn literal! You are using that machine to its exact purpose! I like the FedEx driver, because he's a drug dealer, and he don't even know it. If I'm out to dinner with a group of friends, and someone offers to pay for the check, I immediately reach for my wallet. Because inside is a note that says "say thanks." And so on and so on.
  10. Actually I clicked submit and lost the internet. When I got it working again it said my post was successful. Had no idea it did this. Sorry.
  11. High five! That is my plan for tomorrow. I can't afford to pay for rounds of drinks and clubs etc, so as soon as the corporate festivities are over, I'm doing a runner (and then get drunk at home ) Well I just found out it's also a birthday party for the one this saturday. too much pressure to dress pretty and get the right gift. However because of this party I do have saturday night off from my night job so I will STILL duck out early and while I can't spend a lot of money I can have a few drinks else where. *high five back*
  12. Bit of a reminiscent frame of mind tonight I suppose.... James~ Out To Get You (live)
  13. Bit of a reminiscent frame of mind tonight I suppose.... James~ Out To Get You (live)
  14. I already didn't go to one of them. I am told I saved myself a lot of trouble. But I have another Christmas party this Saturday. And still another after that. The last one will be fine. But the one this Saturday I am unsure of. I will be very uncomfortable. I have to dress nice and be surrounded by people that ALWAYS dress nice. Either way I will be leaving early.
  15. It just started happening for me in the last day. It's getting a bit much but I guess I don't care either way. I didn't participate in it, much like the cartoon picture. And I'm not going to. Facebook is both annoying and useful for me. So I take it as is.
  16. ME

    General Chat

    What the hell are the odds on something like this?! Try again!
  17. ME

    General Chat

    Try to have a low caffeine intake because the stuff triggers migraines *if you are prone to them*
  18. Always gotta be better eh Rob?! First bejeweled now the Del Vikings. When does it end?
  19. The Beach Boys did a great cover of that in 1978 But I've got the original on vinyl... Sorry about the crap quality Del-Vikings on Dot Records 1957 I have it on a 45. But it's scratched And the jukebox that plays it needs a new switch.
  20. ME

    General Chat

    Probably because his wife or GF had left him or something. It happens. There was another one I heard on the radio the other day about the nice chappie who murdered a tot because their crying interrupted his X Box game! As if!! Actually they had an ok relationship for being divorced. It was just the fathers weekend to have them. As for the dbag with the x-box, quite frankly he can die in a fire for all I care
  21. ME

    General Chat

    I just don't get what is wrong with people. Right now a man and his 3 children are missing. They won't release why but they now believe he killed them and they are no longer saying "missing persons search" instead they are saying "looking for the bodies of...."
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