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Everything posted by blandy

  1. I refuse to vote in a right back poll that includes neither John Gidman, nor Kenny Swain.
  2. It's not a stupid question, it's the wrong way round, in my view. If he wants to come to VP he can. Liverpool want to sell, DO'L wants to buy, we have the money. That it is apparently not happening right now means either Liverpool are trying to get more money off someone else or Milan Baros is hanging on to see if the someone else better comes along. Otherwise it would be all but signed sealed and delivered
  3. Both of options one and three.
  4. Aye, Jim, ta - in the "Barry to wherever it was" thread - but you're right, the same applies for DV.
  5. Independent with Guardian second choice. Don't buy a paper every day, but do a few times a week. The Torygraph is good for sport, but the rest of it not too good. Times isn't too bad I guess. Papers on my "woudn't wipe my ar*e with them" list are the Sun and the Daily Bigot (mail).
  6. You're telling whoppers
  7. blimey Al, you'll be getting a Mac next!
  8. Other - The one that came on my 'puter - Apple Safari v 2.0 is fine, now (Apple OS X Tiger). I fetched the mozilla browser of the interweb because all my old e-mails were from using Netscape/Mozilla/Thunderbird on the old machine, and because my bank site won't let me look at it in safari, but will in mozilla. Haven't bothered with Firefox on the new machine.
  9. Eh? "I can't come, I'm washing my spoon" is not awfully convincing as a get-out excuse.
  10. There's no one else in the squad can do what Lee does, when he's playing well. I wouldn't expect him to play every game, but I think as long as he stays fit and in form he'll be a
  11. The Bear cheek of it. Panda my arse ye big grizzly
  12. We had a North west VT'ers one a month or 2 back. It was neat. We went to some pubs, drank beer, talked rubbish for ages, then went for a Curry. The sun shone brightly on us, too in Manchester! Thoroughly recommended.
  13. Should have said hi, Richard. Here's some of the miscreants in the aforementioned Leisure Centre Blandy, Naz, Peter (not) in Boston! (well timed Nibbles) Jonathan Fear
  14. I think you've answered your own question there, Al. (but I didn't go back)
  15. And I'm, er, working, on the other half. Came home sick today due to an inability to retain food inside my tum. I've just had some soup and if it stays down I'll go back in in a bit. Actually that's probably too much detail
  16. Memo to Al - that cheeky little scamp who runs around in your garden, loves the Villa, calls you "Dad" - that's AJ, and he's your son.
  17. Quite a few - More than 10, though I haven't counted exactly - and it's been a pleasure. Al (LV), PB, Jonathan (The Fear), Risso, Jon, Bicks, Drat, Paulo, Denis, Ian R, AJ, - that's 11, and there are more. Stick or twist?
  18. blandy


    Not sure scrubbing will clear it up, perhaps an ointment might be better?
  19. blandy


    My favourite band. so says scrobble
  20. Good player, good signing. Desperately needed. Better than Beattie (would have been) as a signing.
  21. blandy

    The "List"

    The signings so far are all pretty decent I think. We clearly need a back up keeper with Postma going, and not particularly top quality. Like wise a right back - with Uli not really defensively solid, Delaney prone to injuries and the odd sulk. We also needed to have more options for the left of midfield with Hitz gone and clearly with last seasons woeful number of goals from the forwards, and the injuries and loss of form, as well as Can't Control and Stefan Moore going Philips was a necessity, and I think a very good signing indeed. As for which "list" - are there two? I think not. So far we have strengthened some of the areas we were caught short in last season, for maybe just over 3 million (or 9 million in Doug speak) I imagine that there's still about 5 or 6 mill left to spend, and that the areas in need of new blood are maybe left back, centre half and another forward. I doubt we'll get get all three places sorted, but if say DO'L was told you can have 10 mill plus any money from sales raised he may have decided to go for 2 players at around 4 mill each and some frees and low cost signings with higher wages. So far so good, but I'd love to see a couple more players at the right age and of real promise/quality come in. I think we'll still see a couple more signings.
  22. I haven't got a drive, but do have a garage.
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