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Everything posted by barry'sboots

  1. I agree with your side and your comments re Petrov and NRC. I would also rather see Cuellar in at CB for Collins probably, although again Ged appears to prefer Dunne & Collins. I would like to see much more fluidity in the three behind Bent and see them constantly rotating and taking each others positions. I think this would make them very difficult to pick up. I also think this would be much more of a possibility with Makoun and NRC providing a more energetic shield for the back 4.
  2. Bluemoon, what team will Mankini play on Saturday. Will Dzeko start and, if so, will you play 4-4-2?
  3. How could two people vote for JC? It must be his mum and the main beneficiary of his lap dancing $'s. On the bright side, at least no-one has had the nerve to vote for Stan this week. Two players that have become our biggest liabilities.
  4. Friedel - 6 - solid apart from Zigic header at the end Walker - 6 - good coming forward, not as good defensively Dunne - 7 - solid and no mistakes Collins - 6 - would have been 5 if he hadn't scored. Not looking confident and its a disgrace, IMO, that he dislodges King Carlos Clark - 6 - doing well considering and a threat going forward Stan - 4 - waste of space for me. Adds nothing and is ambling for the second half NRC - 7 - bags of energy and short sharp passing. Can't believe he was taken off rather than Stan. Downing - 6 - okay but this was not the game to bring him into CM. It needed someone to get into Ferguson and stop him playing. I would have had Coker doing this but this would have left Stan and DJ which is pretty weak. Albie - 8 & MOTM - worked his socks off and looked dangerous. I would have liked to see him and Walker get at Murphy more. Gabby - 6 - did okay but should have been up front. Carew - 4 - waste of space. What is the point??? Fonz - 8 - excellent. Bought energy, movement and goal threat. Has to start in front of Carew from now on. Bannan - 5 - poor but expected no more. If he is coming on he needs to play alongside a stronger CM partner than Stan. Ged - 5 - poor selection IMO. Carew pants. Cuellar dropped out of order. Petrov should have been subbed much earlier.
  5. Obviously not. The pratt has taken Coker off instead. The sooner Ged goes the better. He is no better than MON tactically.
  6. i think a lot of our problems come from lack of movement in CM. We end up having to boot it up because no one wants the ball in CM. Agree. Thats why I think DJ has to stay in there. I would bring Bannan on for Petrov as well and go: ---------------- NRC -------------- --- Bannan --------------- DJ ---- Albie ------------------------- Gab ---------------- Fonz --------------
  7. As I understand it the toilets always get smashed up. I would have thought it cheaper to put a couple of security guards and a copper in each toilet for 2 hours rather than pay for a new re-fit. Still think we have some real morons if this is the way they think that we should demonstrate our superiority over the Scum. (a) It is scum like behaviour; and ( do they not understand that it will just encourage the neanderthals to do similar, or worse, damage to VP and, as our ground is far superior, we have a lot more to lose on this basis.
  8. I think 4-4-2 would be a disaster. We need somebody - I would have thought NRC - to do a job on Ferguson. Stop Ferguson, IMO, you stop Blues. This will need three in the CM. I would play: -------------------------- Friedel --------------------------- Walker ------- Carlos ------------ Collins --------- Clark --------------------------- Stan ---------------------------- ------------- NRC ----------------------- DJ --------------- Albie ------------------------------------------------- Fonz ---------------------------- Gab ----------------------------
  9. Maybe SI just needs a nice new Mercedes with a DVD player in the back to pick him up from Manchester and drop him back off, allowing him to have a little snooze on the way back so he is fully refreshed after his exertions?? :winkold:
  10. Anybody whose seen a bit of him, what has he got that makes him a good prospect and who would you compare him to in terms of style of play?
  11. I thought it was a little bizarre to bring him back in for a start. I would have expected a couple of 30 minutes or so as a sub at least to get him back to match fitness i.e. ease him back in gradually. I know football is not about keeping everyone happy but this must have really hacked off NRC as well - if we do have aspirations to keep him I can't imagine this helped.
  12. ............... Friedel ............... Walker.Cuellar.Dunne.Clark ................ NRC ................ ...... Bannan ... Delph ......... Albrighton ............ Downing ................ Gabby ............. Subs: Marshall.Delfouneso.Petrov.Pires.Collins.Ireland.Carew Bannan and Delph to ensure we retain plenty of possession and get the ball out wide. NRC as the enforcer alongside.
  13. No i dont think we would be in this mess. But what you see is what you get and we'd finish 15th-12th every season. Not that I want big Sam but I can't see your basis for this. Given that he was consistently getting Bolton into or around the European places and Blackburn have been top half under Sam.
  14. That's what I would do with Albie RW and Young or DJ LW and the Fonz up front.
  15. Hanson on MOTD suggested a yellow for Henderson and Heskey as a suitable punishment. I agree. I'm not even sure Henderson got a card?
  16. Ha ha ha. Sounds about right. ('See no point' or unwilling and unable? I know where my virtual money is) I don't like what you have written but be most assured you haven't 'upset' me, Mr Lerwill. Don't try to be clever ... just take what I've said at face value. Nothing else is to be taken from what I have said. Finito. I think the problem is that most of us see no points under Ged. See what I did!! :winkold:
  17. I agree with Faulkner. Houllier has proven to be crap!
  18. Whilst I wish Ged to be removed instantly, I do agree that booing Ged or chanting "sacked in the morning" does not in any way help our team play better.
  19. Congrats on your successful delivery, but a little simplistic to compare in this way me thinks. I doubt your team are a set of finely tuned athletes earning £30k+ per week with an average age of 25 competing every week for 90 minutes in front of 30k+ punters. If they are I apologise - and would be interested to know if you need anyone else for your team. :winkold:
  20. Wouldn't a better title have been: "Houllier: Back, sack or crack?" Not sure what the last option would have referred to but it would have lightened the mood on this gloomy morning.
  21. Yep, this is O'Neill's mess as much as Houllier's, if not more. O'Neill leaves a dark cloud over every club that he manages and I rue the day that he became involved with our club. In this instance hindsight is a not so wonderful thing. Im glad someone else see's it. Not me. Three consecutive top 6 finishes is enough for me to believe that Oneill would be doing substantially better with a squad that is 95% identical to last year's. Its not tho is it? Milner was a huge player for us last season, huge! Plus, when did mon lose 10 players to injury? He never. Agree 100% Gingerlad, but we will never know because the spineless muppet showed just how little respect he had for this great club with his actions in August.
  22. I was initially one for giving Ged a chance due to injuries etc. but the last month or so, when many of the injuries have been sorted, show that he does not have a clue how to set up a PL team in modern times. - Collins has been terrible but retains his place. - I can see his rationale for dropping Warnock but dropping him completely from the squad? How is that going to help him get his confidence back. - Petrov and NRC are not a CM pairing - there is no creativity and a massive gap between the CM and strikers. They can potentially play in a three with an attacking CM'er but the only one of those that we have is SI and he doesn't want to give him a shot. - Petrov staying on after 60 minutes ..... Please. - DJ on the right when we are playing a right footed player on the left! - Gabby as a LW? - Ash cannot play in the hole. He works his butt off and I love him for that effort but he has no impact. The only time he affected the game at all last night was when he found himself out wide and got a good cross in. - No subs last night until the 88th minute and the formation we ended up with?? Reminiscent of the MON Barry to left back bring on another forward and have no midfield. Crazy!
  23. He put his hand in (and pushed I think) the face of a Sunderland player. Blatent sending off from what I saw. Disagree with this. It was a harmless push away, although it did land on his face, to a player that had come 10 yards to get in his face. It should have been a yellow card for both Heskey and Henderson. Even Hansen supported this view on MOTD. I will concede that a strict interpretation of the laws could have lead to a red card, as Hansen also pointed out, but how often do the referees not strictly interpret the laws when it is not in our favour??
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