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Everything posted by tomav84

  1. interesting point...i can see you being in the minority if we don't go up. for me it would depend on the circumstances, if we just drop to playoffs, and lose playoff final unluckily i would say keep him. a total capitulation where we don't make playoffs would be somewhat unforgivable however
  2. tomav84

    New York, New York

    My mrs is going in sept for a few days and looking for good food ideas and things to do. already been and done the more touristy things so looking for other things to do...any input appreciated, thanks!
  3. tomav84


    you really didnt miss much...one of the bigger disappointments of paris IMO
  4. Absolutely loving shadow of war at the moment...quality game
  5. hmm not so sure - i think they're catch able
  6. Its things like this that make people believe folks have an agenda...too many people just dont like him. criticises fans? the same fans that have at times made personal insults including his appearance and weight (he has mentioned social media, so he's seen them). so i for one have no issues with him sticking the proverbial 2 fingers up at these people after a victory that the very same people were convinced we would lose
  7. yes and wasn't exactly inundated with job offers until then, which was only last year if i'm not mistaken
  8. i agree we were in very different situations when bruce and garde came in but i believe there are definite comparisons to be made, certainly with regards to morale both with players and fanbase. christ me and my chums were genuinely fearful of back to back relegations before RDM was sacked...now look at us. yes, money has been spent, but bruce has to deserve credit for at least showing glimpses of a turnaround. it might be a turnaround resembling that of the QE2, but a turnaround nevertheless. would we have gone down from the prem anyway had someone other than garde come in? probably...but there are plenty out there that would have made something of a fight of it, rather than capitulating the way we did. IMO, garde was useless for us and shares the 'shittest manager since MON' award with mcleish for me
  9. I tend to find folks like that are either overcompensating to get their view across or simply trying to get under the skin of bruce-outers. there are extremes on both sides of the argument as i've seen real hatred towards him on FB therefore i dont find FB to be a true reflection...but then i've said that about villatalk too! my group of pals say keep him on even if we dont go up...but i know such opinions aren't welcome here
  10. elphick has got too many mistakes in him in spite of his good performances of late. we looked solid at the back before he got injured - terry back in for me. or drop chester?
  11. Blues - 3x mid table finishes, 1x relegation (then promoted again following season) Wigan - 1x avoided relegation, 1x mid table Sunderland - 2x mid table Hull - 1x avoided relegation (+ FA Cup final), 1x relegation (promoted following season) is it really that laughable? OK it's not a record to shout from the rooftops about but when you consider the teams...
  12. if it was anyone else i would have chuckled at the obvious joke...it's getting a bit sad now
  13. I don't think necessarily we need a manager that has only managed big clubs, but we definitely need one that has managed big players. How would terry react if his golf buddy got sacked and a relatively inexperienced manager came in? who knows...but methinks there are some big personalities in the dressing room (guessing the likes of whelan and snod) and we need someone who can handle that and i don't believe dean smith is that man
  14. Don't forget "They're a great bunch of lads"...we do attract these don't we!
  15. it's as much the provider of all truth as VT is. and yes from the fans (obviously wouldnt get one from the club) and the names on the next villa manager poll here either dont fill me with confidence or are unrealistic
  16. until the derby game that was the case. on FB prior to that game they had a poll (several hundred voted) and 'Bruce in' was over 80% but i am now seeing a lot more calling for his head. i say to people at work, don't bring me a problem without a solution. sacking Bruce isn't the solution - i want to see a shortlist of potential realistic targets and i remain Bruce in until i think of an obtainable manager that i genuinely think would do a better job. not a single name mentioned so far has filled me with any confidence
  17. if the likes of derby are the 'quality' we're facing in the playoffs i'm confident. 2 goals out of nothing yesterday and i would be confident of a fully fit villa beating them over 2 legs
  18. i expect 3 points...whether it's a fast paced attacking minded 4-0 or 1-0 off samba's backside i really couldn't give a monkeys
  19. if we win the next 2 will anyone cut him some slack? no? didnt think so...
  20. do you think blues are enjoying the ride at the moment?
  21. the day when promotion this season is guaranteed to not be possible...it was his target
  22. my issue is that bruce's decisions are dissected in the finest of detail when points are dropped but games like qpr away he doesnt get the credit he deserves and the more vocal bruce out folks were relatively quiet after games such as that
  23. yes and that left many folks scratching their heads. plus i think there were various reasons for that decision such as not learning english and having a poor relationship with players.
  24. well i'm glad i dont work for you guys then. year end appraisal: "you've met your target this year but i'm afraid you're sacked"
  25. i thought promotion was the target? not promotion via top 2? so will he be sacked if we go up via playoffs?
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