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Everything posted by pablopicasso

  1. gerrard proving hes better in the centre in fat franks role.... keep lampard out of the side... (although gerrards dive was pretty pathetic.. i hope he cuts that out, cos hes good enough not to have to resort to that crap...) as for the rest of the side, **** rubbish.. again... downing was wank.. as he always is.. slow, too defensive minded.. either that, or hes just a chicken shit and doesnt want to be seen as a failure by running at people and putting the ball into dangerous areas.. whats the point in having a left footer out there, if he doesnt **** use it in an attacking sense?!? im willing to bet that barry is "injured" for the next 'token'' call up he recieves.... the whole team looked clueless and devoid of any attacking intent... shit tactics, and only injury forced a major decision that pretty much won us that game.. mcclown really is one of the worst england managers we have had in our whole history...
  2. il watch it just because its football... il be willing andorra to win though.... the quicker coco mcclown gets the sack, the better....
  3. personally, i think the midfield is at fault for both the defence not coping and the strikers not scoring... the midfield is far too static, and offers no cover and protection for the defence, but also offers no support for the attack... although i do think that we need to improve ALL areas, i just think that the midfield is a priority....
  4. i have a feeling that nugent will be off to everton.... if they can afford him, then he has already stated that he wants to go there as he is an everton fan...
  5. a testimonial for ian taylor would be superb.. no player of the past decade deserves one more..
  6. i dont want us to qualify.. id rather we didnt qualify with ginger clipboard man in charge as it will only end in more embarressment.... if we dont qualify, then mcclown gets sacked, and we dont get embarressed at the tournament and can build from there... an abject failure might make that scouse loving gimp barwick at the fa pick a decent manager in the future too...
  7. pablopicasso


    fantastic article.... as you so brilliantly put, "we are a football club again".. i think i have just found a new sig...
  8. how many games have we played since january and what have been the results?
  9. we have had 5 matches since the new squad members came in and have had 2 wins, 1 draw and 2 defeats... and in that time, fight has been apparent, we have performed well in most games and been unfortunate not to get better results... take last night for example... 2 pens missed by an inept ref, a player not sent off when he should have been... then to sum up the night one of their players gets the winner from a rebound off his arse, then later in the game they clear one off the line without knowing too much about it... things arent perfect, mistakes are being made, and results DO need improving but its far from doom and gloom... but still, some people will always find pleasure at us not being an instant success because it means that they are proven right in their minds... and thats far more important to some, than anything else...
  10. rattles would be fantastic... a real blast from the past...
  11. just to add them in here as well, heres the post....
  12. champions league for me... to say we have won it more than once, when others find it difficult to win once, would be superb...
  13. i agree with that jh90... the information on the villa reserves and youth on the OS is awful..
  14. How come ugly blokes can still get a shag from ugly women then? No-one in their right mind would fancy them but even the least attractive people get a shag now and again because they lower their standards for the same reason that straight attractive men go for attractive women... the fact that straight ugly men have to lower their standards but choose not to lower them enough to go with men, (utting off a large selection of possible sexual partners, when its hard enough to find them anyway, also adds credence to the thoughts that homosexuality is not a choice...
  15. so while you express strong disapprroval of homosexuality, you makes judgements on homosexuals, etc, you dont act feel this is hypocritical, considering your earlier statement about "true cathlolics"? where i come from, and dictionary definitions, that makes you a hypocrite.. whether thats directly, or indirectly, you think what you think, and are letting your feelings known on a public forum... and i dont want to "help" my brothers.. they are fine and happy as they are... as long as they are happy, then thats the most important thing.... and as i didnt care who they slept with before they admitted who they are, i wont start taking interest in who they sleep with now, now that that have admitted they are homosexuals..
  16. for me, its a little from column A', a little from column B'... we have choices, and learn and grow by them.... but some things are simply natural.. and theres nothing we can do to change those things permanently, if we wanted to.. right, iv had enough of this debate now.. i have defended my brothers honour for long enough, and now the big gayers are going to have to defend themselves.. pair of poofs... :winkold:
  17. in some respects, but you cant control your genes..
  18. if true catholics dont condemn homosexuals, then how come you are saying they need to get rid of their sin? does that make you a hypocrite?
  19. is blonde hair a condition too? what about blue eyes? What about contact lenses and hair dyes ? I just think it opens the door for a lot of people who think "no choice" or "born with it" means that they think there's something they can "cure." I have a friend who came out not long ago and had been married previously, I don't neccessarily think that she made a choice to be gay or not, nor do I think that she was born one way or the other. I just think she met someone that made her happy. Don't underestimate that. but then, this IS down to personal choice... if a person chooses to dye their hair or wear contacts, then thats their personal choice to change their natural characteristics... but underneath, they are still blonde haired and blue eyed... just like a gay person can choose to repress their natural feelings and choose to go with a member of the opposite sex... but underneath, they will still have homosexual thoughts and are still attracted to men... both of my brothers chose to attempt to be what they saw as "normal" and dated women... and both were extremely unhappy... when they admitted they were who they were, they were much happier... and the fact that your friend 'came out', shows that she tried to repress her homosexual feelings, but underneath, they were still there...
  20. is blonde hair a condition too? what about blue eyes?
  21. funny how i could work out your religion by your attitude... i am also a roman catholic... although not a practising fully paid up member of the godsquad... catholicism is a joke of a religion which contradicts itself and makes up ridiculous rules simply as a way of controlling the masses and making money.... i refuse to live by the rules of my religion, because they are rules that do not apply to modern day life and a lot of them, are pretty disgusting... religion is meant to be a 'guide', to help people in their daily lives and give them some hope and faith to get them through tough times... by the roman catholic church forcing their rules onto people that belong back in the dark ages, this goes against everything that religion should stand for... and until the roman catholic church can sort out its many homosexual peadophile priests, then for them to bleat on about homosexuality being wrong, sinful, etc, then i doubt many people who arent devout catholics will take them seriously.. the catholic church teaches people intolerance, and bigotry.. nothing when it comes to religion is set in stone and nothing should be taken from the bible as the 'last word' on any subject... whether thats coded messages about "god" being an unstable control freak and going psycho on a city who upset him, or whether its about his "son" walking on water, or whatever other chinese whisper fairy storys that book demands be taught as the truth.. maybe you should ask yourself whether 'god' should take responisibility for his intolerance and psychotic ways... thats if your fairy tale book is the truth, and considering you like people to take responsibility so much....
  22. innocent of what? what crime has been commited to make them cry innocence? what do they do, that is so bad, that they make you irritated because they arent taking "responsibility"? and as i said, i have first hand experience of this, and i nearly lost a brother to him so badly not wanting to be naturally and instinctively attracted to men... so you can sit there, preach your godsquad shit, and tell me that he had a choice... but you will be talking out of your arse, and it will have been people like YOU, who caused my brother to feel so bad about his natural ways, that he felt like he had to attempt suicide... hope youre **** proud of yourself and your church...
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