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Everything posted by pablopicasso

  1. i also want instant results, sexy football and world class stars at the club i love... nothing would make me happier... but the reality is, we have a huge mess to sort out and this isnt being helped by clubs demaning 10 million for players who, while i rate them, arent much better than some of the youngsters we already have... personally, im glad that the club is showing the balls to tell these clubs that they cant dick us around, as if we give in now, and pay the ridiculous fees, we will be doing that for years to come because clubs know we will give in if they demand stupid prices... by calling their bluff now, when lets face it, we arent getting into europe, we arent getting relegated, but we still need players, is sending out a very strong message to other clubs that we mean business and wont be dicked around... me, even with the recent poor run, im still as happy as a pig in shit... we have a great owner, a great manager, money behind us and for the first time in over 25 years, we have a plan and a direction... that to me, over rides my impatience and frustration......
  2. i agree jez... villa have been the kings of "false dawns" in the past... hopes raised and then dashed spectacularly... that mindset has been engrained into us by 20 odd years of frustration and disappointment... while i dont want to speak for everyone, i think we know we are onto a good thing at the moment, but for some, it will take cold hard evidence of quality players arriving, good attacking football and positive results for them to change their view.... me, im as happy as a pig in shit... we are going in the right direction both on and off the pitch (despite the results), and thats good enough for me at the moment...
  3. can you pass some of that passion down to the players please? :winkold:
  4. spurs are meant to be offering 5 mil + davenport + routeledge for young...
  5. you thought correct, and you can be sure he still thinks the same thing...
  6. fair enough.. so we are an emergency loan keeper and an injury prone has-been down.... be interesting to see hendrie back and his attitude now.... especially as his contract is up for renewal...
  7. plus hasnt berger and hendrie come back? so we are a championship emergency loan keeper down?
  8. anyone can give names... just open up football manager and there are thousands of them... whether they are relevent for the purposes of buying in real life, is another matter entirely...
  9. i can see where people are coming from about it possibly not being cheaper in the summer, however, there will definately be more choice... which means more value for money...
  10. This strikes me as a strongly one-sided view of the evidence to hand. Over the course of the last few months, MON has repeatedly made statements that are sober and sensible, with intent to evaluate both positive and negative aspects of the situation. It seems that for some, only the negative parts are significant or to be believed. I don't see why MON should be disallowed from pointing out the difficulties inherent in the January window, or why Benitez's statement that he has good backing from his board this week is valid while MON's statements that he has full backing from Randy in previous weeks are irrelevant, especially when he has repeatedly stated that (not being an idiot) he recognizes the squad needs a lot of strengthening and wants to bring quality players to the club. There is fundamentally a contradiction between insisting that the stewards of the club be trustworthy, responsible, and effective on the one hand, while simultaneously never indicating that they are having problems or delays of any kind... let alone paying extra money or rushing to decisions just to spare everyone some angst. You want players, you say. Get decent bodies into the squad. Well, we don't want to buy or loan those bodies and then succeed in acquiring the better players we have targeted, resulting in money wasted and goodwill squandered. Do you want us to buy a second choice winger on starter's wages, then turn around and land a first-choice winger and be paying double for that starting spot, or turning down the first-choice player because the position was filled? Do you want us to loan in players from other clubs on the understanding that they will get first-team time, then buy a starter and have that first-team time dissipate? Be careful what bridges you want to burn and whose hackles you wish to raise and what money you want to waste in your rush to superficially feel good about the team for the next two weeks. Fortunately, it appears MON is more than willing to do his best to get things right. I, for one, do not want to see him buying "quality "players that don't fit the team he wants to build, just to fill holes. That's what loans are for. And if we get, say, three talented players on loan for the rest of the year, then I'm good with that. The manager should build the best total team he can, not just a collection of players sharing the same shirt color. So try to be happy you have a manager who will be selective and look to the future of the club at the same time he looks at the present. bravo....
  11. Pablo, it could be down to Malc simply reaching a different view, having different opinions. It might be nothing to do with agendas or lack of intelligence. Why are people grudgefull? (gratuitous M.E.S. reference) im not talking about malcolm... im talking in general about people who have looked at some of o'neills statements and added their own spin on what he says, to suit the fact that they want to have a whinge... if malcolm or anyone else thinks im having a pop at them with regards my "agenda/inteligence" comment, then thats their issue with themselves... not mine.. i never aimed any statement at any individual... but, if they want to think it applies to them, due to looking at the overall context of my statement, then maybe they would like to use the same courtesy to o'neills statements too...
  12. the mention of pearce talking about beckham cracked me up... all well and good coming out with statements about wanthing beckham, but he didnt get him did he... so it was all hot air... did you have enough of that under ellis?!?
  13. christ on a stick... not another one of these... damned if we do, damned if we dont... some of our 'fans' deserved the shit served up under ellis...
  14. regards beckham selling out, i wouldnt want him for free tbh... especially not for £105 million... the yanks are welcome to the over rated prima donna...
  15. ideally i·de·al·ly –adverb 1. in accordance with an ideal; perfectly. 2. in theory or principle. 3. in idea, thought, or imagination.
  16. so did a lot of villa fans.. plenty of them on here i remember...
  17. forgot to mention that boa morte is almost 30.... swp is a decent player, but small, weak and inconsistant... but at 10 million, thats a lot of money for someone small, weak and inconsistant... iv said it before, and il say it again, i would rather we had milner back, than sign swp for 10 million...
  18. I'd have to say SWP and Boa Morte would, yes. boa morte, the inconsistant speed merchant who doesnt really do a lot other than run fast a lot, occasionally score the odd goal, work hard, and thats about it? dont we have gabby, who is younger, with a lot more potential, who can already do that? and swp would offer us speed.... definately wouldnt offer us strength or height, and tbh, im sure we could find another winger who is quick but flatters to deceieve more often than not in recent times, a lot cheaper than 10 million... just because we have some money now, doesnt mean that we should allow other clubs to rape us financially... me personally, i would rather we kept what we had, rather than waste 3 million on the likes of that goomba looking freak marlon harewood... especially when you consider he has a similar goalscoring record this term to the innefectual baros....
  19. fantastic fun.... just took me an hour to read half the thread but it was well worth it.... best bit was the link to some spurtzzzzzzzzz site where their plants had made a pathetic attempt to have some fun, but no one really took the bait... then their little "selective quote" jokes were ridiculed by their own fans as they admitted their lot actually believed rubbish such as this.... as for the rumours, tbh, as managers of clubs that really dont matter in the grand scheme of things have been out in media force today stating that "players arent for sale", pretty much indicates that january is always going to be difficult to get in the required "quality"... all well and good moaning that the shammers 'might' sign boa morte and swp, or fulham 'might' sign a couple of yanks, but at the end of the day, while they may be short term solutions to some of our issues, would those players really improve us long term to match our board and managers long term ambitions?!?
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