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Everything posted by Loxstock92

  1. Same. I’d rather he stay in Germany then go to any other prem club.
  2. If you were a betting man, where do you think he will end up?
  3. I used to like poker... not so much now.
  4. That is a very good point. We’re we already at our limit? Then again isn’t josh king Norwegian and classes as overseas?
  5. Could look at it that way, if they were coming from EFL I.e King could wait a bit longer
  6. Isn’t the deadline Monday? Or am I missing something?
  7. Interesting that klaassen is playing, not going to Ajax then?
  8. Will be interesting to see where he ends up. I’m think he’ll still be in Germany somewhere, reckon Bayern.
  9. I wish I could share your optimism. Even I’ve had to come to terms with it. It’ll get easier
  10. I’ve noticed Percy hasn’t got the scoop on much this year apart from Watkins iirc. I know he’s the most reliable from what people have regarding Villa transfers. If it helps on our side on the negotiation front then I’m all for it. It would be interesting to know how much, if at all, what’s said in the media influences negotiations.
  11. Not supervised given the amount of abuse I’ve seen in last 24 hours. That’s the thing with social media, it de-sensitises commenters to how the subject (in this case Lansbury and El ghazi) to how they feel when seeing this.
  12. If only. I think he just tried to get attention, this is him saving face. Honestly.
  13. Yep. He’s also said that we turned to Barkley last minute
  14. So would you if you put a pineapple up the wrong end!
  15. Here’s hoping it’s positive for us, you’ve kept me glued to this forum for weeks before I joined last week
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