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Everything posted by Jbvilla909

  1. Mcginn chose us over them when we were in the Championship
  2. Silly season is really getting going now
  3. Test them, like, hey Celtic, how long does it take to drive from Glasgow to Birmingham? if you get it right we get him for £30m, if you get it wrong, we get him for £20m..
  4. That's a fair shout and with the window not slamming shut until October 5th they have more time I guess. Yes it would be good to get one or two in early, but, not mnay team shave done any/much business yet Still in a strange time we need to remember, this isn't a normal transfer window or upcoming season
  5. Has to be real, he has Itk in his twitter handle
  6. Nothings happening until we hit page 602
  7. We've gone from preparing to bid, to poised to make a bid...
  8. Skysperts is about as reliable as Skysports
  9. When the balls goes to Hause, it's like an alien object has landed at his feet. We need quality cover for Mings as I doubt he'll go the whole season injury free
  10. All I can picture is all the teams set up with booths like universities pitching them which class to take, players walking from booth to booth getting given goody bags at each one..
  11. He so doesn't know how to use capital letters if you look at his bio, probably a teenager
  12. Happy signing Wednesday or another 100 pages...
  13. Who cares what the plastics think...
  14. Be gutted if he goes but sooner or later it was gonna happen.... Maybe this is where the Weston Mckennie fits in
  15. Willian was in the verge of signing for spurs for Chelski came in last min.... Not sure Can't remember a Villa one
  16. I thought he was leaving this summer, scoring the goal that kept us in the league was an almost perfect way to sign off. Then I remembered, our owners, mega rich, looking to build a successful team,pricing him out... So, if he does go, it will be for big money, not the £40m pre contract that a fellow fan had told he has already signed with United when we were travelling down to the cup final
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