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Everything posted by est1874

  1. At least Elmo is still employed by the club, if we get really stuck.
  2. I guess it's just another unavoidable freak injury then! Nothing to see here.
  3. Copy that message to your clipboard, you're going to need it a lot.
  4. Neither is a casual conversation with a Leeds fan!
  5. Honestly folks. I'd rather share a flat with a Bluenose than spend 5 minutes with a Leeds United supporter. There's no worse crowd at Prem or Championship level, that includes Milwall. What a bunch of insufferable clearings in the woods.
  6. If only that were the ugliest thing about us.
  7. They are probably not watching nearly as much of this tripe as we do.
  8. Gerrard on the touchline resembles Tactics Tim more and more with every game.
  9. Leeds fans are a disgrace, all the time every time. Never met one I could stand.
  10. Buendia's just a much better player for me. I do get the pace argument, but that is literally all Bailey offers. His footwork is atrocious and he gives the ball away a disgraceful amount. I just don't really rate him if I'm honest. So, Leon Bailey blinder incoming
  11. Still no Buendia. Jesus Christ.
  12. I see Emi's agent has been busy. Links to Atletico and Manure in the last 48 hours alone. Am sure the rest of Europe will follow over the coming months.
  13. My ex-roommate and very close friend is a physio for one of the URC rugby teams, i.e. one of the biggest rugby union franchises in the world. He is an expert in knee injuries and we routinely talk about how they come about in football because ligament damage is generally ubiquitous in rugby whereas it's a sporadic injury in football owing to the different levels of physicality etc. One of his major bugbears is conditioning, he says professional footballers are over-conditioned compared to a lot of other team sport athletes, particularly in preseason, and this is why so many season-long injuries occur earlier rather than later in seasons. So that's where I'm getting my fixation on our strength & conditioning coaches from, it's not just idle speculation, but even if it were, doesn't take a genius to think we should take a look at our regimen and make sure it's fit for purpose.
  14. If you had a club nutritionist and players were out of shape, s/he would be called into question and probably lose their job. Likewise if you have players with no history of major issues elsewhere breaking themselves after a few games of football with us, then yeah, I'd say someone should be asked a few questions at the very least. If you don't think so, I don't think you know much about the work that goes on behind the scenes re: modern sports science and medicine.
  15. Falling awkwardly from a simple innocuous aerial challenge and ending up with a season-ending injury is absolutely something for the S&C coaches to look at, particularly when it's one of a number of serious injuries emerging for innocuous circumstances. In isolation you'd say it was bad luck, but you still analyse it, and when you consider how big Diego is, his muscle mass, his lack of similar injuries in the past - an injury incurred that way is ALL about conditioning. Not to mention, as Zatman said, our physios then came on and stretched his leg out, making a bad situation worse Backroom staff needs looked at, badly.
  16. Neither of them were injured in a tackle. So, errrmmm...
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