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Everything posted by Follyfoot

  1. Yes surrounded by walls and they pour oil over anyone from Oxford who tries to climb them. Thank you for putting university in but it is what I meant as you know
  2. I would never express your inability to understand something based on my own perceived beliefs
  3. It is within the walls of Cambridge
  4. Why was he stripped his fellowship then, Being in the wrong dorm at 3 am with a bottle of champagne and a cigar with his reputation
  5. Cambridge University @Cambridge_Uni · 24 Jun The University defends the right of its academics to express their own lawful opinions which others might find controversial Was this the case with Noah Carl?
  6. But not at Cambridge University, eh it is their decision and and right to support the comments by Dr Gopal but do not proclaim yourself up as the Bastian of free speech and then deny it to somebody you had invited to speak at the University because they don’t like what he says.
  7. How onearth has it gone wildly off topic. Dr Gopal made some extremely controversial that could be deemed racial comments, But nobody had commented on before me on this thread and was supported in her right to free speech regardless of controversial content by Cambridge University who in the past have not given that freedom speech to other academics. I would say that is bang on the topic of the thread, Peterson being the example nothing more
  8. Due to complaints from the student union regarding his comments which as far as I’m aware is FreeSpeech?
  9. I agree, however Cambridge University champions itself as the Bastian of free speech, I provided an example of where they have been, not thus suggesting political bias With regard to Dr Gopal
  10. Which part of right to free speech that others might find controversial do you not get?
  11. Ice cold 660ml bottles of Estrella with Jim Beam Kentucky sour mash chasers
  12. Jordan Peterson‘s invitation to lecture that was rescinded by Cambridge University a Couple of years ago because of some comments he made regarding gender The psychologist accused Cambridge of being "unprofessional" after he found out he was being stripped of his fellowship as a result of complaints from the student union. Peterson, a psychology professor at the University of Toronto who has been widely deemed as a life guru, made headlines with his YouTube videos a few years ago after criticising Canadian legislation stipulating the use of gender-neutral pronouns in relation to people who do not strictly identify with binary categories like men or women. He argued at the time that such legislation infringed upon his personal right to free speech. Many have knocked Peterson's conservative position, as the professor has argued for enforced monogamy, the view that men are victims of gender discrimination, etc.
  13. To avoid confusion, the same support of free speech given by the University in support of Dr Gopal has not been consistent in the past whilst dealing with other 'academics' who have made comments 'which others might find controversial' suggesting a potential political bias
  14. They are all cast brilliantly, I love Colin Robinson as we all are, or know someone like him. The episode with Evy is my favourite
  15. Interesting reading the comments regarding Dr Gopal Regarding White lives don’t matter and abolish whiteness in the last couple of days. Rather than debating what context it was meant, I’m interested in Cambridge’s university stance that she has freedom of speech regardless of how controversial the subject matter is. I agree with their stance but it has to go both spectrums to be valid does it not.
  16. Slowly coming to the end of Vikings, episode seven series 6, three more today. Really do not know what I will do when it’s all over. Brilliant series
  17. Blackmore is pushing it a bit with younger people I would think
  18. Princess Diana, Debbie Harry, Pamela Anderson, Liv Tyler, David Duke. Carl Lewis
  19. Again could not tell you who did it, it’s not like it’s not unusual by Tom Jones but still a very famous song
  20. Got my tin hat out, but I thought we were quite superb at times tonight
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