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Everything posted by Aston_Villan4

  1. Heck no. This is wildly entertaining. I hope he drops a rick roll at 12:01.
  2. Can't be him leaving since good ole Brad Jones winked at someone asking if it were good news for Villa.
  3. Whether it's actual news or him embarrassing himself, I'm not going to lie, I'm excited to see how this one plays out lol.
  4. Not the big news btw. I thought he was already contracted he through next season?
  5. I have no idea what it could be. Maybe he's opening a fish and chip shop next to Villa Park.
  6. Well, if I'm reading his twitter feed right then he's already commented on Douglas staying. No idea who he's referring to but he mentions some news regarding Marvelous and Grealish at some point in his feed,
  7. OOOHhhhh this whole time I've tried using the "embed tweet" link. Thank you for the help!
  8. Who is this guy? And how do y’all post tweets like this? I post the link but it never re-formats it.
  9. He must be cooking up a fishtit sandwich.
  10. Someone out of left field like Jean-Pierre Nsame.
  11. Here’s from July: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.transfermarkt.com/bremen-turn-down-leipzig-offer-for-rashica-was-also-linked-to-premier-league-clubs/amp/news/365284
  12. So... is this transfer dead in the water?
  13. A pal of Grealishs. Believe he was there for Grealishs infamous night out.
  14. Bit old, from January but here’s one off google images.
  15. Rashica for less than £25 million?
  16. His instagram is 99% himself. Only teammate photos I saw were a birthday post and congratulating Samatta after he played his first game for Villa.
  17. Very much tic. Especially with him ending the tweet with “trust me.”
  18. https://mobile.twitter.com/gypsybunn/status/1293227791153074177 I trust this guy...
  19. Nah, people just don’t rate him to be our main striker that would lead us to mid table next season.
  20. Ha! My guess is 15 for Watkins and 35 for Benrahama.
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