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Everything posted by AVFCLaura

  1. "It's not that bad, I mean, it's not like we're brothers or anything" - Made me lol.
  2. But is Royal Mail not something that worries you all at this time of year? I missed 2 packages this month and on the first 4 occasions to the sorting offices I bailed due to massive queues and screaming customers. On my final successful visit there were people going crazy because they had left 72 hours before coming to the sorting office as requested on the card and the parcels were nowhere to be found. I HAD to go to the sorting office because Royal Mail have had so many website problems recently due to the strain that I couldn't re-arrange delivery online. I also had a 'fee2pay' note this morning that a parcel did not have sufficient postage by 22p, so 1 pound 22p to pay. Can't do it online as the bloody website keeps failing. If I order anything online at anytime in December, I will gladly pay extra for a courier as I do not want Royal Mail handling any of my packages at this time of year. Nightmare.
  3. Happy Birthday you two! And Shillzz's mum.
  4. Had to google Citalopram and the first thing it said was: Citalopram has been found to greatly reduce the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy and premature ejaculation. Mmm hmm.... Anyway, I'd always recommend alternative therapies first before trying prescription medication fella. Much better to get to the root of the problem rather than trying to mask it. Prevention is better than cure, etc etc. To be fair Laura, what if premature ejaculation was the root of his problem? Then I believe he has the right tablets.
  5. Had to google Citalopram and the first thing it said was: Citalopram has been found to greatly reduce the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy and premature ejaculation. Mmm hmm.... Anyway, I'd always recommend alternative therapies first before trying prescription medication fella. Much better to get to the root of the problem rather than trying to mask it. Prevention is better than cure, etc etc.
  6. I've just had my final redundancy meeting, I am officially unemployed after tomorrow and as a result of which I have just eaten a whole pack of Fizzy Strawberry Laces
  7. I agree with the boys, I've PM'd you. Just know that there are always people here you can talk to. I'm glad you've taken the courage to post how you are feeling because you'll always get support here mate and I guarantee you a lot of people on here have been through similar and can help.
  8. :nod: And her using it on you = awesome. Right. So Stevo was confused too then? I get you now Laura. No, he got it. I was also just adding that it is good for both parties as part of foreplay. Ok? lol. Make me spell it out why don't you.
  9. :nod: And her using it on you = awesome.
  10. oooh the older lady! Off Topic slightly, if you think that it is specifically for older ladies - you are missing out my friend. Do tell.... :winkold: Don't worry I am well versed by my current ladyfriend If you have never had anyone try it with you (with no gay connotations) - then you really must.
  11. oooh the older lady! Off Topic slightly, if you think that it is specifically for older ladies - you are missing out my friend.
  12. This thread is sick. And I feel guilty for laughing...
  13. Lowest form of wit, etc, etc.
  14. Mary Portas has issued a Cameron-commissioned report with regards to the decline of the British High Street and what to do about it. It has been reported that more than 50% of spending has now moved away from the High Street. In her report, Mary Portas makes recommendations to boost the High Street such as: Deregulation of high street traders. More free controlled parking. Annual national market days. As one in seven High Street shops are now empty, this is clearly a big issue. So what about you guys? Do you like shopping on the High Street? Or has the Internet provided a better, more convenient platform for shopping? Do you feel that you lose that personal touch when shopping online, or are you happy to forgo that to avoid the queues on the High Street? Do you know someone who runs an independent shop who has suffered or is suffering the decline of the High Street? Quotes credit from The Guardian
  15. I read this thread and I go to quote one to say 'That is so vile!' and it gets worse. Haha. I couldn't pick one out to quote, all shocking. lol.
  16. finally she tells of her own walk of shame experience :shock:
  17. OK. Lets look up the definition of the word documentary... Noun. A movie or a television or radio program that provides a factual record or report. Which it absolutely did. As long as, I assume, the fake pictures were an accurate representation of what actually happens, and would have resembled the real pictures if they were able to shoot them. I agree that they should have just been up front about it. But I still think it's a massive non-story. And that's not ridiculing the point being made, just because I don't agree. I think that's a fair point regarding the documentary definition. It's just about something being sold as one thing, when it is another. If you agree that they should have been up front about it, then you agree with my original point. It comes purely down to informing the viewer. The facade was blatant. And I can't see why anyone would disagree with an objection to it. I have said how much I enjoy the show otherwise. This 'non-story' has generated a 3 page thread on a forum which is dead on it's arse during the day, so I happily invite other people to post 'non-stories' and get this forum moving a little. 8)
  18. I'll be honest, this is not how I thought this thread would end up. And then, immediately ashamed that I did not see it coming...
  19. OK. Lets look up the definition of the word documentary... Noun. A movie or a television or radio program that provides a factual record or report. And I at least expect to be informed when something is staged. The general attitude here is "Oh...stop being such a spoil sport!" Which doesn't refute the point I'm making. It just deflects it. I've made it clear that I love the show. I just like to know if what I am watching is a documentary or not, which by the very definition; it is not. All arguments of supposedly relevant examples are not at all comparable, just attempting to ridicule the point being made. Which doesn't make anyone but the poster look silly, IMO.
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