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Everything posted by CarryOnVilla

  1. Phewww, if that was the way round we’d be screaming for a pen
  2. It feels a smidge embarrassing that Ashley young had been one of our better players this season. the man is 12342233 years old.
  3. He’s on the bench because I left Ivan Toney on the bench in my fantasy team. Leon sitting this game out for me to collect the points
  4. The Brighton manager looks like my taxi driver when I run off with out paying
  5. I’m not too bothered of the result from this game, as long as we play well. then again winning this trophy is our best chance to get European football. anyways, no1 task, just play well
  6. Rotated a little clockwise. To make it visually look central.
  7. 100% agree with MOMS… we didn’t have any great options. The two we had, were so creatively stale. Some of the fan made concepts were bold and daring and pulled it off, with hundreds of retweets this one being the best of the bunch
  8. An Aygyle friend of mine is convinced that Villa are scouting/monitoring their Goalkeeper. he’s also convinced he’s going to be a Prem level keeper. Any rumours to back up this interest?
  9. Is Unai married? asking for a friend
  10. Mings collecting “world class” strikers in his pocket
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