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Everything posted by Pinebro

  1. Pinebro

    Unai Emery

    Have no idea how he managed to get through that. He has some serious voodoo spell in Europe
  2. Pinebro

    Unai Emery

    Depends what they can offer him. History suggests Emery is not a one club man. Emery would fix United but it would take a lot of money. Obviously I am desperate for him to stay but there is no question Man Utd will always have great pulling power.
  3. Unai Emery to carry England's ship in Europe. Reckon West Ham and Liverpool will be out today.
  4. All we have o do is not losing and we're through
  5. Of course but consecutive top 4 finishes has proven to be extremely difficult for non established top 4 clubs. Newcastle and Leicester being he most recent of examples.
  6. I agree. One season in CL won't do anything. Sustained success is what you have to do.
  7. I do think Spurs will come up with a surprise result. They are an unpredictable team.
  8. Atletico losing on purpose to prevent Aston Villa to quality for Champions League
  9. Imagine if we secured fourth and reached the conference League final. With the conference final being a deciding factor whether 5th gave cl football. Id hate to be Spurs
  10. He is a 100 million player by the looks of it
  11. Pinebro

    Unai Emery

    I still cant believe he is our manager
  12. Tottenham are just so unpredictable though. But 3 more wins for us should be enough
  13. Boro fans feel robbed https://www.oneboro.co.uk/forum/topic/3804-non-boro-football/page/2303/#comments
  14. Mings like performance that Immense
  15. One of those players who have always passed on my eye test and I will always show patience to those players. People went on about how many chances he missed but I always saw it as a positive. Getting into scoring position is the hard part and an attribute. Putting them away is the easy part, that will come with some confidence and good coaching.
  16. Was a difficult game for him. He will be much improved next season I'm sure
  17. Premier League ain't touching any of the Sky 6 clubs. They are untouchable Just shows how corrupt the league is. Should all have been severely point deducted for the Super League betrayal alone
  18. And had it not been for our little blip. And don't forget we should have had 6 points frorm man utd we'd be challenging for the title
  19. Pinebro

    Unai Emery

    How well he manages the squad is just night and day different from how we capitulated under MON He's just world class
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