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Everything posted by holteend1982

  1. Beautiful goal. Fantastic header from ollie. Game over now.
  2. Think it's a good signing and fact it's not mandatory purchase makes it an even better deal. Has to prove himself
  3. Don't think we could have imagined a worse start to the season than this tbh.
  4. You can't miss that cash ffs. Absolute stinker he has had today
  5. Already so much inconsistency on what's a foul and what isnt.
  6. Diaby looks miles ahead of anyone of our attacking players currently
  7. Gordon kicked the ball away earlier, no yellow. **** jokers these refs are
  8. Cost us about 15 million aswell which is mental as I'd say they're probably all 40 mill+ players
  9. I'm more than happy with Brighton winning today, Brighton play mid week against city as well, turn up against us well and truly on the beach after a tough month.
  10. "the ref hasn't done Liverpool any favours today" and why should he ffs
  11. I assume this commentator is sat in his full Liverpool kit
  12. I am sick to death of commentators who are completely **** clueless about the game.
  13. That's never a red, he hasn't gone through with any force
  14. Any foul that stops a transition like that should be a yellow
  15. That's an awful penalty, what an opportunity wasted. He's absolutely bottled it.
  16. First start in how long? Give him a chance to settle in, we know he's a good player.
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