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Everything posted by Tom13

  1. Yeah. I winced when he flew in for that tbh! Made it though.
  2. 'Not liked' makes it sound as if it's personal or something, it's really not.
  3. As obsessive as you continuously quoting me.
  4. He's also way above that level (Turkish league) so was probably unbelievable over there.
  5. Bloody hell mate it's not hate. It's just opinions. Let's see if he improves on his 2 in 13 before getting too carried away.
  6. Yeah he was fired up today. Good to see.
  7. Very good player, very easy to watch. Decision making at times needs some work.
  8. Top class player puts in top class performance. Laughable that some (any!) were saying we should get rid.
  9. Well he knew I had Diaby in my FPL so had his first shot blocked, before scoring at the second attempt, ensuring I didn't get the assist. Bloody Ollie
  10. Tom13

    Ezri Konsa

    Absolute quality today. Pau as well.
  11. That's what winds me up about Ollie. Wtf was that pass in the middle of three players? Just too casual.
  12. Ollie missed the first one on purpose to get back at me for all my criticism and cost me the assist.
  13. Did the commentator just say Sterling busting a nut in the centre?
  14. Well done Ollie, but trust him to have his first shot blocked and cost me the Diaby assist on FPL
  15. Tom13

    Matty Cash

    I am sorry, and he's obviously a much, much better option than Chambers, but he is so one-dimensional going forward it's ridiculous. Goes to take the defender on, never actually does anymore, cuts back and lays it off every time.
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