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Everything posted by MachoFantastico

  1. That Boly red is shocking. I'm sorry but the officiating NEEDS investigating at this point. The fact that refs can make such decisions without facing any consequences is infuriating.
  2. You look at that United team and there's a bunch that simply aren't good enough. Fernandes, Antony, Evans, Rasmus, etc.
  3. One of the worst first halves of football I've seen in quite some time. Abysmal from both teams. Man Utd doesn't look like they have any tactical shape or strategy and West Ham has shown nothing either.
  4. This West Ham/Manchester United game is absolute crap so far.
  5. The ref was an utter disgrace. I think this season, we've seen some of the worst officiating ever and the referees aren't up to the task. That said, we were crap and if you can't beat a Championship side like Sheffield United at home you've got no chance of top four. Genuinely worried about the Manchester game now. What an infuriating game.
  6. Sheffield United are a typical Championship side. It's where they belong and where they should stay.
  7. Will be happy to see Sheffield United relegated, dirty side.
  8. When you can't even beat the worst teams in the division, you've got no chance. Laughing stock tonight.
  9. Utter s**t. We'll be lucky to get top six let alone top four. We've been awful and Manchester United are going to destroy us.
  10. This isn't even Sheffield's best side, they are focused on the Luton game. Just goes to show how crap we've been. Utter awfulness.
  11. Think we'll be lucky to get a draw here, looking awful now. Really poor performance.
  12. We've got no chance against officiating like this. It's an absolute joke and an utter disgrace.
  13. I'm gobsmacked, how is that NOT handball? Absolute joke this whole game is.
  14. Looking at it again, it's absolute BS. Wasn't even the same segment of play, United lost possession and that had nothing to do with the foul on the keeper. It's a joke at this point.
  15. Absolute disgrace that, wasn't even in the same section of the play. This idiotic ref is doing everything he can to help United here.
  16. This is exactly how I suspected this game would go. Sheffield would park the bus, we'd fail to break them down and it ends 0-0. Simply not good enough. Got NO chance of being top four if you can't break down teams like Sheffield United.
  17. Weirdly, I'm almost more nervous about us playing the likes of Sheffield United than I am when we play Arsenal, Liverpool or City. I feel like you never know what type of Villa performance you are gonna get.
  18. It's shocking how bad they've looked. It wasn't that long ago that I loved watching Ajax play.
  19. This revamp will be dead on arrival. I highly doubt any English clubs will take the risk, they've got so much more to lose than the likes of Real Madrid and Barcelona, plus given the way German clubs are run, I don't see them joining. The same could be said for French clubs. Which at that point makes the whole idea of the Super League laughable. The Premier League is the Super League, you only have to look at the finances. I understand why the likes of Barcelona are desperate to make the Super League happen because financially they still aren't in great shape.
  20. Under Eustice, they genuinely looked well-organised and dangerous on the attack, under Rooney they look like headless chickens. Really poor.
  21. What the hell was the keeper doing? I love the celebration, can't lie.
  22. It's the type of officiating where I'd question his motivation. Maybe Oliver put a cheeky tenner on Dalot getting sent off.
  23. Absolutely an awful game, but a good result for us. Decent result for United though.
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