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Everything posted by Kiwivillan

  1. Honestly I think the team has the wherewithal to stay up. I still think we'll be comfortable with games to spare. People are worried about worst case scenario with injuries and under financial constraint you just can't throw money at what if situations
  2. We can lament about having no money to spend but Rodgers basically came out the other day and said Leicester in the same position
  3. People keep assuming that without anything to back it up. Not saying it's wrong but only evidence we have is Grealish doubled his 20k wage when signed 5 year deal in 2018. I expect he'll get offered an improved deal at some stage
  4. At least Jimmy McCann got the scoop on Bowen
  5. 28 vs 23. Forest won't sell. Would kill chances of Top 6 wouldn't sit well with fans. Bruce should've gone for him instead of bloody Lansbury
  6. 100% agree but footballers don't always choose the biggest offer. Smart ones think beyond that. I think we're ideal club for him
  7. I think we are too constrained by FFP based on deals so far and not bidding for Bowen which covers 2 positions we need strengthening. It is what it is. I think we have a solid team as long as we are lucky on the injury front
  8. Ok I have him back but only if they provide subtitles for his AVFC TV promos
  9. What is wrong with Bowen and his agent? West Ham are a basket case. I really think they're big chance to go down
  10. I don't think that's unrealistic but don't think he's much good but people want a warm body that's a striker
  11. I'm actually borderline depressed about Bowen to Wet Spam. I **** hate that cockney club with their porn owners
  12. We're not a retirement home and god damn it I loved him
  13. This is still the running joke right? Not serious?
  14. Just powered my phone after beers. Really wanted Bowen. Feel sick. Must've been the alleged 60k they offered. Thought they going down. Hope they do
  15. Feel the same. I should've written something more considerate like this earlier
  16. Had a look at his accurate long and short balls. 38% same as Mings for accurate long. People complain about his short passes and it's bad. He has highest accurate short pass in the team per game (33.5 vs Mings 31.7) but also the highest inaccurate short pass per game (7.8 vs Mings 3.3) Is he too old to improve that? I don't think so. My short passing has massively improved playing 5 a side every week last 5 years. Get him playing 5 a side
  17. Yeah it's not Pokemon. We need to evolve the players we already have
  18. Yeah kick it out allows defensive reset
  19. I said nearly a week ago if we only signed 1 more player I hoped it was Bowen
  20. The first 2 posts I read this morning from a usual suspect shitting on Smith and the board set my mood for the day on here
  21. 1 goal 3 assists this season. Nothing in last 11 games. Bound to bounce back against us now I've brought this up
  22. Is it ok if I didn't think he was as great as some people make out before the injuries? Is that allowed? Personally it does my head in how people shit on some current players for the wrong reasons and get all misty eyed about players that haven't kicked a ball in ages then are outraged if anyone says anything negative about them
  23. Tuanzebe has 2 and half years left on his contract plus 1 year add on option. Vida links appear absolute Twitter bollocks. Rondon? Good grief no
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